
Posted by Pharmed01 10 years ago to Politics
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Obama says this is what is done at end of war. Putting aside the fact that it is not end of war as the Tali are concerned, the 5 terrorist are not soldiers. There is no equivalency. They don’t wear uniforms as an instrument of State and as terrorists are not eligible for consideration under Geneva rules of engagement and disengagement. They are in fact just thugs, not soldiers. Where’s the equivalency?

I have often referred to this guy as stupid and it is a wonder to me how he got through Harvard Law. His wife is just as stupid. When she wrote her senior thesis at Princeton, a reviewing Professor said that it was “written in no known language.”

Two functional nitwits sitting at the pinnacle of power, and whose fault is that?

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  • Posted by 10 years ago
    Here's the thing about Rand. She came out of Soviet Russia with a clear understanding of the evils of totalitarianism and understood its relevancy to America. as everyone should but apparently don't. Rand, like the thinking of the Constitutional framers, is a pretty good framework of reference to understand the evil that men will do for Power and Control.
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  • Posted by 10 years ago
    There seems to be confusion about the apparent incompetency of the White House, even among well informed media. Allow me to clarify. SP liberalism has 4 cornerstones: intellectual dishonesty, ruthlessness, arrogance, and fear, and Obama is a pathological liar - lying is what he does because "truth is whatever we say it is" [THE AMATEUR]. These people have no respect for American citizens that embrace traditional American values, which they hold in contempt. This is what you get with this kind of ilk and apparently many voters don't understand this, maybe because they lack a framework of reference.
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  • Posted by RonC 10 years ago
    Did the Taliban surrender? Did the concerned parties meet on the deck of the USS Ronald Reagan and sign a treaty? No. Just because Obama decided he's done does not mean we are no longer at war with these monsters. So, the end of war precedent goes out the window. My Opinion, Considering the apology tour, the lessening of American Exceptionalism, the total failure of foreign policy (from a US perspective), the redistribution of wealth through Taxes, health care, and downward pressure middle class incomes, and many many more bullet points...I believe our President is one of them. I believe he is working to reach goals that are not in the best interest of the USA, but the best interest of his world view. In earlier eras, he would have been removed from office, probably before swapping prisoners. Removed for anti American activities.
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    • Posted by $ Susanne 10 years ago
      I think you have it backwards... It's pretty evident that it was not the Taliban that surrendered to the US... Nor was any action done with the knowledge and consent of the people.

      But who are we to say? The King and Emperor, as is his self-appointed and determined right, has spoken, and made his decision, and as good sheeple serfs we are bound to bow to his dictates...
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      • Posted by RonC 10 years ago
        Let me add to that. The only reason the Big 0 is able to get away with his shenanigans is because congress has abdicated their authority to legislate.
        for Example. EPA, through the rules promulgated by the Secretary and his minions, is changing the clean air act, the clean water act, the wetland rules, and many other provisions. These changes have effect of law. The flaw is, Congress (our representatives) did not vote on any of these changes. Rather they wrote a law that left the details to the discretion of the Secretary. So, Obama picks up the phone, calls the Secretary of the EPA and encourages him to tighten the standards for air and water. The net result is "Carbon Caps and Trade", which congress voted down in the first term. It is government by fiat. And by the way, the EPA secretary is well remembered and rewarded by the President.

        The progressives are the master of the Trojan horse. They send in Healthcare, dressed as the Bride in a beautiful gown. Promising more, better healthcare for all. Beneath the beautiful lace and crinoline, there are higher premiums, higher deductibles, higher co-pays, and less access to health care. It's not about healthcare, it's about sending 1/6 of the US economy to Washington. Think of it as increasing the size of government by 18% with a single law.

        And in a handsome tuxedo, the groom. Fresh and full of anticipation of joining his Bride. His contribution? Cleaner environment for all the healthy people. Beneath the corsage and jacket, hidden inside the fresh white shirt...higher usage fees for every form of carbon based energy. They could not pass a law, but with the correct regulation they can collect fees instead of taxes. The unspoken secret; solar and wind cannot compete with the cost of fossil fuel, so be causing energy prices to skyrocket they create a distorted market to subsidize their view of energy. And, once again, the cash flow to Washington is increase immensely.

