The apologists are busy...

Posted by strugatsky 8 years ago to Politics
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All the usual apologists are hard at work to distance this and all Islamic terrorists from Islam. As in, he was a bad Muslim, he drank, he took drugs, he didn't pray enough - the list is long. One thing they never mention is that Islam promises all sins to be erased and an instant ticket to heaven for the jihadist who martyrs himself in the name of Islam. Basically, any loser who wants to commit suicide is instantly turned into a hero, all sins forgotten and he's in heaven. Religion of Peace...

EXCLUSIVE - 'He drank alcohol, ate pork and took drugs. He was NOT a Muslim - he was a s***': Truck terrorist's cousin reveals he is an 'unlikely jihadist' who beat his wife and NEVER went to the mosque

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    Posted by Wanderer 8 years ago
    In a matter of minutes, he went from being a bad Muslim to being the best of Muslims.

    Ever heard the phrase: "If all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails?"

    That's our problem. Our politicians and intelligence analysts are used to crime and politically inspired terrorism. None of them have ever known, much less fought a tribal war. This isn't crime or terrorism, it's tribal war.

    We won't begin to win this fight until we change our way of thinking. Our enemy isn't a country or a territory, it's the tribe of Islam.

    Friend and foe can't be known by race, sexuality, nationality or political stance. The only factor separating friend from foe is Islam. Until we have the courage to admit we are fighting Islam, we won't begin to win.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      The question often asked is how to address the fact that there are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world? When it comes to their countries, I see no problem with Muslims there killing and oppressing scores of other Muslims, but with respect to the civilized world, Islam needs to be eradicated the same as fascism was eradicated. It is an evil ideology that needs to be recognized as such and eradicated. The fact that every Muslim is not necessarily evil is not an excuse - not every fascist was evil, either.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years ago
    If he read and followed the violent instructions of the Koran, he was a jihadist. Everything else is mindless commentaries. If you want to find people with fore knowledge of the act or accomplices, go to the mosque he used to attend, even if not on a regular basis. There you'll find the connection.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      His, and every mosque. They all teach the same Koran. Apologists like to point to the differences between various Muslim denominations; sure, there are differences, such as the bloodline passing through Muhammad's uncle or cousin, or whatever minor issue that is enough for them to kill each other. But the Koran is the same and it teaches them, in the same way, how to kill us.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years ago
    "All sins forgotten (forgiven)" is not unique to islam.

    He was a POS. Every single person, can probably kill more than two other people before they are subdued if they choose.

    Every religion offers an excuse. Islamists need to police their own ranks, or forfeit there status among the peaceful invisible friends group.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      It is impossible for the so-called "peaceful" Muslims to police their ranks - they would be acting against the Koran by vilifying those that the Koran calls the holiest. I believe that any attempt to compromise with this thoroughly evil ideology is just postponing the inevitable clash.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years ago
        If this is really correct, there is only one solution. Do we all understand that?
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        • Posted by 8 years ago
          Most people do not understand that. Some do not want to understand. Many are not capable of understanding anything. It will take many more 9/11's and Paris' and London's and Nice's. In fact, if Hitler were to have been a bit slower and didn't jump into new acquisitions so fast, these same apologists would have been proclaiming that Herr Hitler is a gentleman for quite a while, perhaps even while being swallowed up by the Reich.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years ago
    There are many motives for people to murder one another. Even terrorists have varying reasons for their actions if you look just below the surface. There's the psychopath who just likes the idea of killing and the religion of Islam gives him an excuse. There's the true believer who is seeking his afterlife reward, there is the suitor for power who plans on surviving to reap benefits from his actions. The followers of Islam have been a thorn in the heel of civilization from its inception. As I have said many times, Islam has evolved to the point where a follower, any follower, should be regarded with suspicion, especially those trying to enter the country.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years ago
    Not that long ago, French Muslims organized a national association which was supposed to prevent jihadists or "honor" killers from finding sanctuary in their community.

    It's time for that association to step up, investigate, and "out" whoever taught, funded, or egged on the guy at the wheel of that truck, before they do it again. If this does not happen, then France should declare Islam a neo-Nazi group and apply its existing law banishing those groups from the country.
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    • Posted by 8 years ago
      Again, the jihadists and the martyrs cannot, and will not be stopped by other Muslims. Koran tells them that jihad and martyrdom are the highest achievements.
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      • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 8 years ago
        If you were of a certain religion, that instructed you to destroy all non-believers, but you disagreed with that and chose peace...would you truly consider stopping another member who chose violence?

        The most likely answer is no, because you are still a follower of that religion. To attempt to stop another follower from carrying out your religious beliefs would go against what you believe.

        This is why I don't believe most Muslims will stop other Muslims from doing violence against the infidels. It may not make them our enemies, but it surely does not make them our friends.
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        • Posted by 8 years ago
          Not only will they not stop a jihadist, but when called upon by their leadership, they will carry out the call and kill their infidel friends, although with regret and maybe even a tear in their eye. There have been many examples of this.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years ago
    Not sure about France anymore in their judicial system but that stuff sounds like something that would work with an ACLU lawyer. Just as an observation.
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