Will Britain vote to leave the EU?

Posted by $ blarman 8 years ago to News
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As the European Union stagnates due to its economic policies while being overrun by Middle Eastern "refugees" taking advantage of its "open borders" policies, Great Britain is faced with the looming vote to end its participation in the European Union.

If it stays, it must deal with the ongoing financial strain of supporting Greece while Portugal, Ireland, and Spain face similar economic meltdowns as well as the widespread cultural upheaval due to the mass immigration of those who would rather set up enclaves than assimilate.

If it leaves, it gains the potential for resurgence in the Pound Sterling, border and immigration control (though they have shown little backbone for it), and the ability to chart their own destiny rather than being controlled by the populists in the EU, but also faces strong uncertainty in financial markets and the loss of backing of key EU nations Germany and France.
SOURCE URL: http://humanevents.com/2016/05/27/britain-at-the-crosswords/

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  • Posted by salta 8 years ago
    I hope they leave, but I don't think it will be a clean break up. Those in power in government want the stay in, so if the people vote to exit, I'm sure they will make it as painful and expensive process as they can get away with.
    I'm imagining a grumpy teenage child being told to do some household chore, then doing a really bad job in a passive aggressive protest.
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  • Posted by coaldigger 8 years ago
    Their only one-foot-in members to me since they maintained sovereignty over their currency. The Euro countries are like an organism with a common blood supply but multiple brains. I don't see how that can work unless economic decisions are made jointly.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years ago
      The economic decisions are being made jointly, it's the Golden Rule of "he who owns the gold, makes the rules!" And I'm really not kidding. Germany is currently the power in the EU and they have the largest gold holdings in the world along with the US and China. They also have one of the larger population bases, which along with Britain and France comprise the majority of power within the EU's ruling body. The problem is that they all want to milk the EU for its benefits without surrendering their sovereignty - something that doesn't really work as you point out.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years ago
    I hope they do...although, obobo. hiltery and trumpet will not do business with them...don't know about colonel sanders.
    I think, if they do...many might follow....However, I am sure the UN-idiots will try to make an example of them...you know what monkeys are like when they get pissed.
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