Trust Sessions

Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 2 months ago to History
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The omnibus bill funds the military the army Corp of engineers the IG and watch the slime get swept up in the vortex. This is a real( Not Fake )quick break down on the bill.

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  • Posted by GaryL 6 years, 2 months ago
    One thing that seems to get overlooked. It is very hard to lead a platoon into battle if you can't be sure of the battle readiness of your soldiers or who's side they are on. Can he depend upon the judgement and loyalty of Chris Wray or R. Rosenstein or any of those still there who are loyal to them and the previous administration?
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 2 months ago
    I still think Giuliani would have been a better choice for AG.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
      I like him but Trump's got a plan and as Trump has criticized him the left has no choice to back Sessions strengthening his credibility when the indictments are executed. Giuliani is to high profile IMHO
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 2 months ago
        I think a big part of picking Sessions for AG was reward for his being the earliest, strongest backer for a Trump presidency. Giuliani is a pit bull, and would have been extremely aggressive, so you may be right that Trump is playing the left, so they have little wiggle room, with Sessions' slow, methodical methods.
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        • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
          That and the fact that he is not corrupt . He is not beholden to any group , one of the only legislators with experience that can say that. Trump is cleaning house so to speak lots of resignations.
          It is fun to see this country being turned slowly around.
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        • Posted by 6 years, 1 month ago
          real design of the Sessions counter-coup begam to leak out, often from Sessions himself in the context of replying to Congressional queries. First, it was revealed there was an investigation of Hillary’s e-mails that had been going on “for months.” Next, in January Sessions announced that Cody Hiland was appointed prosecutor of the Clinton Family Foundation in Little Rock. (Notice that a grand jury was empaneled there also appeared, but so far it is not clear if Hiland himself empaneled that grand jury, if it was a routine grand jury for the district, or if Hiland “re-purposed” the grand jury.
          In short order, it was then revealed—again in a response to Congress—that there was an ongoing investigation into the U1 scandal. It was later revealed by Sessions that there not only was a prosecutor looking into the various illegalities that Horowitz was uncovering (which obviously Sessions knew about) but that Sessions named the prosecutor (John Huber) and it was later leaked that Huber had empaneled a grand jury. And that the investigation that Huber took over had been going on . . . “for months.”
          By that time, it was clear to all but the most obtuse that Sessions had been silently setting up three separate investigations in late 2017 and was using the opportunity of Congressional requests to make them public. There were other DOJ investigations too into the Clinton/DNC machine, including an FEC violation (that the Federal Elections Commission itself) was investigating.
          But the real fireworks were just beginning. Based on the interplay between the House Intelligence Committee (which had its own ongoing investigation of Democrat crimes in the election), Senator Charles Grasssley of the Senate Judiciary Committee (ditto), Cong. Bob Goodlatte of the House Judiciary Committee, and Senator Ron Johnson of the Senate Oversight Committee and the Inspector General, who fulfilled Congress’s request for documents, Sessions presented the image of being out of touch. No documents were released to Congress until there had been a very public and very contentious debate.
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          • Posted by 6 years, 1 month ago
            That was by design. Sessions’ strategy all along had been to investigate in the background, but force either Congress or Horowitz to the forefront as the origination of the requests. “Well, you know, we’re just sittin’ over here at Justice drinkin’ our mint juleps when these guys request all these documents.” Oh, and by the way, Sessions would add, here you go and we have many more you might want to see.
            From early 2017, Jeff Sessions realized that he was engaged in both a legal/criminal battle and a public relations fight. He could never succeed in the former without simultaneously winning the latter. And for the PR offensive to work, Sessions could not be perceived as leading the charge or being aggressive. It worked out better than Sessions could have dreamed. As the DOJ received a criminal referral for Andrew McCabe in April 2018, James Comey—one of the most arrogant men ever to hold any office—released his book that had information in it that again prodded Congress to demand his private memos. Once again, after a public standoff, Sessions relented and handed over Comey’s memos, which incriminated him through his leaking of classified materials. Sessions had gotten McCabe and Comey to build their own gallows.
            Meanwhile, Robert Mueller sits in a gilded cage, sequestering his leftist charges so they can minimal no harm, running from the Deutschbank to the Seychilles to porn stars. To an unbiased observer, he would look like someone wanting to fail.
            The coup de grace appears to be close. Rudy Giuliani has joned Trump’s legal team. It’s worth noting he is a prosecutor, not a defense attorney. The “big” Inspector General report is scheduled for release by May 15, with yet another IG report specifically on the FISA abuse to be delivered at a future date not yet stipulated. Slowly but surely Sessions has maneuvered every piece on the board to indict virtually every one of the Deep State up to and including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Will he? It’s played out the way he intended for two years. My money is on Jeff."
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  • Posted by exceller 6 years, 2 months ago
    What is this about, Dobrien? Telling us about the virtues of Sessions, by not taking bribes while in Congress? That should be the norm but considering the swamp Congress devolved into, it looks like a stellar character who is not plaing the game.

    Having said that, I think the job of the AG is over Sessions head. The elections of 2016 unleashed the worst in DC and the media and someone like Sessions is ill prepared to fight the fight which requires a battle-tested individual both in conviction and determination. Not having stomach for dealing with mob does not qualify.
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    • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
      Hi Exceller,
      You are correct many in congress have sold out our country to the highest bidder. A G Jeff Sessions will act swiftly when the IG report is released.
      If you were to google sealed indictments. What you would find is 4289 on 11/28/17 ,9000 onJan1/18 ,13605 on Jan 31/18 ,now over 18,500.
      Sessions has been very busy. Because he isn't a leaker he is a bit under the radar,. When Mueller and Rosenstien are charged the house of cards will collapse following the Inspector general report.
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      • Posted by exceller 6 years, 2 months ago
        Hi Dobrien, you are correct on that. In this age of everything up in the open thanks to the media (most of the things in the open are fake, as a matter of fact), Sessions has a disadvantage because his action model is not that of the swamp. However, I still think that by abdicating his role in the Mueller probe made it possible for Rosenstein to unleash the charade that keeps on going. Unless he sees an outcome that we don't at this point, he is largely responsible for it.
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        • Posted by JuliBMe 6 years, 2 months ago
          It's my understanding that Mueller and Rosenstein are a deception while the Sessions' recusal lulled the left into leaving him alone while he did his job buttoning up cases. Mueller met with Trump before this all began. Maybe Trump made a deal with him? Mueller is, after all, neck deep in Uranium One. Trump likely knew that and, for the country's sake, is after bigger fish.

          I like looking at this more positively that it will (mostly) work out to our country's favor. I'm thinking we are going to be overloaded with very interesting news between now and the midterms.
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          • Posted by 6 years, 2 months ago
            I heard that and also and that uranium1 has his fingerprints on it A gieger counter would be buzzing. The Russian probe is toast and the narrative has changed the new focus will be on the payment to Stormy Daniels. His attorney has been compromised. Trumps business dealings that Cohen worked with Trump on over the decades provide a shield from that has been weakened. As we know just the made up accusation is good enough to disrupt. President Trump knows that rats are in the cellar .what I understand is that is one of Bolton's tasks is to exterminate the pests and to project his toughness on the Ayatollah.Because NK is fixed and now on to Iran.
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          • Posted by exceller 6 years, 2 months ago
            That is a new perspective and good news if true. So far Mueller has done a very good job in alienating normal people who think he is fishing where he is not supposed to.
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