Where were you on 9/11/2001

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years, 9 months ago to History
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I recall 9/11, as if I could ever forget, because it was the beginning of the end of so many things in my life. It was the beginning of the failure of my IT consulting company, it was the awakening of my countrymen to the truth about the world we live in, it was beginning of the acidic cynicism in my heart that will no doubt be my eventual demise.

I awoke from my couch at the prodding of my 12 year old son. The television was on - FOX News. The cobwebs cleared to see one of the towers with a gaping gash. Debris spewing out of its wound, papers littered the sky line huge snowflakes. The news was still speculating that it may have been an accident when a second jet flew into the second tower.

My heart dropped. I wished ALL Muslims dead. Yes, I knew before they said it that Islam was responsible. I recall saying, and now regret, that "Millions of Muslims have to die to avenge what they have done" - be careful what you wish for.

As time went on I watched in horror as people leapt from the windows, preferring the fall to the fire - I can't blame them. Stunned I watched this massive World Trade Center collapsed, knowing that thousands of AMERICANS, men and women who just went to work, had died before my eyes.

Time passed. I called my children's schools - they wouldn't be going for the foreseeable future. I told my wife to take off from work - she did. My family wouldn't be leaving the house until we knew that at least the world around us was secure.

I drove to my office 3 hours late and dismissed everyone for the day - I told them to be home with their families. We didn't know what was going to happen next and I didn't expect many calls for service (how right I was). I remember sitting in my silent office and crying in anger.

My business failed as clients held tight their wallets for several months- uncertainty breeds caution, no one is to blame.

I am still angry.

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  • Posted by bassman 10 years, 9 months ago
    I was in Japan and I still am. I called a friend who was a Navy navigator tracking subs during cold war. The first thing he said was 'False Flag'. He said there is no way a bunch of Muslims with box cutters and no ability to fly even a Cessna with any skill could pull that off in US air space. Four planes flying around free and flying into the Pentagon and WTC without a jet being scrambled. Most people with a brain knew something was fishy. Now, we KNOW after years of evidence has been discovered including the nanothermite residues. WTC was housing an international crowd too. Not just Americans were killed. That was handy to bring on the whole world into the 'endless war on terror'. Now, we find WE are the terrorists, Ron Paul is a terrorist, as are Christians, and Muslims. Only one group I know of seems to have evaded the terrorist label. Any guesses?
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    • Posted by monart 10 years, 9 months ago
      The US and Israeli governments, at least.

      I'm glad there's at least you, bassman, who cares and knows the truth about 9/11: that it was a false flag. The others here, like most objectivists, are too biased to reason independently about the contradictions in the official story about 9/11. You're a rare, autonomous thinker, bassman.
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  • Posted by carolyn62 10 years, 9 months ago
    I was preparing to go to work, when, on Fox News, I witnessed the videos of the first aircraft "hit" which captured my attention. Then came 'real time' coverage of the 2nd plane 'strike'. Reality established in an instant! Drove ''on'' to work--and upon arrival learned that the Pentagon had also been struck with a flight---Watched and listened as story developed regarding the Pennsylvania flight----What a day---and, odd enough...glorious-connected-undivided- conversations and heart felt opinions, no, CONVICTIONS---between ALL Americans--race was NOT a factor!!!
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  • Posted by rev_libertarian 10 years, 9 months ago
    I was in court on a bogus charge that was eventually dropped, and wasted the whole day waiting for the judge to come down and continue every case he was supposed to see that day. He was watching tv in his chambers till he was told at 2 in the afternoon to take care of his job. Oh well another day wasted due to government incompetence.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 9 months ago
    When I saw the WTC towers (still standing) with the smoke pouring out, my first thought was, 'how did this happen?' Then I saw the pentagon and thought, 'how did this happen 3 times?'
    I immediately suspected collusion of some kind. This is not a case of some crazy individual in a crowd taking a shot at a public official. This was a situation where the competent military air defense in DC was absent. That was not an accident or a coincidence. The longer the coverup of the truth goes on, the more it becomes obvious that this was not merely the act of poorly trained, extraordinarily lucky Arab pilots armed with box-cutters.

    I wish we could hear Rand's take on the known facts.
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    • Posted by monart 10 years, 9 months ago
      I would think that Rand's fierce independent thinking would have detected the numerous contradictions in the official 9/11 story and see it as a false flag attack -- unlike the prejudiced thinking of the objectivist leadership, starting with Peikoff, who accept the bogus official story on faith and complain that the US government is too merciful in the war on terrorism.
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