Trump Is Not A Good President, Must Be Impeached By Candidates Running For Office in 2018, Billionaire Donor Says

Posted by $ nickursis 6 years, 8 months ago to Government
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This is noce. a Billionaire, who has bought 91 million in Dumbocrapic votes and influence, is now dictating policy. It is definitely time for term limits and an end to political donations. Bring on the Convention of States, please.

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  • 10
    Posted by DrZarkov99 6 years, 8 months ago
    The left is trying to sell the idea that all it takes to impeach the President is that you don't like him. Anyone with even a slight grasp of the constitutional process knows that the idiotic rationale doesn't meet the "high crimes and misdemeanors" qualification. One of the lead idiots, Maxine Waters, has stated Trump can be impeached for any reason she wants. This may sell with the uneducated liberal serfs, so expect to hear this unendingly for the rest of the Trump presidency.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 6 years, 8 months ago
      The reality is that "high crimes and misdemeanors" is anything that a majority of the House agrees on along with 2/3 of the Senate.

      There is no objective standard and no judicial review.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 6 years, 8 months ago
    Trump, a non politician, is a breath of fresh air among the stuffiness of the Wash DC political aristocracy. More often than not, when he says or tweets something "Biden" like, he's actually wagging the dog. Initially, at the expense of media and anti-Trumper bombardment. Case in point: NFL or negotiating with DemoKKKrats to get Repubs off their fat asses. Then, he's proven to be right, AGAIN. That's the only time the media doesn't say anything about Trump. When he's right, once again. Against all odds and obstacles, he continues to move forward. The shadow government and political royalty (one and the same?) hate him for it and I pray for his safety.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 6 years, 8 months ago
    Trump is not a Communist, Socialist, or liberal-progressive. Therefor he is not a good president. That is the criteria.
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    • Posted by IndianaGary 6 years, 8 months ago
      He is a crony capitalist who sees nothing wrong with implementing imminent domain for "the public good". The country is doomed by altruism run amuck. Granted, some of the things he's doing to reverse Obama's excesses needed to be done.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 6 years, 8 months ago
    In the run-up to the election, I mentioned to my wife that watching the libs and progs and leftists melt down if Trump was elected would be worth having him in the White House.

    It's not that I necessarily wanted him to win; to me, he was the lesser of two evils. Of course, if Satan was running against the Hildabeast, he would still be the lesser of two evils.

    Anyway, what we've seen in terms of the left simply losing its collective mind has far exceeded anything I could have hoped for. I knew it would be ugly for a while, but never did I expect it to be going on almost 12 months after the election.

    And their insanity shows no signs of abating. Should make the run-up to the 2018 midterms quite interesting.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      Yep, there you go. The lesser of 2 evils, and had they ran a Republicrat Party approved candidate, we would be looking at Shillary for 8 years. So, I'm good with Trump as well, since all the left has done is pollute the water so bad, no one will ever know if it is ever anything he REALLY did, or some fabrication, insulating him further from any retribution, or risk civil revolt. They keep digging their hole deeper, vice shutting up and letting him hang himself, which he would do for them with no help.
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  • Posted by wiggys 6 years, 8 months ago
    maybe Trump is disliked because he does not have to steal money from the government like some of those who preceded him in office which means the rest of the looters can't get their share anymore or at least while he is president!!!!
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    • Posted by RevJay4 6 years, 8 months ago
      Exactly. Notice how once elected, almost everyone gets rich once in office. Off the backs of the taxpayers.
      Trump does not need to do that and it pisses the political class, and their supporters, off so bad they need to invent all kinds of crap as excuses to remove Trump.
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
        Plus, he does not play fair, he does not seem to have a whole bunch of political debt, nor capital, so he is not beholding to either party. He also has no hold over a lot of them, especially Ryan (it seems) since he cannot get that dufus to take the pork teat out of his mouth long enough to get ONE real bill passed.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 6 years, 8 months ago
    Convention is dangerous because it can be called for one reason and then take up everything.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      Convention can be called for ANY reason, or reasons. No limit. Yes, they can propose all kinds of crazy ideas (like balanced budgets, term limits, revert to states electing their senators), but, you need a majority f states to approve any changes. Probably the least corrupt way to fix things we have left.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 6 years, 8 months ago
        I wish that were true. I see them attacking at least the 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, and 5th Amendment. Getting a majority of states on some of these issues --- which will be presented emotionally --- as not that tough
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
          I would disagree, the main issue most people involved in is: The budget and term limits. There has been little discussion else wise, and if you want a COS, the last thing you will think of is "How can I restrict freedom".
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          • Posted by Esceptico 6 years, 8 months ago
            The left has been calling for a constitutional convention for years to get rid of the 2nd amendment. Given a crack in the plaster, they will try to bring down the wall. Look what they have done for a year on the "Russian Investigation." Anyhow, we shall see, and we have no control.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
              I have never seen any effort by anyone to have a convention, until the last 2 years, and all the examples they use relate to the abuse of power by the feds, the corrupt politicians, Hillary, Obama, and it has drawn a lot of conservative politicians that quit because of that stuff. So, unless it is a real evil, subverted plan from the left, I think it is not being ran by them. They just couldn't call Hillary Beast "corrupt" without melting or bursting into flames...they do that a lot ( call the Beast corrupt...and other things...)
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
        I wonder if they can structure it in such a way that it can only limit gov't. So the "danger" is here they might say gov't cannot fund any scientific research or cannot maintain any bases or military presence more than 10 miles from the border. But they could not change it such that gov't can now do searches without a warrant or restrict the right to personal weapons.

