Non sequitur of the moment

Posted by $ johnrobert2 8 years, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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As some of you may remember, I have, on occasion, posted musical offerings just as a turn from the discussions now propounded.

Well, the past couple of weeks I have been quite taken by some Prussian marches from the 1700's by the sheer technical abilities of the trumpeters/buglers. Here, for your entertainment:

And here's one strictly for laughs:

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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 4 months ago
    What is most amazing is these were composed and played before bugles had valves and the player had to do all the notes on his own. As an aside, you may hear a lot of tympani during these two pieces. Yes, that's right. They were played from horseback during the course of a parade and the buglers also. Talk about multitasking.
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  • Posted by starznbarz 8 years, 4 months ago
    Not exactly on topic, but kinda sorta... we covered a wreaths across America ceremony at a small, almost forgotten cemetery near us several years ago, it is the resting place for a Medal of Honor recipient from the Indian wars, it is also the resting place for an army field artillery bugler named Ivah Lively Hand,(Jan 6 1893 - May 17 1943) seems his future was decided when he was named.
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