"One cannot force men -- or nations -- to live as human beings if they prefer to be swine in a collectivist pig pen." - Ayn Rand

Posted by GaltsGulch 5 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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"One cannot force men -- or nations -- to live as human beings if they prefer to be swine in a collectivist pig pen." - Ayn Rand

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  • Posted by mshupe 5 years, 9 months ago
    I frequently dive into the Facebook pigpen when someone posts something provocative and loaded with false premises. Of course it doesn't do much good, except maybe there are bystanders on the thread that realize their friends are victims of the propaganda George Orwell predicted in 1936.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 5 years, 9 months ago
    Yes, it is a question we all must answer at some point in life: To Be or Not to Be.
    But what it usually comes down to, how does a decision not to be, especially collectively, effect their neighbors and the rest of the world...if they can't contain their preferred perversions then we have to do something about that.

    Also...a new take on an old adage: You can give one knowledge, but you can't make them think.
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