        I am open to a CoS because we're not following it right now. If we admitted that aloud, I'm not sure if that would be worse or better than the current situation.
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
          They can do whatever they can persuade the Convention to propose, it is up tot he states to vote and approve the measures. If you have such input, then get involved and become a delegate.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 8 months ago
    Typical of a loony statist Dem to feel that the traitor Hamilton is a valid source to consider. The political system is broken by money-mad corruption, and Hamilton's ideas (e.g. central banking) are the reason.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 8 months ago
    With virtually all the state capitals in the biggest cities and virtually all the biggest cities voted for Hitlery, the odds that a Convention of States will have delegates who are resistant to the temptation of power is very low.
    We need amendments to limit the feds but the CoS is not a safe way to do it.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 6 years, 8 months ago
    I remember when the talking heads would speak of campaign financing reform. The idea was to limit the influence the very wealthy could extract.
    What we come up with is an unlimited stream of
    Cash to buy an impeachment .Lets hope they never try to reform again it should be deformed.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      There you go, ever since the Supreme Court leagalized the sale and purchase of political influence and votes, this has been getting worse and worse, and is now out in the open.I just wish we had some billionare conservatives of our own. I guess once you commit enough crime and rip off enough people to get rich, you just naturally want to keep screwing all those pesky "commoners". More reasons for a Convention of States.
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  • Posted by chad 6 years, 8 months ago
    There has always been term limits, vote them out of office. I have always said if you are going to have term limits it should be two terms, one in office followed by one in prison for the crimes committed while there.
    Stating that any president is good and concerned about constitutional limits on power is like saying; ". . at least Hitler didn't kick dogs." Starting with the first one they all looked for ways around the constitution and ensuring that 'the law' benefited them at the expense of others.
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    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
      That's fine, until you factor in the Liberal Lemming squads, who get the croney gangs re-elected, year after miserable year. Look at Kalifornia, once you get enough Lemmings bred, you own the place and 49% of the rest of the people get to pay for it.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
    Suppose Democrats take control of Congress. I imagine some of the people who supported impeachment would change their mind if it had a real chance of happening. But if they didn't and they impeached the president, it would be setting a horrible precedent that we can impeach a president only for disagreeing with his policies or crass style? I wonder if this happened with Supreme Court justice appointments. When the next one comes up, might Congress say the precedent is if there is a presidential election next year, Congress won't confirm any Supreme Court justices?

    It seems like the Constitution is more visibly coming apart. It would be dangerous if it were two groups, say the North and South or something, that were the basis of the partisanship. But it's political parties. To someone like me not involved in the parties, this seems just absurd.

    It's shocking to see it happening with President Trump, who has mostly carried on the policies of the last president and the bipartisan consensus. He's off the charts on being crass and coming off as an attention-seeking clown. Is that the reason? Or will it become a fact of American life starting in early 21st century that a vote for Congressman of the opposite party of the president is a vote for impeachment, as a way to recall an unpopular president? And if so, what if the president really does something impeachable? It seems like our institutions are coming apart.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
      The liberals are afraid that THEIR agendas wont be supported by Trump. They have been trying to get rid of him as soon as it was apparent that he won the election, and will try anything. They wont support anything he does, even if its good for the country. I just dont listen to anything they say- its all designed to push through their agenda.

      I have adopted the test that if someone voted for Hillary in 2016, they are dead to me and I dont listen to what they are saying. It takes too much time to try and subtract out their agenda from whatever they are saying.
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      • -2
        Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
        "The liberals are afraid that THEIR agendas wont be supported by Trump."
        I mostly don't believe that. Well, let me re-state. I agree that people who want certain policies think one person or the next will be slightly better. But I simply do not believe that for most people it makes any difference. So if you're concern is that gov't mandate "insurance" plans pay $10/mo for birth control, then I think some politicians are better than other. I just don't believe that's a real motivation for anything. Even if your grant is at risk or your base might be shut down, I agree that might make you vote one way or the other, but I don't see anything huge happening, like a 10-year plan to get gov't entire out of these things. So I say it's mostly theater.

        I voted for Hillary, went to her fundraiser, put a sign in my yard, and urged people not to vote for Stein. I know Stein voters who were shocked that there weren't enough people like me voting for Hillary to win WI. I vowed not to comment for a while, but it sort of speaks for itself.

        In one sense the outcome is good because having a total clown making a reality TV show of it exposes what I think of it being mostly for show. But I will still do what I can to get more Hillary-like people elected if a libertarian is not an option.
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        • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
          I was wondering if you were a Hilary person. I think the liberal hatred of trump is grounded in the fear he is awakening and gathering together people who are tired of being manipulated by liberal double talk.

