Welcome to the realities of Obamacare

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: General
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My nephew is married and has one child. He works for Midas and they just had a meeting today to discuss their health care plan. The current plan cost him $45.00 a week and included all 3 with eye and dental and a $2,500.00 deductible. The new plan will be $84.00 a week, does not have eye and dental and carries a $5,000.00 deductible. I guess someone finally read the Affordable Care Act and found out what was in it.

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  • 12
    Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 10 months ago
    'Free' health care is not free.
    That's what results when 535 lying power mongers vote in favor of a bill that has no rational basis. The decision included the assumption that a lying power monger who has had no management experience can re-design (successfully without negative side effects) two lines of business (health care and insurance) that have been developed over the course of centuries, affect millions of people and thousands of businesses, employ hundreds of thousands, and have capital value of trillions.

    The government of the United States consists of immoral confidence tricksters guilty of fraud, corruption, and treason.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
      "'Free' health care is not free. "
      That summarizes the whole thing.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
        Exactly Circuit. The bad thing is that it is hurting the people it promised to help. He is working hard and his wife wants to stay home cause child care is expensive but thanks to all the government "help" she has to get a part time job.
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        • Posted by Bobhummel 9 years, 10 months ago
          "It is hurting the people it promised to help"... that is why they must constantly change the subject of their "crisis d'jour". It makes it more difficult for the afflicted to take aim at a target that is constantly moving. ACA, comprehensive immigration reform, war on women, red line in Syria, not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS, Benghazi smenghazi - no there, there...just three dead American heroes, impeachment, global warming, carbon foot print, food police, political correctness, free education....
          Always remember, even though the target is moving, focus on the front sight and squeeze while tracking the moving target. Don't be distracted by the flash of a press briefing distraction on Friday afternoon about a pen and a phone, or the bang of a condemnation of intolerance by the UN of the radical state of Israel defending itself. Track the target. There is a reason all totalitarian governments always start their power grab by promising free government medical care in the name of humanity. When they control your access to the things that keep you alive, they control you.
          Front sight, front sight Front Sight
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
          "The bad thing is that it is hurting the people it promised to help."
          I agree in some cases.

          "He is working hard and his wife wants to stay home cause child care is expensive but thanks to all the government "help" she has to get a part time job."
          Wait, she has to get a job because an expense increased $156/ month? She could make that just economizing and fixing up stuff and selling it every now and then. Him doing a PT job or side projects would blow away $156/mo. I agree with the principle that PPACA set them back, but I can't stand the notion of someone changing her whole life plan over 156 bucks. I would say the same thing if she were moving from a job she hated to one she loved that paid $156/mo less. I think she should do whatever she loves, work hard at it, support him working hard, and almost like magic having a happy wife will cause his income to increase by way more than $156/mo over the next few years.
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          • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
            You forget the $5000 deductible. They are out that before insurance kicks in (except for things like office visits, typically). So they're out an additional $384/mo if you assume that they will end up paying the full deductible for the year in equal monthly installments.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
            Their deductible went up and they dropped their dental and eye care. Their costs just went up a lot more than 156 bucks. The problem is that Obama should have stayed out of it. The Feds have caused major pain for a lot of people.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
              "Their costs just went up a lot more than 156 bucks"
              If they hit the deductible, it's another $200 per month on top of that. Dental and vision coverage are usually gimmicky b/c it's more like prepayment than insuring against a peril. It's worth something, but sometimes you can get the same deal by shopping it instead of going within the DMO.

              I strongly believe people should take charge and get what they want. $356 should not stop you. Overcoming a setback gives you momentum. Allowing yourself to be a victim of someone else's decision destroys momentum.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
            Um I've never taken a dime from anyone and there have been times when 156.00 made a big difference. That's groceries, CG.
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            • Posted by gtebbe 9 years, 10 months ago
              Yep, that's groceries, LS. Want another horror story? We lost our insurance in 2013, found another, and will lose that one at the end of August, 2014. Why? Because we (my family and I) do not have the $600/mo premium, $6000 annual deductible. That comes to around $13,000/year. My first real job paid me that much, assistant manager at a fast food place.

