CG Trashes Objectivist Defense of American Ideals

Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 10 months ago to Books
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My Review was in an early post.

Here is CG Regressive Review posted on Amazon
After reading the first two chapters, I thought this book should be adapted to be a part of children's and young adults' social studies classes. It's facts that are taught in social studies, but the first two chapter state them in such a blunt way, with such a focus on personal liberty. We really need to talk bluntly about freedom.

Unfortunately after Chapter 2, the book devolves into a rant. It takes on the tone of a ranting low-brow political talk show host. Much of what it says is true, but the talk show tone is tiresome. Reading it in book format is even more annoying than hearing political ranting on the radio. There's not much discussion in the book about why the points are true, except for shooting down a few straw men. Occasionally it goes a little deeper. It's mostly about the author's amazement that not everyone agrees with him. On most points I agree with him, but I know it's not as simple as everyone who disagrees with being us either a fool or evil. Even if it were that simple, it doesn't make for interesting reading.

Despite the emphasis on reason and rationality, most chapters mention something about the author's denial of climate change. It does not explain why. It almost seems like he never even considered science. Of course science is always open to new evidence, and we all hope we find new evidence showing climate change won't be as costly as we thought. As of the time of the writing, though, this is a radical claim that you can't just mention casually without explanation. Toward the end of the book where the points are summarized, it almost says flat out we shouldn't rely on science to make policy decisions.

There are definite good points to this book, but it's kind of like being with one of those people are reasonably smart but given to ranting. You can have a reasonable conversation with them, but before long he goes off the rails: "[some politician] is intent on destroying modern civilization!!" They hear politicians and commentators say they're in an epic battle of good vs. evil, and the they buy it.

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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 10 months ago
    comments like this never cease to amaze me:

    "most chapters mention something about the author's denial of climate change."

    The book is about liberty and US Ideals, it is not a book discussing science. Pointing out that policies enacted by our government, the UN and other governments which are anti-freedom IS the point. Really, this is about CGs disgust with "climate change deniers," an evil phrase conjured up by those who want to control how we live our lives and extract more money out of us through taxation and false industries such as carbon credits. The design of the phrase suggests the science is clear and people refuse to accept it. Studies, are inconclusive, there is a high correlation between studies and research pushing climate change and money(always follow the money). Moreover, the studies have been found to use incorrect data, ignore data, or lie about data! The only thing denied here is a false agenda pushed by environmentalists, and policies intended to destroy freedoms based on false or not proven hypotheses.
    "low brow rant." The book shows clearly that the US was founded on Reason. He does take on socialism. How is that ranting? For someone who felt the need to put himself in the "freedom" camp at the start of the review, his desire for climate change policies and social justice policies say otherwise.
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
    "Despite the emphasis on reason and rationality, most chapters mention something about the author's denial of climate change. It does not explain why. It almost seems like he never even considered science. Of course science is always open to new evidence, and we all hope we find new evidence showing climate change won't be as costly as we thought."

    It won't be, cause it's a hoax, not science.

    Hang on a sec, I'll go make you some more Flavor-Aide.

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    Posted by LionelHutz 9 years, 10 months ago
    db, maybe you should take some time off from the gulch for a while to chill out. You throw on the capital letters and tell people to leave like you own this place when they post stuff here you don't like. Then you go out of your way to point out posts made on other sites you don't like. You're coming off like a bully lately. Stress? I'm marking this post down as spam because it's just personal attack.
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 10 months ago
      It is very frustrating when Objectivists come to the site, looking for rational responses and reason, appealing for that in criticism to receive as the author said "a response I would have expected from a huffpost forum."
      When is it ok to go ahead and get angry, lionel? When can comments and posts respond to those who say they voted twice for Obama, supported him in fund raisers and then claim to be for liberty and freedom? When do we get angry, lionel?
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      • Posted by LionelHutz 9 years, 10 months ago
        Hi KH. Do you know the author? Did you and DH suggest he come to the Gulch because it would be full of people that would likely give his book good reviews? It sounds to me like you're in private communication with an upset author - perhaps upset at you for recommending an action that ended up generating undesired results...and now it seems a vendetta has been declared in retaliation.
        For the record, I don't agree with CG's view of climate change or his baffling views on Obama. I do know he's basically living in Berkeley of the North and he manages a surprising amount of independent thought given his surroundings. He did rate Shadows Live Under Seashells 5 stars on Amazon, so I don't think DH is right in his suspicions that he's some undercover socialist out to trash books from an opposite perspective.
        DH has an issue with CG - no big deal. But he's got to stir the pot and make sure everyone gets angry with CG, right? That's the goal of this litle post, isn't it? To point the finger and go "Ah hah! Look at the traitor in our midst"? I do think my advice is good - I really think a cool off time would be beneficial here because these actions are coming out of anger and things are probably going to be said and done that will be regretted.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
          I do not know the author. He contacted me to review his book. I did not tell the author to come to this website, but I did put a review of his book up. I think the author has a right to be upset that he thought he was coming to a site on objectivism and got a review from a socialist. I am tired of allowing CG to pretend that he is interested in liberty. CG is in the same vein as economicfreedom and several others who detract from the site and I will continue to point these people out and suggest they leave.

          Someone who voted twice for Obama and says that Obama is for Liberty and that the economy is great, is a socialist pretending to be interested in Liberty. CG is a socialist talking head, it is like having Bob Beckel, Juan Williams, or Jay Carney in the Gulch.
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          • Posted by LionelHutz 9 years, 10 months ago
            Well, your call how you live your life. I think it makes you look a bit foolish, telling people to leave a website you don't own, deploying the awesome power of CAPITAL LETTER USAGE, only to have them come back the next day, continuing to post, making it look like they're defying you. I don't think you're pointing out anything newsworthy when CG goes off the rails, and the over the top behavior only makes you look bad. I am pretty sure there's no way you're ever going to change his mind when you treat him this way, and no - I don't think he's here "pretending".
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      • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
        How do you explain how I am often responded to here?
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        • Posted by khalling 9 years, 10 months ago
          I do not know everyone's motives. I have been clear that comment or posts regarding religion will likely experience dissonance. Also, comments or posts which do not support Reason. Ultimately, you respect (the concept of) God higher than Reason. if you are speaking of db, he gets angry when things get illogical. Most of us-including you-do. We all have blind spots. Fights between "family members" can be the worst.
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          • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
            No, I see no hierarchical issue between God and reason.

            db and many here reason from a different foundation than I (and several others here as well). Yet, we seem to come to the same location - hence why we are here in the first place. Most of those with my perspective are perfectly fine allowing you to maintain your basis and only ask that we not be derided for maintaining ours, but that seems impossible for many. Just my perspective.
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