Elevator Pitch

Posted by Pharmed01 10 years, 1 month ago to Entertainment
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The film Atlas Shrugged is a classic story of good versus evil and a must-see as an introduction to one the most successful novels ever written. The film is true to the novel that captured the real world reality of the evils that men do for power and control and how that fundamental lust is misrepresented as the “common good”. It dramatically and simply answers many of the timeless questions of what is wrong with the world and why. Written almost 60 years ago, the prophetic novel chronicles the evils of the world today. If you believe that the only intellectuals worth listening to are those who speak from life experience, the author, Ayn Rand, and inspiration for the film Atlas Shrugged, understood the reality of insidious hatred for humanity as a citizen of Soviet Russia and developed a clear vision of its relevancy to America, then and now.

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