              My wife's salary and my own do not clear $100,000 yet I think we keep getting thrown in to that "millionaires and billionaires" class.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
              It's also money my nephew earned. He is a hard worker. It shouldn't have to go for something like this.
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              • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
                Of course it shouldn't...the hard workers are the targets...they know responsible people want to be responsible and pay their way so they're blocking their way with 'greater good' speed bumps. I hope your seizing this opportunity to discuss this and the bigger picture with your nephew.
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          • Posted by LibertasAutLetum 9 years, 10 months ago
            You must live a pretty charmed life. For those who live paycheck to paycheck an increase like this can ruin lives. You say just get a part time job? Hes already tired from working all day, where would he get the energy? When would he see his family?
            The bottom line is the government imposed a massive tax increase on everybody and its going to hurt the blue collar guys the most.
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          • Posted by khalling 9 years, 10 months ago
            Let's see...make sure you "sell stuff" under the table so you're not taxed on it...and build a sweet small business that will force you to provide healthcare to that 1st full-time employee you just hired on to help you with your "success." oops! wait! that seed money to help your successful expansion has gone to healthcare. FAIL
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
      Well, not all 535 actually voted FOR it. Only the Dems.
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      • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
        Actually, the Insurance lobby voted for it. The Moochers and freeloaders loved it. And we're paying for it.

        After all, when you "got your eyes on the prize" it doesn't matter how much is costs someone else or how bad it is for someone else, as long as you get your free entitlement that the dotgov mandates you, the producer, shell out.

        That's who this whole thing played to - the moochers wanting something for nothing, and the insurance companies saw the opportunity for a huge payoff (and lobbied like crazy to keep it from happening, both in the hells of Congress and to the sheeple by selling them how "evil" socialized medicine was.)

        But if it DID go the way of the EU, then the freeloading moochers would have had to pay for it as well - which means they don't get it for free, so that was unacceptable. And the Insurance companies would not be getting a huge bankroll from the increased premiums, the increased deductibles, and the whole actuary kimchee, so that was unacceptable.

        You really have to ignore the big booming voice, the flames, and the giant stairs to find the guys behind the curtain to see who pushed the drive and pulled the strings to get this abhorrent travesty through... and why.

        Then again, I may be jaded because my folks worked in the Insurance Industry, and I've seen how much they're willing to throw into the pot, and some of the tricks they use, for a huge payoff.
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        • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
          And the gov't guaranteed them a profit and to make up any loss. That cannot last, and they will find that the golden goose is pooping iron pyrite soon enough. Too bad all the top execs will have already punched out by then.
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        • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 10 months ago
          Oh, you are not being jaded. The fact is the insurance companies wanted the same type of abusive powers the federal government has already been exercising for decades. All one has to do is look at how vets are being treated (or not treated as is) to understand that federal programs are designed to reward the cronies and employees who keep the system running; the care be damned. I do not feel the need to call out the moochers for this reason. You are never going to hear about how people on medical assistance or medicare are treated just as badly or worse sometimes then the vets are.
          When AARP pushed for the ACA, and ran promos (and still do) about how this new law would help the elderly get care by providing them with a way to stay in their homes--the warning bells went off. What they really are saying is: your love one will not be able to get into a intensive care home because some social worker is going to get a fat commission check for keeping your aging parent from becoming a bigger drain on the insurance company. The DDS has been pulling this dirty trick for decades of not authorizing the care if a relative is anywhere in the picture. What grown child is going to let their parents sit on a bedpan for days because a visiting nurse is only authorized every other day? Of course there will be by default a relative in the picture. Of course the vicious circle is formed.
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          • Posted by $ Susanne 9 years, 10 months ago
            Years ago, they lobbied to pass laws to make auto insurance mandatory. Ran all kinds of ads and threw all kinds of PR promotional stuff at the evil uninsured driver menace... then mandated you by not only your own insurance, but "Uninsured Motorist" insurance.

            You *never* see them bringing up you can either post a bond for the liability amount, or especially having an interest bearing deposit account and self-insure. They don't want you to know that - because it takes the money out of their pockets and puts it in yours. They'll give you so many "scare reasons" not to do that that only a suicidal mentally deficient would even *think* of doing such a thing...

