Obamanomics Opoly Game

Posted by deleted 11 years, 5 months ago to Entertainment
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We bought this game for dear friends of ours, who now live in another State, for Christmas this year. We have to yet buy one for our own family because we wanted to wait and hear how they liked it first. (Our guinea pigs you might say.) I awoke this morning to a raving review from our friends who played the game with their extended family last night. They sent me a picture of the two final players. (I have cropped out their faces). I'm curious if anyone else has played it yet.
SOURCE URL: http://www.amazon.com/Obamanomics-Opoly-Collectors-Limited-Edition/dp/B008SDISTQ

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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 5 months ago
    I gave it to my son who is a monopoly nut and my sister-in-law's family. They LOVED it! I hate monopoly and so it wouldn't probably make it into my house even for kicks. I liked that part of the proceeds went to the wounded warrior project
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    • Posted by itisntluck 11 years, 5 months ago
      You hate Monopoly? Your son must have beat you so bad ..................
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      • Posted by khalling 11 years, 5 months ago
        well, he does, but I have to say it's probably because my attention is on something else. You should play him. I think you're in the same town and he never finds worthy opponents.
        When I was in college, my boyfriend and roommate would play these very long games of Risk. the moves would take ages, and then they would carefully place the board under the bunk beds when they had to study and pick it up the next day. that dang game! so every time I was over there, I would be sitting on the bed and I would ever so carefully smack that board with my heel so the pieces would move. I was hoping to end the game all together, but I only started arguments between them over sabotage. I'm still married to the first guy though...
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        • Posted by 11 years, 5 months ago
          Good thing your (future) husband didn't see you messing with their game pieces or he may have dumped you right then a there...once a saboteur always a saboteur.
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          • Posted by khalling 11 years, 5 months ago
            I asked my husband this question. His response is no-he wouldn't have dumped me. 1.he was a geek and there were only ten girls in the engineering school to date that didn't wear a head cloth 2.if I had done this to his RISK game, he would have made sure to not let me come in contact with the game, nor would he have played the game with me. It's true, married 27 years, never played RISK. Closest we've come is Diplomacy.I have a short attention span and am not patient. I cannot imagine a strategy as Itisntluck employed:
            "I was winning and prolonging taking her completely out just to see how she would react." This is actually a fabulous sentence which a novelist would kill to have thought of first. But, if one were playing a fast paced game, there would be no need for those kind of shenanigans-
            it's like, have a command of the rules and use them to make someone squirm, not just beat. itisntluck is probably in the spy business.
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            • Posted by 11 years, 5 months ago
              Oh he was a geek, well that explains it then. :) I guess them playing Risk should have tipped me off. Monopoly is a slow paced game and playing with someone who just wants to get it over with is no fun. I enjoy the strategy and the squirming. lol
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              • Posted by khalling 11 years, 5 months ago
                I adore fast paced games. I will say, that I also like strategy. Have you ever played Cashflow? It's from the Think and Grow Rich guy. There are two levels(that I'm aware of) to this game. Monopoly is based on a zero sum game. True Capitalism is not. Cashflow, during most of the game, you are motivated by your own decisions to succeed. In the end, there is a winner, but all players will enjoys the other players' routes to success. It is the same, in that you are building wealth. But there are many more choices and nuances. The average game time is the same, but it keeps unpatient people ,like me, engaged.
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  • Posted by 11 years, 5 months ago
    We agree with our friends. This game is really fun! My youngest son seems to be the champion so far. He also plays the roll of the Fed Governor (there's no banker in this game, instead it's a Fed Gov who doubles as a property auctioneer). He also manages to spend a lot of time in Gitmo (no jail in this game either). (You open business to put on your property, not house buying like the old version....etc)
    From what I understand they will be coming out with expansion packs for the "Community Organizer" and "Hope & Change" cards. (Formerly "Community Chest" --I almost wrote "Cummunity" ---- and "Chance" cards) so I am looking forward to getting those too. (All of the properties (companies) are named after companies that received bail out money, and Boardwalk and Park Place are "Read Road" and "Legosi Place"..vampire twist on Pelosi's name...) Oh, and if you land on the Health Care Tax space, you don't have to pay it, because your opponents have to pay it for you.
    I can no longer be "the shoe" as the pieces are different too. So I'm now the money bag piece. My son is the eagle. Anyway...it's a fun way to spend an evening and I'm glad I bought it. :)
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  • Posted by 11 years, 5 months ago
    I also got this game in the mail today! That was ridiculously fast shipping :) Can't wait to play it.... funny thing is I'm leaving in an hour to go to a Girl's Game Night at a friend's house..I'm so tempted to take it with me, but I'm sure I'd start a war....lol Very VERY tempted tho.
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