          I voted for trump because I thought he could at least slow down this incessant march of collectivism for 4 years. I didn’t think he could change the country in accordance with objectivist principles. The swamp is far too wide and deep for that

          Ayn Rand predicted the society needs to crash before it can be rebuilt as a truly free nation. It’s a shame it needs to decline so slowly while it wastes our lives
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          • -1
            Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
            "Ayn Rand predicted the society needs to crash before it can be rebuilt as a truly free nation."
            Did she predict this? I've only read three of her books. It's unfortunate if she said this because I really disagree. I think there's no guarantee at all that crash will lead a better world. It could just lead to more of the same. I don't know if I'm "a Hillary person" since I've never met her or been involved in politics outside briefly shaking their hands at events. But I did think she would be far-and-away better at kicking the can and keeping things stable, finding a way to keep gov't borrowing in the hundred billion range and not in the trillions. If I believe things falling apart would lead to a truly free nation, then maybe I would want clownish politicians. Having a clownish attention-seeking president is one small factor increasing the risk of things falling apart.
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            • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
              I think that an intellectual revolution is needed to make a sustainable change. That hasnt happened yet, so a crash right now would result in another crack at a "better" socialism. In Atlas Shrugged, the system crashed so that it was pretty obvious it wasnt working- and John Galt came along and promised prosperity using a new philosophical base. It sounded reasonable to the citizens, and they really had no other options...
              Hillary was going to lead us down the socialist road as Obama did, but she was going to do it "better". I think the more socialism there is, the worse off the country will be. Look no further than Venezuela to see how this works. Its Atlas Shrugged being played out. Unfortunately, there is no John Galt down there to show them a better way, and the culture is definitely socialistic.
              As to kicking the can down the road, if she was truthful about expanding on Obama's policies, it wouldnt be good for the country. Obama's legacy is a healthcare system that is worse for the citizens and will bk the country; more racial unrest; doubled national debt ; and the rise of reactionary politics.

              Trump I think will "kick the can down the road" as you say much more professionally than the democrats. He will in fact improve the economy, reduce regulations, and free up people to succeed better.

              I have to tell you I would have closed my business if hillary or sanders had been elected. Its no big deal, but 10 employees would have been out of work.

              Hillary is crooked, plain and simple. That whole clinton foundation thing was amazingly smart but totally crooked. She was selling access to the government that controls us.
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              • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                Oh, Shillery was a lot more, but you would not have been the only one closing up shop, and that was the real danger.
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                • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                  The psychological effects of collectivism are pretty much ignores, but they are there in terms of slowing of innovation and economic growth.

                  There is a range of effort I can put out during the day working- depending on how I view the atmosphere around me. If my work is going to be taken away, there is a real question why I would work and not just have a good time on the beach...
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                "I think that an intellectual revolution is needed to make a sustainable change."
                All of this makes sense. Such a revolution might be more likely as it becomes more obvious there is a problem, e.g. like Venezuela. I also agree with the part that it could lead to a try at "better" socialism.

                I think President Trump is more socialist than Clinton or Obama, but we're just splitting hairs. I don't think it's overwhelmingly different. They'll tolerate increasing spending and borrowing as much as the markets will tolerate. They'll support gov't spending and intrusiveness. I think Trump is more naked about it, depending on which comments you go by, and that could be good. I don't actually think he means any of it; he's just as a master at having an intuitive sense for what will get attention.

                "I would have closed my business"
                Everyone's free to do that, but I categorically disagree, unless you're involved in lobbying or something directly affected. What you do has a million times more impact than what politicians do. I think we have an absolute attention-seeking clown as a president, and I have taken almost no business decisions based on. I think it's a lot of hot air that won't affect me. I think I can do more to oppose President Trump just by being responsible in things I have direct influence over. I have no thought that going to political fund raisers makes any difference beyond meeting people out here actually taking action and making things happen.
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                • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                  I am leaning towards the try at 'better socialism" being the result of a crash. Not enough intellectual revolution has taken place unfortunately.

                  Trump is definitely NOT more socialist than Obama or Hillary. I have no idea where you get that thought from. I do think that the country is basically socialist, and thats why a lot of people hate him so much. If the media hates him, that means to me that he is LESS socialist.

                  I do think that given the socialist leanings of most of the politicians, Trump cant make any substantive large changes in the direction of freedom. At least he got elected, which is more than we got with Ron Paul- who was soundly rejected when he ran.

                  Hillary would have run the country down with much more regulation and taxation. Maybe you are thinking that the faster the collapse, the quicker things can be made better. I can actually understand that, although I think no matter what, its going to take 50 years of misery for the collapse to be final, and that would mean I have to endure a lot of misery.

                  Opposing Trump for the next 3 years just means nothing will happen until some socialist gets into office in 3 years and the country takes a really sharp turn to socialism.

                  I think you minimize the harm that government can do in the short term. Look at Obamacare to see how destructive it can be.
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                    "I am leaning towards the try at 'better socialism" being the result of a crash. "
                    Probably so. I don't think a major crash if forthcoming. I think US is like the Roman Empire and heading toward being the modern city of Rome. I don't know what lies between here and there. I do not predict a climactic crash though.

                    "Opposing Trump for the next 3 years just means nothing will happen"
                    No it doesn't. He could propose tripling the deficit. He could support asset forfeiture. He could fire up the worst elements of society to get attention, which in turn could justify more statist measures. He could make light of gov't abuses of power.

                    He's done those things. It wasn't a secret. He ran on being able to incite people in the gov't break the law. He ran on "we've gotta take the guns away" or words that effect. He probably said the opposite at other times because he admits he says whatever gets a reaction from his redneck crowds.

