What is a #Cuckservative? You best check this out; unless you are "Alt Right" you don't want to use this word.

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 7 years, 7 months ago to News
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The definition is somewhat open right now as I understand it, a bit twisted...in my opinion...but it's not good, that much I can assure you...very dark days are at hand.

"Very basically, the cuckservative is a white gentile conservative (or libertarian) who thinks he’s promoting his own interests but really isn’t. In fact, the cuckservative is an extreme universalist and seems often to suffer from ethnomasochism & pathological altruism. In short, a cuckservative is a white (non-Jewish) conservative who isn’t racially aware."
SOURCE URL: https://occamsrazormag.wordpress.com/2015/07/15/what-is-a-cuckservative-nrx/

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 7 years, 7 months ago
    I think someone just described Angelina Jolie, the darling of the UN. They grab at catch phrases, want to change things, but have not done the research to know what the problem is. They want to be trendy and sound educated, but they don't use reason. We are surrounded by them, and they vote - stupidly. I just saw Cheryl Drow on Kelly Files, and she described all the things wrong with DC, and then ended by admitting she was voting for Hillary, who was involved in expanding all the things on her list!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 7 years, 7 months ago
    So it's Cuckservative = Conservative && White && !Jewish && !RaciallyAware

    If those are all Boolean conditions, there are 16 permutations. They could make a little table with names for everyone. They should have a racial awareness day, though, for people who have no idea what the heck it's about.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 7 months ago
      Or maybe since it is an identity or a definition and not a Boolean expression, to be a Cuckservative one needs be a Conservative and be white and not be Jewish and not be racially aware with no permutations of those necessary since there is no other possibility to be a Cuckservative.
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      • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
        Strange because it comes from the Alt Right, (nazism/fascism) and not the left...they don't give a crap about anybody...except themselves.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 7 months ago
          That left/right axis is the one that some Libertarians used to use with communism as alt left and Nazism/fascism on the alt right and liberalism and conservatism nearer the center with libertarians, having the liberty parts of those, perpendicular to the center. I tried that once in the Gulch and was told that the axis is all collectivist on left and conservative and liberty on the right. There are dozens of such axes. Rand seemed to prefer the collectivist to freedom axis.

          How is the consciousness stuff coming? I was wondering whether other animals have a visual field of awareness like humans. I sometimes do not see that in some people I know. It is more like a point centered tactile awareness in them. Has to be something to do with parallelism in brain circuits.
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          • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
            Interesting thought...parallelism. It surprises me that Rand preferred collectivist.
            Our Forefathers, original liberal ( liberty with responsibility) would be located slightly right of center. I always thought the extreme left was massive control (which it is) and the extreme right would be No control at all. In reality I think it is that way but leftest don't want to be labeled "nazi's" or fascist - in my view...these two would reside on the left as well.
            But, to your question, No animals do not display "conscious" awareness, nor awareness of time. They like every living thing have an awareness of their environments and interactions with it but are not introspective of those awareness's. ( Jaynes doesn't talk about it but I imagine much of a mammal's positive and negative 'R'eactions would be accompanied by a picture brain with smell primary), Plants obviously do not have those capabilities...just a set of integral instructions.
            Like bicameral man, animals can be quite amazing but mankind...a percentage at least, is the only species that can observe and adjust that awareness at will with no enticements.
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            • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 7 months ago
              Rand preferred the collectivist-freedom axis with all freedom to the right but not the ultra right of anarchism.

              I am not referring to self awareness in the visual field but rather just the sense of a wide field of view that the animal is aware of but not of itself being an an aware being. Frogs, for example, seem to be aware of their surroundings to the extent of maybe edges and motions. I have an 180 degree spread of visual field that I am aware of but not always as 'I' in it without switching on self-consciousness, meaning with knowledge of reality, while doing so. Otherwise it is just a mental visual field of view only of interest to the subconscious brain. Most everything that all animals do is subconscious with humans doing the most self-conscious actions such as conscious logical thought or where your hand is when reaching for something.
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              • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                So you mean like a sense, an instinct or perhaps feeling a change with in that view, (vibrational).