            Anyway, when they lobbied to make it LAW you HAD to purchase their "Product", it opened the flood gate. They've had plenty of practice learning how to make Government mandate their business never fails. So when it came to Health care... well... here ya go.

            Interesting thing... We have property in Italy. I actually pay taxes there, and, not counting the VAT (what a ripoff that is - tax every producer for what they add, then the end user as well) the property taxes are negligible, and the business taxes (except the EU VAT - grrrr....) surprisingly manageable. Really. And their non-insurance-company-lobbied health system is covered for everyone. While like any good Tax Paying Italian, I have serious issues about their government and the abuses of power there (especially since they instituted the Euro - Bad mistake) the health care there - in rural Italy, middle of Bumf*** Nowhere - is second to none. Quality wise - I would *much* rather get sick or injured *there* than *here*. And then not pay the outrageous deductibles, premiums, and co-pays.
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  • 11
    Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 10 months ago
    The same thing happened to me, I work for a small business. Premiums went from $350 a month for two people to $900 a month. I decided to just put the money away in savings since I only go to the doctor once per year and have the occasional urgent care visit (about $100 charge if you pay cash) Obamacare is hurting the majority of us. Now of course I am breaking the law by choosing to not pay 1/3 of my income to a health insurance I never use. I seriously don't care, let the IRS fine me, it's still cheaper than paying $900/month for insurance that I have to pay a deductible on anyway. The ACA doesn't "help" anyone except for United Healthcare and BCBS and other big insurers AND the Democrats who lobbied for them. Imagine being in a business where people are forced to buy your products and the government does your advertising for you (taxpayers) I'm not kidding, go to an exchange site and you get TAXPAYERS to advertise YOUR company's product which by the way, if you don't buy it, you get penalized! It is the perfect business to be in if you're a total value-less douche bag. I actually work in healthcare on the doctor end and the whole Obamacare thing is a scam. People are paying more for less and on top of that they get to use their taxes to pay for healthcare in addition to after-tax income. Doctors are starting to drop out, and when the younger ones find out the truth they will drop out too..
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      From what I have read the only way the IRS can fine you is by taking it out of your tax refund. If you pay so you owe or are even at the end of the year you should be okay. I'm sure they will find a way around that eventually.
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
        Unfortunately, that means you go without any insurance, so you pay the costs for anything that you do end up using. Unless it becomes so bad that it makes sense to obtain the insurance, in which case you cannot be denied coverage.
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        • Posted by Snoogoo 9 years, 10 months ago
          True, but most of the time if you tell the doctor you are paying with cash you get a discount. The doctors actually prefer it that way because they get the money faster and don't have to pay the administrators to bill and collect. For example, to get an MRI through insurance could easily be billed by the doctor at $1,200. If you have $1,000 deductible, you have to pay $1,000 with the insurance, but if you tell the place you would rather pay up front with cash, you can expect to pay around $450. You can save a lot of money that way. For most things you can also go to those clinics in Walgreens, CVS, etc. They have a nurse there that can treat most common maladies and do vaccines for $100 or less by paying up front with cash.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 10 months ago
        I would be really hesitant in relying on that. Since the Supreme Court ruled that ACA premiums are a "tax", they can legally garnish your wages if you do not pay. And contrary to everything the US Justice system was meant to protect, with the IRS, you are guilty until proven innocent.
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  • Posted by RonC 9 years, 10 months ago
    When the President said he would bend the cost curve downward on healthcare I believe he was speaking of the cost to government. By reducing Doctor payments, capping procedure costs for hospitals, diverting cash from one system to another and designating Chrony hospitals for his plan he definatley can lower the cost to the government...and therein claim success. In the real world, all of these maneuvers create scarcity in the marketplace. And any Milton Friedman fan can predict what that will do to price.

    IMHO if they wanted to lower the cost of healthcare to the consumer the government would break up the cartels protecting the health industry. Hospitals would be seen as often as Karate clubs and Doctors offices would be as numerous as $9 haircutting chain stores. Additionally, insurance companies would compete across borders and be as numerous as used car dealers. By opening the gates for abundance the competition will drive price and quality.

