So the Palestinian refugees are apparently nothing of the sort

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 11 months ago to History
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Wow. This is a game-changer in a lot of ways. It totally refutes the so-called "right-of-return" of Palestinian "refugees" by noting that they aren't refugees at all - they willingly left in the first place!

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  • Posted by Robbie53024 9 years, 10 months ago
    I'm sorry, this is not news. It is historical fact. The Jewish state of Israel did not expel the Palestinians nor any Arabs, they were free to stay and live in Israel, in peace, as many of them did, even obtaining representatives in the Knesset. It was the insistence of the Palestinian leaders to the sanctity and purity of the land to not be fouled by Jews that caused them to leave and vow not to return until the Jews are expelled. Seemingly they would prefer that the whole of Israel by turned into a giant piece of glass rather than allow even one Jew to inhabit that land.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 10 months ago
    They never were refugees by the normal definition of that word.

    The fact that they are still called refugees when they have their own country (I use the term loosely) with self rule (looser yet), shows that facts have little to do with media reporting.

    If they have their own nation, that they rule, just who the hell are they refugees from? Themselves? They left voluntarily from what is now Israel, they were not chased out.

    They, meaning the Palestinians and other Arab states in general, have fought several wars over the years to destroy Israel. And lost every one.

    They may be a lot of different things but refugees are not one of them.

    Whether or not the State of Israel should have been created is a different question, and not relevant any more.

    Israel does exist, and the people of Israel have a right both to their country and to exist as a people by two firm historical precedents.

    Precedent one - The State of Israel was in fact created and recognized by the fledgling UN. This is minor but nonetheless important.

    Precedent two - The State of Israel has proven its status as a nation state by force of arms. The most important precedent, and the ONLY one of any meaning throughout history.

    It is long past time for the world to realize that and quit portraying the Palestinians as the good natured but put upon underdog.

    They are nothing of the sort. They are a thuggish country determined to destroy Israel. Without the capability to fight them conventionally so they use other means. And by other means they skipped straight to terrorism.

    If a neighbor of any European country, say France for example, were to act that way, how do you think the media would portray that?

    Not to mention France would exercise far less restraint in that situation than Israel does.

    In fact any European nation would stomp the terrorist country flat without question.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 9 years, 10 months ago
      You left out the only precedent that matters...

      The United States said that there will be an Israel.

      All other arguments are moot.
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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 10 months ago
    blarman: Good article. But it is not a new discovery, all this has been known for years.

    Quote from another recent source-

    There are no such people as Palestinians and there never have been. Nor was there ever a state called Palestine or a Palestinian culture or a Palestinian language.
    Up to the end of the British mandate the only people who were Palestinians were the Jews, the Arabs refused the name. Many of the Arabs were recent arrivals. The UN changed the definition of "refugee" from its prior meaning of persons normally and traditionally resident, to those who fled from a place they lived in for a minimum of only two years prior to 1948.
    One of the major instigators of the Arab mass departure was the Grand Mufti al-Husseini, a supporter of Hitler who gave speeches in the Balkans to pep up the Muslim segment to fight for the Nazis.

    The youtube linked by Map is so full of errors it is hard to comment on it except to say it is pure propaganda.
    There are more than 50 Muslim countries. The number of refugees they have accepted is a couple of thousand, many of those in Iraq and Jordan have been expelled (perhaps with reason). The West (Australia, Canada, USA, western Europe) has taken about 15 million Muslims.

    One of mysteries of human nature:
    a LGBT supporting Islam, a libertarian promoting bigotry.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 10 months ago
      Yes, but it needs to be repeated over and over to combat the current myths regarding the so-called Palestinians. The only way to expose the lies is to present the truth.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 10 months ago
    Any rational person would look at the history of this "issue" and recognize it as a good time to mind your own business.
    Instead it has been used as an excuse for hegemony.
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