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  • Posted by freedomforall 5 years, 3 months ago
    No one "runs" the Gulch, but it is monitored to assure that posters abide by the terms of service. IIRC, the Gulch website ( was created by the producers of the Atlas Shrugged movie trilogy.
    Read more here:
    Those pages tell you what the "owners" of the site had in mind when they created the site. However, the people who post make it what it is and there are widely varying opinions from the individuals who post in the Gulch.
    As for the active members political views, you should read the postings made by individuals and if you have specific questions, ask the individuals to respond.
    You have to decide for yourself.
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  • Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago
    I think the answer is Kelley favored. See

    Kelley himself writes: "Since April, 2010, when our trustee John Aglialoro undertook his last-minute independent production of the film, we have been working with John and his team to support their efforts. We believe that the success of the film is a huge opportunity to spread our ideas—and to gain more visibility for all our work."

    and Kelley writes: "For the past ten years, I have been John’s consultant on all his initiatives to get the film produced, first with Turner Network Television, then with Lionsgate Studios. My role was to advise on whether the scripts were true to the philosophical themes, plot, and characters of the novel; I read and wrote detailed comments on at least six different scripts, all of which had major defects. In this case, thanks to John’s involvement, the script nicely captured the central story in Part I of the novel, and the themes came through loud and clear."
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  • Posted by Lucky 5 years, 3 months ago
    This question does not fit with the statement in an earlier post:
    . this place is mostly politics discussion. I'm a philosopher and wish there were better forums for Objectivist philosophy.
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    • Posted by mminnick 5 years, 3 months ago
      Several years aga I tried to get a discussion subgroup gong to discuss the details of the Objectivist philosophy. It worked well for a few sessions but soon almost everybody stopped contributing/attending. Don't know if it was my approach or lack of interest. Back then I had a different world view and perhaps didn't do a good jod of moderating the discussions and posts. Perhaps I'll try again soon.
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  • Posted by 5 years, 3 months ago
    I was also going to ask if the owners/admins favor Republicans or Democrats and their stance on Trump, but I ran out of space. Also, separately from the owners, I have the same questions about what the active members are like.
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