WATCH: Draw My Life Videos, Nathaniel Branden Lectures, and Much More!

Posted by GaltsGulch 5 years, 7 months ago to Video
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300 channels and nothing to watch? We hear ya!

Have you checked out The Atlas Society website? Okay, they don't have a cable or satellite channel (yet!), but they do have a pretty exciting entertainment lineup... oh, and it's all free.

The Atlas Society series and webinars include the:

- Anthem: The Graphic Novel video series
- Draw My Life video series
- Socialism: Impractical & Immoral webinar
- Truth & Toleration webinar series
- Pocket Guide to Objectivism
- Nathaniel Branden lectures


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Note: The Nathaniel Branden lectures can be found here:

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  • Posted by Ragnars_Crew 5 years, 7 months ago
    Definitely look into creating an "Atlas Society" app/channel for Roku/FireTV/Apple TV. So many people, including myself, have cut the cable cord and have gone with streaming TV.
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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 7 months ago
    Thanks for posting, I've paid too little attention to the resources being developed by the Atlas Society.
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  • Posted by Solver 5 years, 7 months ago
    It’s good to see people searching for truth using rational analysis and empirical evidence instead of Cultural Marxist narratives and identity politics.
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