                    When I say it like this, I sound like his political opponents. But I don't think he's the problem at all. That's just become part of the job. People want change. So we elect the craziest person running, and government spending, borrowing, and intrusiveness carries on growing.
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                    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                      CG, Nope, I disagree, there IS a major crash coming, on the same if not larger level as the .com bubble and the housing bubble. The current bubble is the debt.derivatives bubble, where 40-50 % of what is being "traded" is a mystery mash of other stuff, with no added value, So, when something like that is traded (it's supposed value is in the "potential gain" of the mish mash) and blows up, all the money it cost is zeroed, and the base items blow up as well. There is 95 trillion in "derivatives" floating around out there, making up the vast bulk of all the fake currency's in use. When it goes, you better hope you have skills, gold/silver, or gemstones.
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                      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                        "there IS a major crash coming, on the same if not larger level as the .com bubble and the housing bubble."
                        Oh, I meant like the fall of the Roman empire. We are in a bull market like the 90s, so it seems probably we'll have a bear market like the early 00s, possibly with inflation, deleveraging, and counterparty default in derivatives markets that you describe, i.e. a "financial crisis". I am bearish, with most non-business wealth parked in 1.15% short-term CDs (I used to laugh at those people), a little VWINX, a few tech stocks, and a small short position in SPY. I am a long-term optimist, but the bull market has gone on too long. I anticipate inflation coming on slowly, so I don't worry about the CDs. I have no precious metals, but I wouldn't rule it out. I see them as volatile compared to the protection they offer. I really wish I had a solid business plan that needed new equipment or another office or something. I have no real estate, but I have my eye on it. All the money is made on the buy in RE, and right now there's a RE boom in my area.

                        That's a lot of words to say I'm a bear. :)
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                    • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                      We nearly had a crash in 2007-2009 when the mortgage bubble burst. We have a major spending bubble spearheaded by Obama. his printing of money is just starting to hit now from that. Price inflation was delayed thanks to being able to buy stuff from china a lot cheaper. That is about played out now. We will see price inflation big time in the next 12 months.

                      People who have saved money will have a big surprise coming when the car they want becomes $70k instead of the $30k they expect. We have had price inflation before, and we will have it again.

                      Trump wont be able to stop government spending, but he will slow down the entitlements if he can. You can see the blowback in terms of reigning in Obamacare, so the congress can stop his plans to pull back from medicaid for everyone.

                      He is definitely against gun control, but again, the congress can over rule that in the interest of "public safety". He didnt run on the "take the guns away"- you arent right on that.

                      Crazy people dont get to be billionaires like he is. They dont run big companies like the Trump organization. They dont raise kids like his. The crazy people are the liberals like Obama who apparently thought that the radicalized islamists dont exist.

                      People dont want change for NO REASON. Just wait until 2020 when the dems take over and really give us change- all the way to socialism and medicaid for everyone.
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                      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                        "We have a major spending bubble spearheaded by Obama."
                        I guess it depends on what you called spearheaded. I'd say it was spearheaded by President Bush and Congress months before Obama would be elected. President Obama approved and continued it, with borrowing peaking at nearly $1 trillion. Staggering. Then borrowing fell steadily to the $400 billion range. Of course this is new borrowing, so the hole is still getting deeper fast. Next President Trump takes office and proposes going back to 1 trillion per year, even during an expansion period.

                        "[President Obama's] printing of money is just starting to hit now from that."
                        That's monetary policy, set by the Federal Reserve. President Obama approved of the loose policy. People running for office criticized it. Once Trump was elected, he changed his mind and said he approved of loose policy.

                        "We will see price inflation big time in the next 12 months."
                        That's my sense too, based on seeing how often things ship Red or are expedited, and how I hear people say they only care about schedule, not cost.

                        "People who have saved money will have a big surprise coming when the car they want becomes $70k instead of the $30k they expect. "
                        I never understand this. Who keeps a significant portion of their wealth in cash? Cash isn't made for storing value and will do a very lousy job. I always hear these stories of people putting their wealth in cash and then being surprised that it's not a wealth-storing vehicle. Also the people telling these stories are always affected by instability in the prices of things they buy but not by the stuff they're selling. They never place a crazy high bid on something because they're near capacity, and then they win the project.

                        You probably can't explain it to me. I want stable prices and rates too. It just seems like people who really light tight policy, always seem to fit this pattern of putting their wealth in cash and then being confused. I think it's parable, maybe, not meant to be taken seriously.

                        "Trump wont be able to stop government spending"
                        He has proposed increased it. I don't know if he would be able to reduce it. He hasn't tried or mentioned it.
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                        • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                          Bush was no prize either. The whole war in iraq and afghanistan is very expensive and gets us nowhere. Obama ran on stopping the wars, but wound up expanding them instead once he got in, plus he went whole hog on the bailouts once he got into office. THEN, he rammed through Obamacare with its healthy bailouts to the insurance companies so they would go along with the whole socialist medicine program. Trump couldnt reduce the spending even if he wanted to- the swamp wouldnt let him. He is buying support by proposing infrastructure spending which I think are bailouts for the unions.

                          Actually, the federal reserve is cutting back on monetary policy as I understand it. At least Trump is expanding the economy, which should drive down the debt (unfortunately, spending will rise to meet income).

                          It would be nice to store wealth SOMEWHERE !!! The government made the US dollar NOT a place to do that. Stocks go up slowly and fall rapidly when the people in power decide its time. Gold and Silver are sort of long term hedges against money printing, but certainly not always. Housing just goes up and down with inflation, and often down more than up. Anyway, you cant sell it if you need money right now.

                          Sometimes I think that its best to borrow and take advantage of inflation. Then when you get overextended, file for BK and start over. Seems like a LOT of people do just that.
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                          • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                            "Bush was no prize either. The whole war in iraq and afghanistan is very expensive and gets us nowhere. "
                            If the problem is the presidents we elect, why do we keep getting so many bad guys? If the character of the president determines if the executive branch gets more powerful and how much gov't expands, have we just had a run of bad luck since the income tax passed?

