Filmmaker: Right-wing media 'brainwashed' my dad

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 2 months ago to History
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More like awakened!

"The Democrats still believe in Enlightenment (read: antilectual darkness) reason: If you just tell people the truth, they will come to the right conclusion,''--- Now that's the biggest lie I've ever heard...and I do my own research...The party of hate, bigotry and faux racism...blaming you for what they've done...blaming You for the bad behaviors, and failures they've created.
JFK was probably the last and possibly the only, conscious human to occupy the demoncrap party. They have no idea what truth is cause they have made it up as they go.

So now that they seek to further blur the lines between truth and fiction after rewriting our history do we straighten this out because takes an enormous amount of work to get at the facts.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 2 months ago
    Several years ago I stopped listening to conservative news and talk radio, almost entirely. I had clarity that allowed me to see the bullsh%*. I remember the exact second I turned off Fox News. I had just woken up and had clicked on their channel and they had a fat, old guy on who they said was a doctor. He looked right at the camera and said that the medical industry was starting to realize that mercury was good for children. I was well-versed in that material already and just clicked it off and never went back. I mention it because it goes to something I've noticed since. I am, for all intents, a pretty conservative guy. My friends who have continued to religiously follow the accepted conservative sources of entertainment and "news" have come up with the most cockamamie arguments. It actually saddens me. So...I can see how this lady came up with this story. But, she should have done what I have with those I cared about. Use logic and genuine caring for them. Works every time. And...I can't listen to the mainstream liberal news without laughing or getting ticked at the lies.

    That footage in the trailer makes her dad look like a nutcase. Pretty sad to watch.
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 2 months ago
      I similarly remember the last time I listened to Amy Goodman's radio and TV show. On the radio show, the guest said neo-liberals don't care about human life or something like that; I can't remember. Goodman said, "yes, exactly". I'm generally neo-liberal and libertarian, so they were talking about me.

      Around the same time on her TV show, she dedicated a large portion to people who lost their jobs to hurricane Katrina and how they were struggling to keep their gov't benefits. That's fine, but this was ONE YEAR after the storm. They weren't saying they became disabled or something. They just lost their job and apparently didn't get another one for over a year. This was in the middle of the RE boom. It made no sense. It's too bad because I think they tell stories that the corporate-owned right-wing MSM won't tell. But you have to wade through, as you say, some really cockamamie arguments.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Granted that both sides of the lamestream have no clue about medicine, prescription drugs or even climate; but conservatives, constitutionalist's and libertarians have been spot on about the idiocies of the progressive left.
      I will also agree that news only programing beats each issue to death...hate when something just know your gona hear about it for a whole week. Then you wonder, what else is going on.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 2 months ago
        Haha...for sure. They take something like the death of a celebrity and just beat it to a pulp. It's really all unwatchable for me anymore. I can't take it. You've got to be a real ignoramus to decide, "I'm going to se aside valuable time each evening to watch the news!"
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 2 months ago
    The film-maker lives in an alternate universe where thinking is not done. He, therefore, can't recognize and analyze the reality of the massive left-liberal media brainwashing.he suffers from.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      The more I learn about consciousness and the lack thereof...the more I think the left is not conscious and perhaps has chosen "not to be".
      Just think of the "sky is falling" scenario...that's a sign of brain only functions.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 2 months ago
    Oh, right-wing media is now doing the "brain-wash-
    ing"? Look who's talking!
    ---Long ago, I read in Who is Ayn Rand? that a
    number of people who accepted her philosophy
    were former "liberals".
    I do not agree with some things that are
    frequently pushed on right-wing radio, such as
    that this country was founded as a "Christian"
    nation, and that the Constitution does not have
    separation of church and state (conveniently
    forgetting the anti-establishment clause). Even
    so, I am not attracted to left-wing media.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 2 months ago
    I was "corrupted" into a skeptic at an early age. I became an avid reader of Thomas Paine in middle school, and his challenge to approach life relying on facts and logic stuck. I wrote a paper in high school called "The Spanish American War - a Media Invention," which upset some people, but I never trusted any media after that.

    Eric Hoffer's book, "The True Believer, a Study in Mass Movements" was the next stage of my enlightenment, establishing my mistrust of politicians. Besides the Federalist and Antifederalist papers, my library has the Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, and the writings of Chairman Mao, so I could understand the attraction of totalitarian ideologies.

    Ayn Rand was the next step, reading most of her publications in college. That pretty much freed me from relying on outside influence.

    I've been a conservative, leaning libertarian since childhood, without the help of "right wing media." I hate to spout the line that liberalism is a form of mental illness, but it does seem to be the result of a rejection of logical thinking.
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  • Posted by Bethesda-gal 8 years, 2 months ago
    This is not responsive to the topic of the movie trailer, but IS about news -- in case anyone hasn't heard of it yet, you should check to see if you get the OANN channel - One America News Network. Its a fledgling operation so the material is somewhat limited, but it claims to be privately owned and operated so the 'slant' is different than elsewhere. FWIW.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 2 months ago
    The dangerous Democrats are not the ones who do not know what truth is. It is the ones who do know the truth, but act the way they do in spite of it. They are pure evil. It is their objective (sorry to use that word) to convince others that the truth isn't true, and to alter facts to fit their agenda. That makes them the elite, and everyone else the useful idiots.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 2 months ago
    Stick to the facts....

