Anthem: The Graphic Novel

Posted by GaltsGulch 7 years, 1 month ago to Books
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"It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think..."

So opens Anthem, Ayn Rand's dystopian tale of a society where the individual has ceased to exist, having been replaced by a sinister collective "we."

In an effort to share this timely novel with a larger audience, The Atlas Society, in heroic form, has announced that they will be bringing Anthem to the masses as a graphic novel!

You can watch the trailer and reserve your copy here: http://anthem.atlassociety.org

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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 7 years, 1 month ago
    If I could travel back in time, there are a few times/places I would like to visit. Very high on that list would be to sit down with her and spend an hour just talking with her.

    I know I would be completely overmatched in terms of intellect, insight, and probably a half dozen other things.

    But my God, what an incredible hour that would be. I got my copy reserved, and can't wait to get it.
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  • Posted by philosophercat 7 years, 1 month ago
    I loved the eyes of the Hero in the trailer. The power of the sense of focus and intensity are wonderful. The graphics are great. I have reserved ASAP. I always wanted to do Anthem as an opera. Rand's sense of drama and implied visualizations are breathtaking.
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  • Posted by BostonTEA 7 years, 1 month ago
    Also, in 2013, Anthem The Play was performed in NYC. It was off Broadway and a limited engagement. I made the Boston-NYC drive, and listened to an audiobook version on the way down. The play was pretty good.

    I keep asking about a video of the production being made available, but have not heard any positive responses. Too bad.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 7 years, 1 month ago
    I have all of Ayn's works both in print and in my Kindle. I re read "Anthem" a few days ago and the similarities to the "Politically correct thought" of today are terrifying. I want the graphic novel.
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    • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 1 month ago
      I had our daughter read it when she was in 5th grade. She said she understood so much more what was being forced on them in the way of school indoctrination then. With the novel a mere 90 pages, whey the graphic is needed, when Rand writes it so vividly, I don't know. Too each their own. Seems the joy of finding the library, lends itself to reading. Even the incandescent light bulb is so accurate to today.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 7 years, 1 month ago
    I bought that graphic novel before, and, (with the
    mother's permission) gave it to the young son of
    my homeschooling neighbors (who are devoutly
    Christian). It seemed a worthy version, except for
    one slip--one use of the word "my" (a singular pronoun) before Equality 7-2521 (at least I think
    that's the right number) would have discovered
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  • Posted by $ SarahMontalbano 7 years, 1 month ago
    This is fantastic. This is the book that got me hooked and I can't wait to see it as a graphic novel. It will widen the reach of her ideas to audiences who were particularly off-put by Anthem; I remember that none of my classmates liked the book, and found the language used clunky and irrelevant (even though it's imperative). Perhaps a graphic novel will help this problem.
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  • Posted by walkabout 7 years, 1 month ago
    Rand's themes are so important. It borders on tragic that her writing tends to be so difficult; even off-putting. Maybe, the "graphic novel" is the format for something as short as Anthem. I would still love for a popular writer to re-write Atlas Shrugged.
    Yes, a chance to sit down and discuss humanity with Ms. Rand would be a worthwhile time.
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    • Posted by $ sekeres 7 years, 1 month ago
      Agreed; Rand's themes are important. What in her writing do you find "difficult; even off-putting?" Whom would you choose as the re-writer?
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 7 years, 1 month ago
        I love her message, her wisdom, her tenacity, and her insight. However, you have to admit, 1) she writes like Steven King, like a chainsaw running through a dictionary, long and wordy, (who wouldn't as a second language person) and 2) there is no subtlety in the message. "I am writing you an allegory, and you will understand how right I am" blares from every pages.

        Recently, I got a receptive, well-read, English major to read AS. He would not put it down, because of what it was. However, even this receptive audience, termed the book "a slog". I think that works as "off-putting"m particularly when the rest of the Harry Potter world wants to be "given" greatness, and hates the idea that work and capability are required.
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