                            "the federal reserve is cutting back on monetary policy as I understand it."
                            It's still loose, but tightening. I think you're right about inflation, and the Fed will respond with further tightening. (I've been saying that for eight years, though, and it hasn't happened yet.)

                            "At least Trump is expanding the economy"
                            [sarcasm]It's like how President Obama grew the economy and tripled the stock market.[/sarcasm] He did not. The economy isn't controlled by the president, and it's simpler than people think of it. It's people meeting one another's wants and needs. The people who rolled up their sleeves and did it, people who took a risk, grew the economy.

                            "It would be nice to store wealth SOMEWHERE !!! "
                            Store wealth in one of those things that monetary policy is causing to shoot up in price. Store it in things that are producing value for paying customers. As you say, the price for commodities like precious metals and developed land fluctuate with supply and demand. If there's a particular thing you're going to buy, there are futures. If it's just a general basket of goods, there are instruments that track that. I'm just against defeatism and victim thinking.

                            "Sometimes I think that its best to borrow and take advantage of inflation."
                            This could be rational behavior for people with little net worth to lose. I think maybe some of them do it the same way I eat Taco Bell, knowing it's not a good long-term choice, but making little daily choices to borrow money. I actually try to go easy on junk food, but it's clearly a case of lack of discipline. It causes me to eat more energy than I consume, causes some people to spend more than they make, and it causes people to elect politicians who promise to help us pay for college, retirement, medical care, etc. I'm not sure how to put gov't on a diet-- maybe CoS. I'd try anything.
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                            • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                              I suspect the president has been puppet or front man for the power structure of the swamp that runs the government. I think the people revolted from that this time and voted for sanders and trump- much to the chagrin of the swamp

                              I went a trump rally. The energy was intense. He made people want to make America great again , which is why the economy and the stock market have boomed. It’s a psychological based boom
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                              • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                                That would be the "shadow government" that no one wants to admit is there, but Eisenhower warned of in his farewell speech. He alluded to the "military industrial complex" but it is more.
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                                • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                                  The shadow government is US really. A large number of economically powerful people want to use the government to feather their nests, and donate money to keep the excuses and justifications rolling along so their business and personal interests are assisted by governmental power. The propaganda they spout is supposed to get the rest of the citizens to go along with their hidden agendas while allowing us to think we are doing what needs to be done for the "country".

                                  Its hard to root out who the shadow government is, because its so big and involves so many of us.

                                  Defense contractors want war so they can sell more stuff. Politicians want "problems" that they can get more money from the citizens that make them "look good". Schools want education grants. Medical suppliers want more tax money to go into medical care so they can raise prices. It goes on and on.

                                  If the constitution had a clause that it was illegal to take from one and give to another (admittedly difficult to word this effectively), the problem would be reduced drastically. This would mean that government would be a LOT smaller and not have the money to distribute.
                                  Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                                  • nickursis replied 6 years, 8 months ago
                              • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                                CG: ""why do we keep getting so many bad guys?"
                                term2: "the president has been puppet or front man for the power structure of the swamp that runs the government."

                                I have no evidence, but I really reject the idea of shadowy forces in favor of boring explanations. I think liberty is not the default state for people, and you need put work into the system to fight entropy.

                                If you're right, if we can just find the shadowing figures, the problem will go away.

                                If I'm right, we need to give the Constitution teeth, i.e. institutions to stop us from electing people promising to use gov't to fix things, And as ewv says, voters should a basic understanding (ewv would say a philosophy) of the risks of gov't "fixing" things.

                                "which is why the economy and the stock market have boomed. "
                                I tend to think it's not related to the president because the stock market was not shooting up while Bush was president, and it's almost a straight line starting when Obama was elected, and that trend continues today along that same line. It's a long-running bull, due to come to an end, and that won't be the fault of whoever's president. Get ready for the histronics when that happens from those whose memory only spans five years.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
              CG, youre not a Hillary person? Really?

              "I voted for Hillary, went to her fundraiser, put a sign in my yard, and urged people not to vote for Stein. I know Stein voters who were shocked that there weren't enough people like me voting for Hillary to win WI. I vowed not to comment for a while, but it sort of speaks for itself. "