    Also remind everyone that the method used to target perceived enemies of the left is just look in the mirror, describe what they see, and change the name.

    Worked for James Carville who boosted the term 'sacred ground' using that exact method. Another practitioner is George Lakoff who near as i can tell never had an original thought.

    Once you realize they are talking about themselves it gets....hilllar-ious and then you can go back to reality.

    One of the reasons I absolutely reject left wing definitions. After examining them for many years I have come to the conclusion their fiction of reality is less trustworthy than the our reality presented as fiction.

    So the proper title of the thread is The Left Wing Propagandists Brainwashed my Dad.
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  • Posted by LazarusLong 8 years, 2 months ago
    I guess I've been lucky most of my life and always thought in terms of laissez-faire when it comes to government, economy, etc. I started reading the Constitution and the Federalist papers after age 60, I started getting involved in local politics a couple of years ago because I was concerned where things were going. I started reading Ayn Rand also after age 60. I agree with her in many things but realize she doesn't have all the answers. I listen to Fox News, Rush, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. They make sense to me. I don't think I'm swayed by their reporting because I also catch CNN, MSNBC and the other more liberal news sources. I also visit European and Middle Eastern news sources and feel I have a well rounded view of the world.
    I've come to the conclusion that the whole argument and battle is one between those who want to control every thought and action of the populace and those who want to live their lives under their own terms and beliefs. This has been the human struggle since before recorded history.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 2 months ago
    my niece could have written much the same story,
    about my sister's husband, a decorated veteran and
    dedicated father. . she and her dad are so far apart
    in ideology that they just cannot converse anymore.
    it's sad, because they are both great people!

    since I grew up with Rand's books under my left arm
    with my schoolbooks, my brainwashing was more like
    a healthy shower with reason and objectivity. . and what
    do you call healthy self-brainwashing? . maturity? -- j
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 2 months ago
    Hello Olduglycarl,
    The right is bad enough, but the supercilious superiority delusions of the left are nauseating. It just is unfathomable for most of them to consider they may be wrong in any way.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 2 months ago
      As long as you remember it's the left and right OF the left. Nothing to do with the real center or what lays beyond. To a leftist that is taboo thinking.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 2 months ago
        To a leftist thinking is taboo
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        • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
          Thinking is taboo because they are not capable of it. The brain only holds survival information, so being brain only leaves everything else a consequence of something from outside themselves...the rest of us fall into the outside of them; so it's our fault...see how that works for them? That's why their shit doesn't stink to them...nothings their fault.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      What I have always question about "some" on the right is just what is in our interest. With so many black swan events of the past, ie WW1, Vietnam and maybe even Korea...not to mention more recent events. The central banks seem to be the ultimate culprits and probably the CIA also- not accountable to America as I see it. There seems to be this underlying reconstruction of the world between freedom and communism/ freemarket trading.

      I also wonder just how much naivete' (the pulling of good intentioned heart strings) have to do with this as well.
      The progressive left have caused most of the wars but it would seem that some of the right has gotten suck in by the above statement.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 2 months ago
    As a political independent, believer in term limits for all national office positions, former liberal, and now recovering democrat with political sobriety for about 15 years, I can tell you it's hard to move away from the fuzzy thinking of liberalism.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 2 months ago
      Interesting...was liberalism somehow satisfying? and if so, on what liberals in their made up world really think they are better than anyone else.
      I am not poking...just really really curious. My conclusions thus far have been either they have no connection to a mind or perhaps have chosen to ignore it.
      What was your ah might be key to awakening others into rational reality.
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      • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 2 months ago
        Most of my life I was one of those who was happy go lucky, enjoying but not appreciating what I had. After Vietnam my attitude was based on "truths" (plural) like "I'm ok, you're ok", "to each his own", "whatever" attitude, and whatever the slogan of the month was at the time. Truth was all relative. The moral compass was pendulum more than a compass. Something on a sliding plane, adjustable to the day. I was never a criminal or anti-patriotic. But I, and those like me in my circles, we knew we were right. When we disagreed on something, we assumed a "whatever" attitude. Looking back, my certainty on some issues was fuzzy, but certain for sure.

        I don't believe I had an ah! moment. It was more of a slow sunrise. More like watching the sun break the horizon over a body of water and slowly climb above it. I used to think we were tolerant of others because of our whatever attitude. Then I slowly realized I was the most tolerant amongst liberals and how intolerant that "whatever" attitude really is. It's really easy to dismiss someone's believe when they questioned my certainty of something with an "I'm okay, your okay" and "whatever" attitude. It's been a growth or evolutionary process from foolishness to some degree of wisdom. Still lots of room to grow.

        One more thing, I don't really recall liberals being as militant and intolerant as they are now.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 2 months ago
          Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Carter, Obama, Carville, Lakoff, Soros, Wasserman, Trump, Clinton, Clinton? Whoops strike Carter. The cells of the collective entity don't count. They aren't allowed to think. How much more militant do you need? Add up the number of US Service Personnel Killed by their ha ha lack of a violent prone nature claim and you get between 18 to 1 up to 300 plus to one compared to a GOP President. But they don't count anymore as part of the leftist collective they just cave on command. arf arf.

          Add any number of film makers, authors, gamers and producers of saturday morning carttons
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