    Back to reality! There is far too much money and power in healthcare for our government to keep their fingers out of the pie.
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  • Posted by Solver 9 years, 10 months ago
    Unless you are a certified non-producer, your actual benefits from the many complex mandates of Obama's care are likely to be negative. Overall, and in the long run, the benefits ARE negative.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 9 years, 10 months ago
    5 years ago I started with a Armed Secured Company. Insurance payments $140.00/mos. $250.00 deductible, vision, dental. Now the company is eating most of the payments which skyrocketed to $1078.00/mos. $6500.00 deductible, no vision, dental is still around somewhere. I still pay $140.00/mos. but come Oct. we are off the plan. Wife has a pension from Mi. Blue Cross and Blue Shield. $293/mos. vision, dental do not know the deductible. Oh and those little sacred words BO quoted you can keep your Dr. well my primary care Dr. quit and said if this is what you want to pay me " I do not think so". My specialist I see refuses the healthcare from my company. I applaud both.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      The law should have been repealed based on that alone. Over and over he said you can keep your plan and keep your doctor. Where is the outrage over that?
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      • Posted by Notperfect 9 years, 10 months ago
        Rich, I agree, but remember what Biden said "this is a big F&*(ing deal". Where is the outrage over even just the thought of Hope and Change. Silence is what you hear except crickets chirping. And I am mad as hell.
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  • Posted by boburg 9 years, 10 months ago
    I can beat that! Prior to Obamacare I had a policy that I paid $500 a month because of our age existing conditions. With the new obamacare requirements I lost that policy. now the best I could do is get a policy that is $1200 a month. but Obamacare pays $700 every month of it bringing it back down to $500. Now I'm getting threatening emails and letters and phone calls saying I need to prove my income. All this after I sent it to them with registered signature required copies. they still claim they have not received it yet. They will not even say what I sent them was not good enough they need something else. it does not even make logic sense to them that I'm paying premiums and therefore I have to have income to do it.
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  • Posted by superfluities 9 years, 10 months ago
    90% of Florida Obama care subscribers got the gubberment subsidy...I didn't....mine went up $600 a month to around $2700 a month for three people...much less coverage too! mission control we have a problem here. Never had eye or dental either.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 10 months ago
    I think that the comments made below on the individualization of health care are the key to this issue. If I am responsible for buying my own policy, I will try to get the best deal I can for what I need - as I do for my auto insurance. If I am dependent on 'what is provided by work' then I take what I am served.

    Evidently, "Midas" is regarded as a single company, not each franchise as a <50 employee company. As such, the only hope that I can see for your nephew is to find a <50 employee company that will hire him for a similar job. That will at least give him a year or so grace. We may hope that, during that time, Obamacare will fail disastrously and we can go back to private health insurance.


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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      Thanks Jan. I know he doesn't like government assistance but Pennsylvania has the CHIP program. His son qualifies and that will help if we can talk him into accepting it. Damn kid has pride. Where did that come from?
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      • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 10 months ago
        Yeah...but would you accept it? I would have a hard time doing so, but if I had a family to support and few other job prospects I would also have a hard time taking risks with their lives.

        Yaknow, your nephew might just talk to spousal and any other family units who can understand and state an opinion. Ask them if they prefer the risk of his trying to change jobs, the option of his wife working or if they would prefer to take government help. He might be surprised at their answers.

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        • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
          Right now his wife has decided to work part time. It's a fast food job but it will help. They just bought a house and he learned about the insurance change the day after moving in. She had been thinking about it so this just made up their minds. Sounds like they are okay for now.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 10 months ago
    it will take some time but 0care will be his legacy. when all of the hospitals close and the doctors are gone a large medical symbol will be atop 0's grave lying on its side.
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  • Posted by rbunce 9 years, 10 months ago
    Employers would be doing their employees a favor to drop their HCI benefit, adjust their total compensation accordingly, and allow their employees to purchase their own HCI that meets their specific need. I have doubts the government will ever collect the employer (or individual) penalty (tax).
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 10 months ago
      That would be my preference as well. Take employers out of the loop on health care and have health "insurance" be just like auto insurance, homeowners' insurance, etc. Increase labor mobility, decrease business overhead, allow the market to create efficient solutions - a win-win for everyone but the government.
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 9 years, 10 months ago
    All it ever has been is a scam between the Democrats and the Insurance Brokers to force almost everyone to "Buy" insurance. Bet when we dig deep enough we'll find a lot of Fat Cat Democrats and their Cronies got stock payoffs too. [I put buy in quotes because when government forces you to "Buy" something, you aren't "buying" anything, you are being taxed.]
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 10 months ago
    But hey, they have abortion and birth control pill coverage now (after the first $5000 of course.)