              Look up a few comments........
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              • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 8 months ago
                Is he a Hitlery denier?
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                • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                  I don't know, CG is one of the most interesting people to discuss something with, simply because he is about 90 degrees out from the rest of the universe. I have never met someone who goes to fundraisers, contributes, and endorses someone, and yet says they are not a supporter or care how her politics and efforts that seem opposite of Ayn Rand's are not even important. CG, he is an odd duck.Not that it is bad r anything, just really different. I really try not to condemn anyone their positions, unless it is really something that will impact me. I just get really concerned when they start trying to either force me to approve or participate in their schemes or make me pay for them. Then it gets nasty.
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                  • Posted by freedomforall 6 years, 8 months ago
                    Irrationality is not interesting to me. At best it's just a distraction from an objectivist viewpoint. At worst, it's the effort of a agent provocateur. In either case, it's a waste of time to discuss anything with someone who has no rational process of thinking having learned nothing after being exposed to rational argument here for more than 4 years. Four years of hearing rational arguments and still voted for Hitlery. Hopeless.
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                    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                      Freedom, while you are certainly correct, I just have to believe CG has some rational basis for his assertions.Although it is very hard to see sometimes, unless someone is out and out rude, there is always hope they will see the light. He is no worse off than 90% of the rest of the country, which is why we are in the mess we are today.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                "CG, youre not a Hillary person? Really?"
                I mean I voted for her, but I don't get any benefit from her career. If they found out Trump cheated, and Clinton won (this will not happen), it wouldn't affect me. The same is true if turned out she cheated (also won't happen), and every policy she ever supported were discredited. Either way I get no direct impact on my life, and I still have an intrusive federal gov't that wants to increase spending beyond baseline projections. I see people get majorly fired up about it, but I don't get it. Either way I send the same quarterlies in to a gov't that uses the money often in ways that make long-term problems worse.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                  CG, I would think that even voting for Hillary would be the same as saying you would live with her policies and actions. Given the long history of corruption and just plain self centered greed, I find it really odd you could do that, when all she would do is make you give more every quarter for "her" greatness. It goes back to the tribute paid to Rome or Greece to leave them alone. I do not endorse either party at this point because they are both the same, Trump was just someone who seemed to break the chain for a brief period. He HAS forced them to basically start going nuts, making their manipulation of media and people crystal clear. I would think as a business person you just would want to limit your costs incurred by the government, and limit the regulations they force on you. Your leaning to democrat would seem to be just the opposite.
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                    "I would think that even voting for Hillary would be the same as saying you would live with her policies and actions."
                    To win an election, a presidential candidate has to at least kind-of sort-of appeal to half the people. The results in candidates that most people do not find ideal but can live with. It also leads to promises of increasing gov't spending.

                    Before the election I knew Johnson wouldn't win. (I know. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.) I knew Trump was a clown, but I was afraid he might win by some fluke, which actually happened. To simplify the two mainstream party candidates down to one line, Trump was reality-show huckster clown. Clinton was the hardcore politician an expert at gov't and the status quo.

                    The only candidate on the ballot who talked about actually reducing the cost and intrusiveness of government was Gary Johnson.
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                    • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                      Gary Johnson was the clown really. He just didnt have what it takes to be a president. He didnt even know what Aleppo was in spite of it being in the news for months and months. PLUS, he would be really anti-establishment, and the establishment would never have worked with him.

                      Think of the president as the front man that the establishment puts up there to convince the voters of what the establishment people want.

                      Trump was NOT an establishment candidate, but he got people to vote for him against the establishment. Thats why they hate him so much, and precisely why he was a good choice to "drain the swamp". Not that the establishment will permit him wholesale draining- in fact they will try and stop him at all times and at all costs.

                      But, if he drains it a little, its better than what Hillary would have done. She sold access to her governmental powers TO the establishment so that she would grant them favors. It was so obvious.
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                      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                        "Johnson just didnt have what it takes to be a president. "
                        Yes. He seemed to get angry when people asked him questions. Sometimes he could pull off cheerfully rejecting the premise or refuting the claims but other times he lost his cool. There was the time he stuck out his tongue while answering a question.

                        I was less concerned about his blanking on questions. Most politicians have ten answers memorized and they just give the one that's sort of closest to the question.

                        And Trumps attention-seeking racist idiot act is beyond the pale for me. I wouldn't work with him in any context. That means even if her weren't imposing increased spending, increased govt intrusiveness, and tripling the deficit, I couldn't abide him. The main reason, apart from the redneck idiot act being tedious to listen to, is that I suspect he craves attention so badly he might foment a crisis just to get more eyes on him. I've heard he drops the moron act in person, but I think the attention-seeking is real.
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                      • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                        I looke once at Gary Johnson and said "nope" he is all over the map and had no real clear logic that matched the Libertarian platform to reality. The libertarians would have an excellent chance if they would take time to craft a well balanced policy platform of freedom and what little government we can get away with. If they ran with a balanced budget, term limits, and leave out the social engineering, they might well win.
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                        • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                          Wasnt that Ron Paul thought? The establishment would make mince meat out of him and he wouldnt get traction
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                          • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                            However, nothing to say a well thought out plan for government on Libertarian lines might not appeal to the huge middle. Just like Trump has. People are burned out on corruption, so any good platform to kill it would be supported. Whether it could pass...well...
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                          • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                            Poor Ron got beat up everythime he mentioned anything, and Rand is not far behind, but they have always made decent starting points, they just never fit into the mainstream corruption model so they were always sidelined. Rand fought the ObamaCare thing simply because he stuck to the Repeal, then replace idea.
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                            • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                              Absolutely right. Trump has the ego to just blast through the establishment. Too bad he isnt a consistent libertarian. Mix the huge ego with a Ron Paul, and we might have something.
                              Reply | Mark as read | Parent | Best of... | Permalink  
                              • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                                Yep, Ron Paul could have learned a thing otr two from him on presentation and sheer audacity. Trump is no worse than any other politician, he is just different. For people who celebrate "diversity" Trump is proof they are hypocrites.
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                                • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                                  The swamp is deep and wide . Trump has the ego and audacity to stand up to them. Problem is that he is only the president and our system seems to require the agreement of the swamp to effect any meaningful draining of that swamp. I would love to see Ron Paul as president, but he would have even less cooperation in an effort to drain the swamp. I voted for the non intellectually consistent trump in hopes we could at least get a small reduction in the swamp. I have to hand it to trump for taking all the sniper fire day after day from the left and just constantly deflect it and go on
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                    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                      That was indeed the problem, a total lack of candidates that were worth having. Hillary is by no means an expert at anything, except manipulating things to squeeze money from people. One has to hope it will come get her in the end, but it seems an incredible number of people associated with her have a bad end. Trumps great virtue was that of a disruptor of the status quo, which he has certainly done, and done well. That is why neither party supports him, and neither party will stop trying to get rid of him for their own party hack. We have had too many years of party hacks milking the game for their own ends, and the result is the huge debt, regulations that favor one group or another, and a clearly corrupt government that will serve their masters (remember Lois Lerner, who, BTW, never was charged or sent to jail for clearly criminal acts?) at the expense of the people. Better the disruptor than a hack.
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                      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                        "That was indeed the problem, a total lack of candidates that were worth having."
                        I say it's the fact the Constitution has no teeth, not an unlucky series of bad people. If the Constitution had powerful institutions that drastically limited taxation, you'd have a different run of a candidates appearing.

