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  • Posted by jspringr 10 years, 1 month ago
    The United States has the right and the obligation to set immigration quotas and standards for who should be admitted. The only criterion for determining who should be admitted is: What best serves the interests of the United States. What is not relavent is: What best serves the interests of the immigrants. