The March of Tyranny

Posted by sdesapio 10 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 10 years, 1 month ago
    When the boot of tyranny is stomping on your face, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of little consequence.
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  • Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 1 month ago
    Outstanding! So accurate! It's what my better half and I have been telling people: it's not about Left vs. Right. It's the self-proclaimed "elite" versus the 'commoner' e.g., everyone else.
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  • Posted by NealS 10 years, 1 month ago
    Wasn't this the initial reason for the startup of the Tea Party? Could this have something to do with the Democratic and Republican Party both spewing nonsense and bad mouthing the Tea Party? I could be wrong, and I sure hope these questions aren't taken to indicate racism, or sexism, or whatever is next?
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  • Posted by Zero 10 years, 1 month ago
    The cartoonist says it's not him. I'll reluctantly give him the benefit of the doubt.
    ("Reluctantly" only because his stuff has that mindless propaganda feel to it, y'know - Seriously am I the only one?)

    Nevertheless I can well imagine those little b@$t@rd$ attacking a voice of freedom in just such a way. (Every Tea-Partier is racist don'cha know!)

    Besides, even when I wrote it - I realized this was an ad hominem attack. (Who cares if he's a (fill-in-the-blank) - it's the idea that needs to be countered.)

    So I withdraw my most inflammatory accusations BUT stick by my initial objections.

    Central Banking is a tool of the corrupt political climate - not the other way around.

    You may chose to believe a secret cabal runs the world - there's nothing I can say to dissuade you of that. But let's just say we'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
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  • Posted by Zero 10 years, 1 month ago
    Global Elite Bankers? Really?

    This looks like something I'd see in a $2 Socialist Worker Weekly.

    Surely advocates of capitalism know better than to blame international banking for the ills of modern political landscape.
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    • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 1 month ago
      Banking has nothing to do with capitalism, and hasn't since 1913. The Federal Reserve was set up to free both the government and banks from the constraints of honest money (i.e. money backed by precious metals). One Depression era "reform" was deposit insurance, which put the government on the hook for bank's deposit liabilities. In 1984 Continental Illinois Bank would have failed and perhaps caused an international financial crisis. Too Big Too Fail (TBTF) was born. TBTF reached its zenith in the last financial crisis, where all of the nation's largest banks, and several large international banks, received over $1 trillion in government "investments" and loan guarantees. I'm a devout capitalist and would never impugn domestic or international bankers, if they had anything to do with capitalism. As currently constituted, they do not. They've set up a wonderful (for them) game of heads we win, tails the world's taxpayers lose. That's not the Socialist Worker Weekly; that's what banking as now practiced actually is.
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      • Posted by Zero 10 years, 1 month ago
        I knew I was right about this guy.

        I'm an Obj, I understand all the usual stuff. I'm right there with you.
        Yes, central banks are the greatest thieves in the history of the world. Yes "too big to fail" is an abomination.

        What I objected to was "Global Elite Bankers" with the usual Masonic all seeing eye. Hell, why not just call them the Illuminati.

        Banks don't run the world. You know that, right?
        They are neither the largest companies, nor the largest sector of the economy nor even are bankers the richest men on earth.
        Banks are not responsible for the Democrat/Republican lock step.

        And, yes, banking is still the core of what capitalism still exists. Just ask any of the many, many banks that are NOT too big to fail.

        Finally, notice how quickly you shift from the central banks (the GREAT evil) to the "TBTF" banks (simple scammers).
        But "Global Elite Bankers" covers all with one brush.

        No, this cartoonist is off. No Joke.
        Be sure you check out the link.
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        • Posted by straightlinelogic 10 years, 1 month ago
          I do believe that a there is a group, or cabal, pushing the world towards a one world government type of system. I don't think it's exclusively bankers, but they have a seat at the table, as do politicians, businesspeople, etc. Whatever secrecy these groups used to maintain has vanished; they are open now about their meetings and their agenda. For more, hit the link to the article on my website, straightlinelogic, "Holes In The Matrix":

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    • Posted by $ MattWood 10 years, 1 month ago
      But how much of what these international bankers do is actually free market and how much of it is really just corporatism at it's worst? Fiat currency, fractional reserve lending, and central banking are not compatible with a free market. These are instruments of both the state and their cronies to usurp the power and wealth away from the people and into own their palms and pockets. YouTube "Money As Debt"
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      • Posted by UncommonSense 10 years, 1 month ago
        I wish I could be my own "Federal Reserve" ~ I wouldn't have to worry about a budget. All I need to do is input a few digits...a couple of clicks and *presto!* instant "prosperity". And I could keep on spending irresponsibly while passing on the debt off onto my yet conceived great-grandchildren. They'll be angry of course, but hey, I gotta 'live the life' now! -----> Pardon me as I puke........This House of Cards will fall and I'm afraid we will get to see this in our time.
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      • Posted by Zero 10 years, 1 month ago
        No argument there - but how exactly does that translate into the Fed pulling the strings on Polosi and McCain.

        More the other way around isn't it!

        Politicians NEEED their money (like a junkie) and create any means of getting it i.e. central banking.

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 1 month ago
    The two Parties more and more, are joining forces against the taxpayer. Check out Freedom Outpost, and the story about how government seized their acres of land with only a cabin, because they were saving the Lynx! A getaway cabin, off the grid, and they wanted them off of it, and they made it happen - Agenda 21 is marching toward us. It is Federal, but it is implemented on a local level, and never forget that. The ignorant local governments are directed by Federal policy, which comes from the UN. This is what the International banking crowd wants, one world socialism. The elite will grow richer, the middle class will become part of the poor, and the poor will never be anything but poor - they will legislated it into place.
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  • Posted by Notperfect 10 years ago
    A gentleman on facebook was very angry about a post on our fearless majesty. A headstone reading "America 1776-2013" Cause of death Barack Obama. People being disrespectful in 71 years (his quote) about a sitting Pres. I guess his trust in his majesty just out weighs any other beliefs. That means he loved F.D.R. also and people with any semblances of a brain should follow right along like little sheep (baaaahhhh). Could not resist.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 1 month ago
    Yes! I believe this phenomenon was partially responsible for President Obama being elected. It's why I think we will have a Republican president in 2016 or 2020.
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