                        Yours is the more optimistic view because you think if we got rid of these bad people, the problems would get better.
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                        • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                          They would. The issue is not the mechanics or structure, it is all the manipulation from politicians through the years, the most notable I know of is the packing of the SCOTUS on ideological lines vice knowledge of Constitutional Law. FDR abused the heck out of it with his threat to pack the court until they found an illegal system (Social Security) Constitutional. The mechanics of the US system are fine, the politicians are not. Unfortunately, you seem to like the current worst acting group we have. Although, the Republicrats are right next to them in line to guzzel at the feed trough..
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        • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
          CG, really? You will try to get people elected who do not follow the law, actively violate it, lie, coverup their own screwups with more lies, want to take all your money so they can pay off their patrons and "special people" have sanctuary cities and states because they don't like the laws or feel really "generous" with other peoples money? Man, you must be overwhelmingly rich to afford "Hillary Like" people. I can't afford to fund either of the 2 current creepy corrupt parties, and would just as soon see something more basic and honest I could latch onto, but nothing has surfaced yet.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
            Obviously I do not believe in any of that... except that large gov't borrowing is unsustainable and large gov't spending is undesirable.
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            • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
              How can you not believe in any of that and vote for her? Her and Obama DID do all that, and more. Let's not add the unconstitutional EO he somehow did to give 8 billion a years away to fund Obama Care, when he could NOT get it appropriated, which Jeff Sessions just killed, and then Trump put the stake in. Obama should be brought back and impeached just for the hell of it, he is as big a criminal as Hillary. You DO NOT just spend money you do not have legal authority to, no matter what. The insanity of Liberals and Democrats is geting so bad the Democrat AGs are suing to say "you cannot stop illegally giving us money that is not appropriated" That is absolutely off the frigging wall insane. Politics above all else, Agenda over people, that is their motto.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                "You DO NOT just spend money you do not have legal authority to"
                I have not followed the news related to this, but I absolutely do not believe a few evil people are at the core of it. The institutions don't enforce the law. The people accept the notion of gov't intruding and spending large amounts of money. You're saying there are some bad people who believe in it. If that's true, what do we do about it? Bad people will come along from time to time. It doesn't ring remotely true though. The bad people theory is just the self-serving lies of politicians because the bad people causing it all their opponents. I do not believe it for a second.

                We have most politicians living and working (NOT causing on their own) a system where the gov't intrudes in people's lives and is nearly a third of the economy. They all say the problem is their opponents. They all agree to reject anyone who says if the gov't weren't so large we would not be having battles over how to actions of that third of the economy. Is that because their all evil people? No, not at all. They got their job by being good at the current system. It's asking a lot to ask them to be absolute top players in the current system and then overthrow it.
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                • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                  "The people accept the notion of gov't intruding and spending large amounts of money." No, we do NOT accept that, it is forced upon us. The lemmings may accept that as long as that group votes on their pet peeve of the day (gay, abortion, race, etc) which was proven by 8 years of the Obamanation and his outright corruption and theft. Once the truth comes out (and it is slowly being chiseled out of a completely corrupt system by groups like Judaical Watch) there will be some facts to back that up. For example, they got the FBI, whom Comey SWORE had no records of their infamous tarmac meeting, to acknowledge they actually had 50 pages of information. Really? That will turn into 500 pages before it is over. If you have not followed the news on Obama illegal use of EO to spend money he had no authority to do, then you are missing what is so aggravating about all government, the ability to do whatever they want and ignore the Constitutional limits imposed, when they find that the icky act of having to work within that system is just too distasteful. Until that system IS overthrown, we will continue to be milked and treated as peasants by them.
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                  • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                    "No, wedo NOT accept that, it is forced upon us. The lemmings* may accept that" (emphasis added)
                    I think you're saying there are more "we" than "lemmings". I lean toward the reason for growth in gov't being close to the reason many people spend more than they make. If you're right, though, someone could organize a plebiscite to reduce gov't spending across the board over 10 years or something, and people would vote to do it.

