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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 10 months ago
    I would suppose they don't have to qualify or hit a target with a projectile from a pistol either. After Nam, I had applied for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, and during the physical I passed the height requirement by the hair on my head. If I would have gotten one more military haircut before going I would have been rejected. Can I sue now for putting me through that "unfair" "trauma"? It has totally ruined my life. I lucked out and instead I took another job that turned into a career and got me into management in less than two years, and I stayed there roughly 34 years. What a crock of stuff this new political correctness nonsense that our DOJ is shoving down our throats. If your not physically fit to do the job I sure don't want you doing a job that might involve protecting my family. I wonder more however, just how qualified Mr. Holder is in doing his job. But then of course, there is his boss, what were his qualifications?
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  • Posted by Edswim 9 years, 10 months ago
    What is interesting about this action is that virtually all the surrounding local, city, regional police forces have more difficult standards for women than do the PSP, yet the DOJ decides to go after the PSP. I spent a career with the PSP and almost half of that was developing selection & promotional standards to satisfy the 3rd Circuit federal court in Philadelphia in response to a federal (DOJ) action regarding the hiring/promotion of minorities.

    It took us nearly 10 years to get the court to finally grant approval of our work because no matter what we came up with that proved validity we still had a difficult time getting enough minorities for either selction or promotion. The Judge just said keep giving every 3rd promotion to a minority no matter where they scored on the exam. Then too, we found that in order to achieve a mandated 12% minority hiring (12/100 cadets) we had to get at least 800 minority applicants in order to end up with 12 qualified! Our minority recruiters were going into the minority communities begging for applicants to sign up.

    The federal Judge and DOJ just couldn't accept the fact that Law Enforcement just wasn't a career that interested minorities as a rule.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 10 months ago
    The Obama regime along with the far left have never been able to admit that women are different from men. As a result, these straw dog situations will occur over and over until these muddle-brained idiots are out of power.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 9 years, 10 months ago
    This erroneous crap has got to stop. I have a special test for his majesties underling eric "the small" holder. Just for one year if it were possible let this imp become pregnant and give birth to a 12 lb. baby. He has to go through all the changes that a woman goes through in that special time just to see the anguish on his face. This might stop his lackey mentality he performs in his quest just to screw up. This imp is nothing more than a racist who cannot stand white folk. The proof is in his pudding. What a menace to himself. His actions will cease and I pray to God they will be caught on camera. Now if this makes me a racist so frickin' be it!
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
    Once upon a time, the EEOC or whoever sent a woman out to apply for a job my dad's masonry company had advertised.

    While she was being interviewed by my father, my brother was helping stock the scaffolding (6 ft walk through, iirc). We were laying 12" block which weigh something on the order of a helluva lot, and my brother was grabbing them two at a time and swinging them onto the scaffold.
    My father pointed to her and said that to get the job, she'd have to do what they were doing.

    She walked over, tried to hoist two of the block as my brother was doing. They didn't move. She just walked off the jobsite.

    At another point, another female wanted a job as a laborer. My dad went ahead and hired her. The first thing she did was go over to the mixer to get a wheelbarrow of mortar like the rest of the laborers were doing. She took one step, the wheelbarrow tipped and fell over, spilling its contents all over the ground. She quit at that point. Now, of course, they have come out with "special needs" two-wheel wheelbarrows*. Less usable on rough terrain (like, say, your average construction site), but far less likely to spill when pushed by a female.

    A woman's center of gravity is between her hips, whereas a man's is between his shoulderblades.
    Do this experiment: place a chair against a wall. Have a man touch his head to the wall above the chair. Tell him then to lift the chair without removing his head from the wall or using the wall as a brace. He can't. A woman can do it, easily. Yet lifting a wheelbarrow of mortar, for example, is more difficult for a female because of this, beyond the difference in average size/weight/strength.

    *I say "special needs" because "retarded" is double-plus unPC...
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