    Sad thing is, it comes down to employer contributions, sometimes it's blamed on rising insurance costs, sometimes the employer cuts back how much the company pays.

    I suspect the latter, I pay around $240 every 2 weeks for a Cadillac PPO with basically no out of pocket, no primary provider referral garbage, etc., adoption and in vitro coverage, etc., but my employer pays around $1000 on top of my contributions a month. Hasn't changed at all on ACA.

    The humorous thing about ACA is that the 'little people' they proclaimed to be helping had simple but cheap plans that met their basic needs, are now disqualified, and the stuff that isn't affected are in high-revenue industries where it's not really an impact to the bottom line and always had huge plans.

    Franchise stuff, like the fast food or the Midas locally-owned store like you mentioned are getting killed by this, and may even be forced out of business eventually as employees move to companies and industries with better employer-paid packages and the costs force the small guys out of business. In the end, prices to the customer definitely go up.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      Great point. Obama claims to champion the blue collar guy but you are absolutely right about this. It may bk some companies or at the very least drive insurance costs up to the point the "working" people can't afford it.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
    Yep.. those "affordable" plans have a 5000.00 deductible before they cover anything. We had to bump up to a plan that increases our premium 200a month with no change in benefit to stay away from it. Thanks Obama voters... CG.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
      Most plans include routine visits for a small office visit fee that counts against the deductible (although some don't count against the deductible). So, you aren't paying the whole office visit fee, but just something in the $20-$100 range. But that can be overwhelming for someone with a sickly child or chronic illness.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 10 months ago
    Those numbers, both before and after the Unaffordable Care Act, are about what my family pays.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
      "Those numbers, both before and after the Unaffordable Care Act, are about what my family pays."
      Wow. We pay $430/mo for an 11k deductible, a non-PPACA-compliant plan I started Dec 31, 2013. As of Dec 31 of this year, I'll have to go on a compliant plan. That would have cost $800/mo, but they said part of that is they don't know how to price risk b/c they don't know what kind of deluge of people who are already sick will sign up. If it's not as bad as they expect, the price next year may be < $800/mo.

      This is roughly the situation I expected b/c we're in decent health, and the insurance company did tests to prove it before insuring us. Any one with a brain knew that "insuring" against a peril that already occurred would be pricy.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 10 months ago
        My company is paying 75%. It sounds like your company is paying nothing, CG.
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        • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
          "My company is paying 75%."
          We're both self-employed and pay for it outside our companies. We have looked into doing it within one of the companies, but this has been favorable so far.
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          • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 10 months ago
            How's that hope and change working out for you? It looks like the only thing you're left with is change.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
              This situation is what we were expecting.

              The Good:
              The good thing is we have a system to spread the risk that doesn't depend on people being responsible. Under the old system, responsible people who were sick and had insurance tied to jobs sometimes stayed in jobs they wouldn't have otherwise. That lack of labor mobility is a huge unseen cost. If the irresponsible people got sick and didn't have insurance or money, the hospital treated them and charged other people.

              Also we had the problem of more diseases being predictable by genetics. You can only save for them, not insure against them. This new system spreads that risk in the same way we could back when we couldn't predict those diseases.

              A few years ago I had an employee who went with another company b/c he had a heart condition, and I didn't offer a group health plan. Now the healthcare issue would not have been part of his job decision.

              The Bad
              They sold this as if the gov't could come in like magic and take charge of middle-class healthcare purchases. This is a horrible mindset to promote. They also implied that somehow we could provide care for people who are already sick and don't have insurance at no cost. They also imply that you can tax the rich to pay for middle-class healthcare expenses, which is morally wrong but also mathematically incorrect.

