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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
    BHO is no longer in the caring mode - if he ever was. He no longer cares for the country, the party, or even his legacy. He will do whatever is needed to be done to complete his agendas and only those who are ethically crippled or just want to keep the job will stick with him. Those who flee are nominally rational if for no other reason than to keep their own skins from being scarred by association.
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  • Posted by Maritimus 10 years ago
    "They respect and admire Obama ... " Can someone explain to me how can anybody sincerely admire and respect him. Admire him because he is "better" than an "average guy"? I think that I admire people who do an outstanding work in their JOB. I think that I respect people for their exceptionally good CHARACTER (use ancient virtues for definition).
    All over the place you can find these days long lists of Obamas failures. How many times has he told us blatant lies? Does any one of you admire him and respect him? Please, do not say that you respect every human being, including Obama, because I will come up with a horrendous list of people that no sane human could possibly respect. I repeat my question: does any one of you admire and respect Obama? If yes, please explain why.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years ago
      " I repeat my question: does any one of you admire and respect Obama? If yes, please explain why."
      I do, to the extent I know him. I've never met him, and I don't follow the news closely. I followed it more when my business was slow last fall. My attention to the news comes and goes. I voted for him both times and when to fundraisers. He's certainly not perfect. I would be very interesting to know him and get a private answer to concerns about the precedent set by drone strikes, concerns about gov't spying on Americans, executive overreach in general, and money in politics.

      Maybe I would get to know him and find he's an empty shell who will say anything to get elected. I have no idea. Maybe just learning about policy details would make me not support him. From my standpoint of casual observer, he seems to be very good, not as amazing as people's wild expectations, but very good.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 10 years ago
    it's the Cloward-Piven approach, like with the many
    hundreds of kids being dumped into arizona --
    overload "capitalism" with welfare and scandal
    cases, to force the enlargement of government.

    this is no set of accidents by a bored president,
    it is a carefully staged leftist takeover. -- j

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  • Posted by desimarie23 10 years ago
    I think what it boils down to, is that the majority of the 'American' people love being lied to. They're more than willing to put their trust in whoever makes the biggest noise. The fact that BO's own party no longer supports him makes no difference to the people, they're buying into the lies that they've been fed by the administration. The country is crumbling and we may be the few that realize what's actually happening.
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  • Posted by Danno 10 years ago
    This is news? America has not had a real president that uses the bully pulpit to persuade Congress and the People since Reagan's first term. Since ~1987 the system has been on a kind of autopilot with lobbyists controlling the fine adjustments (that can amplify via non-linear effects to bust).
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