Thoughts from the road

Posted by WWJGD 11 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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In which I lay bare my soul during a bout of insomnia. Posted in Introductions because I never did formally introduce myself here.

My moniker comes from the name of my blog, which you can find on It is, of course, a spoof of the "WWJD" meme and means "What Would John Galt Do?"

I've been on the road since the day before Thanksgiving; a trip from my home in Colorado through several western U.S. states that began as a journey to a short-term job in California that evaporated the day before I got there, and morphed into a visit of relatives and old friends in my home state of Oregon.

There's nothing like such an adventure, away from the daily chatter of headlines and other distractions, to clear one's head.

I've experienced quite a gamut, from the depths of human depravity and hatred to rediscovering the pure joy and celebration of Life in an unexpected sexual encounter with an old friend.

What a long strange trip it has been.

Folks, I think the motor of the world has already stopped. What I have seen is a country whose motive power is already gone and is now slowly coasting to a stop. We're no longer talking dark clouds on the horizon: the chaos is here, now.

I've seen friends that I don't think I'll ever see again -- and kin that I don't WANT to ever see again. There is dark evil in my own family; there is also a warrior who could well become one of history's bright stars. And there are special friends who have rekindled a joy whose importance I had forgotten: as the darkness falls around us, let us not forget that Ayn Rand also celebrated human sexuality -- and not necessarily with only one partner.

In a few hours, my life partner will arrive here to take the trip back to Colorado together. It is a true Atlas Shrugged relationship built on mutual admiration and respect. I have SO many thoughts to share with her on the long road home!

Now, I need to find honest employment in some place where I can ride out the storm which is already upon us. I did find a few places on this trip where the turmoil will hardly be noticed. Perhaps one of them is in need of my many skills.

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  • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 7 months ago
    One of my favorite bands has an EP called "It's Not The End Of The World." This country is still moving and still will be for much time to come. When we create narratives in our head, it's very easy to see the evidence we need and ignore the rest. It's called confirmation bias. Most people are still just trying to get their piece of the pie, they just don't know who they are or what the pie is.
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  • Posted by flanap 11 years, 7 months ago
    WWJGD...interesting. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and agree that people generally shouldn't wear WWJD gear since most have no idea what Jesus would do because they do not study His Word.

    Unfortunately, I don't think most would know what John Galt would do either, even though he is only a man.
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    • Posted by $ jmlesniewski 11 years, 7 months ago
      It's impossible to know what any fictional characters would do in real life situations because characters were only created for the contexts of the stories they appear in.
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  • Posted by sdesapio 11 years, 7 months ago
    Where might one look up your many skills?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 7 months ago
      I suppose I should compose a list and post it...

      I'm thinking I should live in a place where food is grown. More opportunities for work when the collapse comes, you know. So the skills I'm mostly thinking about have to do with ability to fix/repair things... such as, oh, maybe farm implements or something.

      Haven't fully thought all that through yet.
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