Wondering how to Retire Earlier or even later in a low cost higher value living area?For those who ask is there a better place or why some of us live south of the border.

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 7 years, 9 months ago to Economics
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Since the question pops up every so often usually DB and I answer it. Here's anothere source. This guy lives a few boats over from me. We often breakfast together. He has zero retirement and isn't old enough to collect on social security. Biut he knows money inside and out and how to handle it invest or not invest, where to park it for security or as much as it possible. And he's started a blog on the subject. He does no commission trading and and if you like what he says his nuts and bolts section is a whopping one dollar a year. He did it with a wife and added two kids.

Some of ti is common sense which few will listen to. Some of it is the secret as to pay your credit card bills. And from there it goes up hill.

So since I know him I'll recommend a look at hs new blog.

retire-earlier.com. Tell him Michael sent you and I'll get 10% of his zero percent commission. THAT is a joke. Don't make me get sarcastic on you.


This is a bona fide gratuitous plug. No interest just don't read it. Notice I put that line at the end?
SOURCE URL: http://www.retire-earlier.com/

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