Non-categorized event in China on May 24 2018 03:19 PM (UTC).

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 6 years ago to Ask the Gulch
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Years ago, I vaguely remember reading an article about targeted sonic disruptions.

Could this be that?...I would suspect the UN's connections to those that do not want to see cooperation between countries...especially cooperation's promoted by the US.

Last year, US and Canadian diplomats in Cuba were hit by a strange sickness and many suspected a malevolent sonic weapon attack. Now, it appears to be happening again. Only this time, it's in China. US officials released a statement on Wednesday warning federal employees based in China to beware of any unusual sounds. This follows an incident involving one American diplomat working at the US consulate in Guangzhou, who was diagnosed with a mild traumatic brain injury after experiencing "subtle and vague, but abnormal, sensations of sound and pressure". The origin of the illness remains a mystery but the US embassy in China is advising employees to take precautions and consult a medical professional if symptoms or medical problems develop during a trip to China. And if any atypical noises or sensations are detected, they ask citizens to remove themselves from the source immediately. "While in China, if you experience any unusual acute auditory or sensory phenomena accompanied by unusual sounds or piercing noises, do not attempt to locate their source. Instead, move to a location where the sounds are not present," the statement advised. A ffairs between China and the US are a little rocky at the moment, with tensions over North Korea and concerns that a trade war could erupt if negotiations over US exports don't go to plan. But Beijing has assured the US that it is currently investigating the situation "in a very responsible manner" and has not "found that any organization or individual has carried out such a sonic influence." During a Washington press conference with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told journalists that "China will, in accordance with the law, protect all the lawful rights and interests of foreigners in China, especially those of diplomats." He added that they hope the incident won't be "magnified, complicated, or even politicized." Unsurprisingly, the case has drawn parallels to the episode in Cuba last summer that affected at least 21 US diplomats in Havana. (Since then, there have been reports of similar "attacks" on tourists.) Those involved reported hearing unusual noises before falling ill with headaches, insomnia, and memory issues and developing mild traumatic brain injuries - for no apparent reason. Investigations to determine the cause of this mystery sickness are still ongoing, though the sonic weapon theory - however exciting - appears unlikely. One possible explanation could be mass hysteria. As for the incident in China, only one employee has been affected so far. "We do not currently know what caused the reported symptoms and we are not aware of any similar situations in China, either inside or outside of the diplomatic community," the US Embassy has said.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years ago
    What's the frequency Kenneth?
    Disrupting the brains normal vibration is a dangerous event. When a head trauma causes conclusions researchers found that injury is more likely to occur when separate parts of the brain vibrate at different frequencies.
    To weaponized sound has been considered for a long time.

    Dan Rather's weird story.
    "Kenneth, what is the frequency?" On October 4, 1986, while walking along Park Avenue to his apartment in Manhattan, Rather was attacked and punched from behind by a man who demanded to know "Kenneth, what is the frequency?" while a second assailant chased and beat him.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      Interesting story.
      I tried to find out but I truly think that they don't know for sure...seems they are in denial.

      If we are to believe the stories of the CIA and their experiments with destructive frequencies then the one they chose was 100 hz...which has never been labeled as a healing frequency and probably not a neutral one either.
      In my work with sound and car stereos, I always attenuated 100hz. It just muddled up the music...that's where the boominess comes from.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 6 years ago
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        • Posted by $ 6 years ago
          We might answer these days by saying: "440!'s the devils work"...with all the boomiess of 100 and scratchiness of 1000; That too is to be attenuated.

          PS. here is the global watch weekly (revived) link. The tribe of dan is an interesting one, (not you Dan)...mentions all the players we've identified thus far and all this goes right back to the Old Testament. It's History, not religion.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
            Me dino's imagination is conjuring up ET. Ancient Aliens on the History Channel contends that the human species has been experimented with before.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years ago
              From the fallen idiots and their nephilim offspring to the CIA and coming to a generation near you...TRANSHUMNISM!!!

              The first set of experiments were enough for me. I thank my lucky stars I have not the body of a horse.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
                The grey aliens are said to have hybrid human offspring.
                Anyhoo, me dino glad me no have no body of a horse. I couldn't use this keyboard for one thing,
                As for threats that come from the sky, me dino suddenly recalls a childhood poem heard during the late 50s within the southeast corner of Alabama.
                So me not know how far it ever spread.
                It goes like this, Harrumph!
                Birdie, birdie in the sky~
                Why'd you do dat in my eye?
                Me no cuss.
                Me no cry.
                Me just glad that cow don't fly.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years ago
                  Guess the Nephilim never got around to messin around with cows...

                  PS, glad to hear you will missing alberto but Florida will get hit hard now...good thing it's only a Tropical storm...expecting many more sink holes, though.
                  Minor remnants to pass by me by Friday...nothing to write home about.
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
                    My brother in Hoover (south side of Birmingham) went to secure property at Compass Lake, FL, between Dothan, AL, and Panama City, FL.
                    I'm among the 3 of 5 brothers who sold our inherited shares of the place.
                    Yay! I don't have to worry with it! Got some money too!
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                    • Posted by Dobrien 6 years ago
                      Just talked to Compass Lake in the Hills . Mom said they were waiting all day for the storm and it has just started. She said it was I nice gentle rain.
                      They are not nearly as prone to sink holes as the peninsula and she claims to have never seen a I am suspicious because I have a slight neigh and I love a good derby.
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                    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
                      Yes, having something outside your main living accommodations to worry about is a pain in the butt.
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                      • Posted by $ allosaur 6 years ago
                        When I was a teenager the place was great. Now if I go down there at all, it is for three or four days per summer.
                        My brother who lives a half an hour from me drives back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to keep the place up and it's 5 hours one way.. Well, maybe 4-and-a-half hours for him.
                        Guess I better mind my Ps and Qs. I told him about this board and what my moniker is about the time I paid a visit to Dobrien's parents.
                        He's the brother who gifted me with the AS DVDs.
                        I didn't even know who Ayn Rand was before I got the first one.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 6 years ago
    Really doesn't seem that difficult to monitor for. Just put in some mics.

    The symptoms seem plausible. When I was younger, I had extremely good hearing. I could hear the what was probably the ultrasonic cleaners in jewelry stores, and they bugged the hell out of me. I could tell it was sound, but it felt like pressure. It was unpleasant. I don't think I have noticed it in 10 years or so, a little like my wife...just kidding.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years ago
      Yea...I no longer hear the frequencies of my wife's voice anymore...can hear everything else though.
      Problem is that her voice and the warning beep of our ADT system is the same! Laughing
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