              Maybe *the ugly* should be now we have a public debate about all kinds of healthcare decisions. It would be reasonable to debate my Taco Bell consumption. It would be reasonable to debate people who want medical tests that are costly and not recommended or tests/procedures that put a fetus at risk. This takes up time that should be spent debating gov't issues.

              So it's really a mixed bag. I think they *should* have not done this shotgun approach and should have encouraged price transparency. They also could have stopped tax policies that encourage employer-sponsored health plans. I would have liked them to encourage "term" health contracts that operate like "term" life with the idea that middle-class people would build enough wealth to mostly self-insure by the end of it. I mentioned that one in passing to my Congresswoman, and she didn't even understand it, despite being a very smart person. So many people have a mindset of wanting hand-holding from large organizations, instead of thinking of ways to handle things by themselves..
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              • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
                Or, how about the gov stays out of businesses. Why are hospitals forced to treat without payment? The cost gets passed on to others as a result. Thru taxation or higher fees and expenses etc. Hospitals are a business and gov has screwed it all up...like everything else. Forcing some to pay for others...Will kill us all in the end.
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                • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 10 months ago
                  Hospitals have to treat 'for life and limb' without even knowing who the person is. This is a good thing, because the person who is found in a coma on the sidewalk could be you (out jogging without any ID). They cannot in good conscience wait to see if a person can pay before they try to save his life.

                  At least in the past, a private hospital was not required to treat someone who could not pay past the 'life and limb' point. If they found out that the individual was, for example, indigent, they could stabilize him and transfer him to a public hospital.

                  Private hospitals have been stupid about collecting what they are owed too: A friend of mine had a car crash into the side of his truck (the driver of the car had a heart attack). This shattered...his whole left side. Airlifting, stabilization, more airlifting, ICU,...all of this resulted in his living and being in good condition. When it came time to pay the bills, the hospital added on so high a rate of interest that the man would never have been able to pay off the bill...He could have paid the principle; he could have paid the principle and a small interest rate; he could never have paid enough per month to actually pay of what he owed at the interest rate the hospital charged. He tried to get them to lock his payments into a fixed sum, or charge a lower interest rate...but the hospital did not have that flexibility. So he had to declare bankruptcy and default on the whole amount.

                  This makes sense...how? (If I have a client who can not pay for the LIS they bought from us, I dicker with them to come to terms they can pay - we both win by this deal.)

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                  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
                    The hospitals should not be left holding the bag....when they are they raise their rates for everyone else...hence the exceedingly high bill that was unpayable by your friend. I wasn't saying don't treat unconscious people, but everyone should have to pay THEIR OWN BILL. It just boils down to self responsibility...and those who aren't kill the rest of us (financially), just ask your friend. Obamacare isn't going to do a thing to fix this problem either...we'll just end up with substandard care....and no one will take responsibility on THAT end. And they will kill us...literally.
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                • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
                  In fact, there are "charity" hospitals, that provide care for all. But they are not ubiquitous, so they aren't available in locations for all. So availability is not evenly shared. That isn't "fair." And we know that the only requirement is that things be "fair." So, destroying the system so that nobody has excellent care, and all have mediocre care must be the most "fair" system.
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 10 months ago
                There is no good from this law. It forces people to buy what they may have chose not to, like me. I don’t have health insurance, and I’ve been pretty stubborn about that my entire life. I will never buy it under the current law. It is plain crazy the way they all these federal agencies that are suppose to act independently of each other coordinating internal access to our most private records. To hell with that. I won’t comply, ever.
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                • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
                  " I don’t have health insurance, and I’ve been pretty stubborn about that my entire life."
                  Is it a)because you have enough wealth to self-insure, b) because you would refuse expensive treatments you couldn't afford, or c) some other reason.
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  • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 10 months ago
    I almost peed myself yesterday. I was watching a lesbian couple whining about Obama Care. they cried why do I have to pay for birth control and maternity leave. My partner will not be getting me pregnant? Waaaa. Well I guess the Gay and Lesbian community need be careful what you ask for because you might just get it. LOL. Good I hope they all complain about how bad this stupid idea was called ObamaCare.
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