                I have that wide view "sense" most of the time but it's not always clear coupled with some degraded senses like hearing and smell. But still, I know my place within it.
                My wife on the other hand is always and only in her brain and often spooked by someone standing right beside her once she notices whereas I sense that presence and sometimes see it, even though I'm not looking.
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                • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 7 months ago
                  Say you are daydreaming with your eyes open. Then you have no sense or conscious knowing within the day dream until you do have that knowing come to conscious awareness, like tying your shoes where you can do it without thought or even sight of how you do it after you have learned how. Humans would have not advanced had they needed to relearn each necessary action for daily life. Had vision been like a computer vision system processing each pixel in sequence, there would not be any visual field of view. I would think that all mammals and birds have that extensive visual field with humans able to be conscious of their own awareness with respect to it. Do other animals have that sense of self awareness with regard to vision?
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 7 years, 7 months ago
                    The question of animals and their sense of awareness had been a running joke with my wife and I of our recently passed Golden Retriever "Mulligan". Mulligan had no concern for personal space and we would joke that as far as she was concerned she was tiny for all she seemed to see of herself was three inches from her eyes to the end of her nose.
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                  • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                    No they do not...we might call it instincts...but probably it's just more accurate to say it's just an internal set of instructions, a program so to speak, becoming a natural part of their behavior and responses to their environment.
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                    • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 7 months ago
                      And what do you call it with respect to your own actions? Unless you are consciously directing your actions, you are doing similar subconsciously driven actions for which your brain has learned the programing. When you are doing a thinking action such as forming a new concept, you must have a large amount of learned experience and if you are being consciously aware of your thinking in the process, you have to have first gotten the idea for a new concept plus you have had to do a series of permissions for the subconscious to do the work and if you detect an error in that process you have to inhibit the subconscious mental actions. Most simple life has built in instructions for acting in most all cases. More complex life has to be able to learn in most cases since the natural world is changing constantly such as when a cat or dog is taken in by someone. It must learn behavior for which it did not previously have instructions, unless you believe that training will produce acquired characteristics that are inheritable. It needs not have self knowledge of the training, but only to get it right to get some kind of behavior from the trainer, maybe some kind of self awareness there? The same goes for small children who are trained to pray and pretend that a god is watching them. Older people similarly are trained by others for certain behavior and by their subconscious producing nonsense which becomes learned unless the conscious mind inhibits the so called thoughts. The subconscious just applies natural law, which cannot be illogical, to whatever subconscious premises have been learned and if logic has been discovered and applied consciously with premises that are objectively true then the subconscious will produce a thought which is true. Without the training to find objectively true premises, the subconscious brain will take whatever it has such as John prayed over his cancer stricken wife and she got well again and then jump to the conclusion that praying will cure cancer without checking objective reality for the data to back up that inference. Even being objective needs a large body of learned knowledge with the only that already available for allowing or choosing to think objectively or for the inhibiting of an action.
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                      • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                        Simply, even if your not paying attention to what your brain is doing, it's recorded in the subconscious; you either will become aware of it at some point or perhaps if you have worked at disciplined thought and control (via your mind) then everything will be fine. Teaching self control to children is very important...not through fear but through reason. Animals only learn by results...ie. punishment, pain or in the other spectrum; pleasure, safety or satisfying a base need like food and water.
                        More on the subconscious later...gota head off to work now.
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                        • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                          You bring up a good point of crap getting into the subconscious. It is critical to use your critical left brain at least to label the info...X or at least, ? if not a √. I find it hard to swallow that a "conscious" person, even if something wrong has entered the subconscious, would act upon that unknowingly. Maybe the answer is that they were never really conscious in the first place or weakly at best. I see the latter a lot, conscious but that consciousness, the mind is not a prime default. In other words, they rarely use it, they prefer the automatic mind. It happens to most of us sometimes but if our minds have become the prime default, we catch it and at least try to make it right. That's called "responding differently" [that's a survival action], the precursor to "Responsibility and Accountability.
                          In terms of teaching especially young children is a difficult task because much of what you say goes right over their heads; everything has to be relayed in their language.
                          Someday I would love to find and study how our forefathers generation approached this problem. We know that what ever they did, it worked because their kids were well learned at 6 and knew as much or more at 10 that today's kids know at 20.
                          I sure would like to find out.
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                          • Posted by lrshultis 7 years, 7 months ago
                            Would this email that I received indicate that some crap got into this person's subconsciousness or is this type of thinking now going to be the norm? I have never been able to understand this kind of thinking.

                            Dear Classmates,

                            Thanks to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. The house fire was a tragedy, but God was looking after us we know. Here are two examples, after combing through the second bedroom where the fire started, I found only a paperback book in ashes. As I picked it up out of the ashes, I picked it up by the back cover. The back cover was slightly scorched. When I turned the book over, I read the title “The Covenant of God’s Love”. The book is a working Bible based on the New Testament. I believe this was a sign from God. We believe this fire started shortly after we left for 3 hours. When we returned our house on fire in a full blaze. God protected us for we weren’t there at the time. My first thought was to get our two cats out. I managed to get the front door open, praying that the cats would come out. As we stood across the street on our neighbors lawn, praying that the cats would come out while the fire department was putting out the fire. Our cat, Wellington, did come out, but not by the way of the door. He came out a side window in the living room that blew out by the heat of the fire.(God answers prayer) Unfortunately our other cat, Carmen, died from smoke inhalation and was found in the basement by the garage wall. For us,the Lord will always be there in the good times and the bad. Thanks again God for protecting us in this tragedly (sic)."
                            Greg & Donna
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                            • Posted by $ 7 years, 7 months ago
                              That is strictly the bicameral brain talking...unfortunately that is what the organization perpetuates.
                              It's ok to appreciate that your alive and your cat got out...that appreciation is important, it's great to verbalize it and live it, being thankful... but the bicameral expression of it keeps one and others in the bicameral brain; a bicameral brain that needs something watching over it; preventing it from depending upon itself and it's connection to a mind and all the willful and automatic quantum connections that come with it.
                              Understand that the Organization never evolved the bicameral spin on the teachings in their subconscious, into the automatic bicameral brain that remains in an otherwise conscious person.
                              Some of it might be a willful effort to be humble; afraid of an ego, perhaps because of some guilt of the past or perhaps due to a lack of self control like drinking, drugs, cheating...etc. I meet many people in this latter category and wouldn't dream of criticizing them cause it works for them. Self control over a physical or physiological addiction is not an easy thing.
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