        The Union of this couple yields the offspring of; control of our health care, control of our water, control of our mobility through cost, control of our heating costs, control of the pursuit of happiness by sapping every disposable dollar out of the economy in the form of fees and taxes. To put a point on it, if someone controls your heat, light, food, travel, discretionary spending and health...what freedom is left to the individual?

        Then, with a solemn face, and a tone of foreboding, the Great One will blame business for the sorry amount of new jobs and the contraction in the economy. He will proclaim, "we did all we could do!" Socialist are like the dumb guy standing in front of the fire place. If the fireplace will make a little heat, he will then put some wood in. It doesn't work that way, it never has. I offer to our group, Socialism will never work. There is no incentive in equal outcomes. The incentive lies in equal opportunity.
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    • Posted by jpellone 9 years, 12 months ago
      My thinking is, is that BHO came up with the idea to give the 5 GITMO terrorist up to get the alleged deserter back. This is his way of emptying GITMO so he can close it!!!

      I totally agree with everything else you stated Ron...
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
    It's all our fault. Those morons who voted for him and us who didn't prevent it. The suitors to power needed a pretty, well spoken front man who never had an original idea of his own. The less experience the better in order to guide him to their ends. But the "nitwit" follies are becoming so gross that even true believers are starting to realize that the hoped-for change may be so radical that nothing will be left of the nation but possibly an idiocracy. However, to some of them, that may be a good thing so long as they can continue to pull the strings behind the scenes,
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  • Posted by 10 years ago
    I am glad that you brought up EPA. Let's go back to the BP disaster. Their leased rig had over 70 safety violations. In contrast, Exxon had 2 violations. Where was EPA? So, what does Mr. Bright do? Does he hold EPA accountable? Noooo. He slaps a moratorium on drilling in the gulf shafting (no pun intended) both the companies trying to do it right and the "guns and Bible folks" whose livelihood depends on the industry.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 10 years ago
    Let's hope that someone in power was intelligent enough to have placed RFID chips in the trash that they released and are even now targeting missiles on those chips.

    Then we can wait for the Courts Martial to begin concerning desertion.

    I can dream can't I?
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  • Posted by 10 years ago
    The ghetto personality stuff is not off the mark if you believe Bill Clinton, who referred to Obama as a guy with a Chicago thug mentality. Sometimes Bill says things seem sincere :))
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  • Posted by wiggys 10 years ago
    he got out of Harvard law school through a door. I would like for someone who sat in his class when he was a constitutional law teacher to step forward and say "yes he was my teacher", doubtful any exist. the man may not have lived his formative years in a ghetto environment but once he moved to Chicago that is where he spent his days and probably nights. he has a ghetto personality and he does things as they are done in the ghetto. this is what 51 percent of the country wanted and now not nearly enough are accepting that he is completely incompetent to do anything except sit around with a joint. he has a character defect, zero emotions, I could go on............................
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  • Posted by 9 years, 12 months ago
    June 5, 2014: 3:15pm: The Palookaville Post has learned that many Congressman, both Republican and Democrat, would prefer to start Obama’s impeachment hearings right away and not after the 2014 election. Senator Ted Cruz is quoted as saying, “Look! I am a huge fan of Texas college football, Dallas Cowboys and Houston Oilers, and I don’t want to be distracted during the season, even for this!” Harry Reid said: “over my dead body” prompting a quip from republican Senator Ron Johnson that “we keep hoping and praying but he’s probably going to make it through November.” Surpisingly, Palookaville sources say Senator Diane Feinstein said: “Frankly, I have had it. I never believed he was born in Hawaii with that stupidly forged birth certificate, but as a loyal democrat, I kept my mouth shut until he screwed my Committee over this swap deal.” Democratic Senator Mark Pryor is rumored to have said. “Anything that gets the s*** off me over this VA thing in my election year, including impeachment of this imbecile, is okay with me”. Representative Nancy Pelosi could not be reached for comment. Palookaville sources say she is being treated an uncontrollable nervous tic.
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