                    I actually think if you surveyed people if they want to cut gov't, most people would say yes. Then if you tell them their favorite programs would be cut, they would say that's too extreme.
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                    • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                      CG, you have to relize how much money and power is involved here, you could never organize any plebiscite, simply because there is no vehicle for it, for a good reason. That would allow people to over ride the corrupt. The Convention of States IS the plebiscite.Did you not know all spending programs are geared to a special group simply because of the very thing you mention? That is the reason you cannot cut the budget.
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                      • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                        " That would allow people to over ride the corrupt."
                        You seem to believe they would vote for less spending. I think they might or might not, depending on how it's presented/structured.
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                        • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                          No, I said that if there was a national plebiscite, that the power brokers would ensure it never happened, as it would allow people to override the corrupt power brokers, which will never be allowed. Even the Convention of States will probably end up sabotaged. People will vote to have a balanced budget probably 90% in favor, because THEY have to live with one, as they know what being in debt is like.
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                          • Posted by CircuitGuy 6 years, 8 months ago
                            "People will vote to have a balanced budget probably 90% in favor, because THEY have to live with one"
                            I wish this rang true to me. I have no evidence so maybe it is true. It seems to me that most people are somewhat out of control in their personal finances, not using a budget, not executing a good plan for paying for medicine, childcare, kids' college, retirement, parents' care, and other things they desire, and these things turn into mini-crises. They elect people who run the country about the same way, actually a little worse because once gov't spending is a large portion of GDP it becomes easier to lobby for a share a little share of the pie than for across the board cuts. A 1 million dollar grant costs all tax payers $0.01 each, so they don't lobby, but the person getting it does. That's the only way he can get some of his taxes back.

                            The evil forces thing reminds me of a documentary I watched on the food industry that claimed evil companies are manipulating consumers with scientific research aimed at making food taste wonderful. They turn fruits and vegetables into smoothies and V8, giving us less healthful alternatives to heating our fruits and vegetables. I saw this and thought I know the facts. No one's stopping me from eating my vegetables but me. That's how I think of politicians promising gov't money/intrusion to solve problems.

                            I love the notion that of a majority of people voting for a balanced budget and smaller gov't. Who gets to control other people's money should not be up for a vote, but I am thrilled by the thought of average people en masse saying no.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 6 years, 8 months ago
    I don't consider Trump a great President. He was certainly not my choice for nominee. However, I voted for him as the alternative to Hillary Clinton, and I would do it again. I still don't think he has done something to be impeached for, anymore than his predecessor.
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  • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Well, it may that simple, but I see it as a group working behind the scenes for long term engineering of society the way they want it. Europe went that way, and everything is engineered for control, they ration healthcare, and public services are on a "when we get to you so shut up" basis. That is what they are working for her. The illegal thing is just part of their weapons, more of them, let them vote legally or not, and it helps their cause. I think there is more ideology or purpose than money in it. The "militrary industrial complex" would be a uniquely Republican machine, and does control a chunk of the government, the vast amount though is on the Dumbocrap side of "people programs". So, given that there would need to be some group that is willing to use both ideologies against themselves, it seems something more sinister IMHO, of course.
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    • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
      You could have a point here. I just dont understand WHAT they get out of it. Long term, it doesnt work at all- proven time and again. Is it just a pure power grab for a few years, regardless of what happens with the society in general?
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      • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
        Either there is a single, large controlling group in the background with a world wide agenda, or we are totally screwed by greedy money grubbing, power crazy imbeciles, either prospect is not good for us.
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        • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
          I would suggest that the swamp is mostly inhabited by independently thinking persons united by the availability of governmental power to assist in the achievement of their individual goals. That’s the major reason it’s hard to drain the swamp
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          • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
            i am not so sure on the "independent" part, maybe independent projects, scams and wants, maybe, but they all have the same basic idea, "scam as much as possible, as long as possible".
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            • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
              I think I used the wrong word. I meant that they each on their own figured out they wanted to use the government to their own ends and not acting collectively.
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              • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                Yep, that was what I thought you wanted, and that is true, they all seem to gather like flies to dung and suddenly find neat ways to scam the nation.
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                • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                  Our constitution was a narrowly passed compromise which didn’t prevent the creation of the swamp, allowed slavery while touting that all men are created equal, and allowed the stealing of land from the Indians. It wasn’t intellectually consistent, and the country has paid the price for that.
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                  • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                    That is true, but you cannot ever get a group of people together, and when only the rich have the time and resources to hang out and draft a overall plan for a country, and will NOT cut all their interests out. I have always seen the inconsistencies and outright hypocrisy of it, but it was the best they could do. It was also much better than anything else at the time. Now maybe is time for an overhaul.
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                    • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                      Look at the hassles over health care- all the hidden special interest agendas. 5 years ago health insurance for a 35 year old male friend of mine cost 156 per month with 1000 deductible. Now it’s 426 per month with 6000 deductible. The insurance companies are making bank and don’t want repeal of Obamacare. It Is a giveaway to them as configured
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                      • Posted by $ 6 years, 8 months ago
                        Yes, and that was why the the republicrats could not repeal it, it was made clear to them on both sides that a lot of graft would stop. That was so obvious from the A: take forever to come up with a plan, B: The plan the come up with is worse than what you have. That is why he never had a hope of repeal, and they will continue to gouge us until it become single payer, where they will be getting all their graft direct from the government and we will get a 20% tax increase and a VAT to pay them, and all along there will be screams of "You can't take it away millions will die" and it will be entrenched.
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                        • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                          I wondered why they didn’t just repeal Obamacare and leave it at that. I never was into how one was going to replace it with another government program designed by bureaucrats
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                        • Posted by term2 6 years, 8 months ago
                          Very disturbing. I already have concierge family doctor access (125 per month just for access to pcp). Mayo Clinic is abandoning Medicare and Medicaid patients as fast as they can, and starting up concierge membership at 6k per yesr
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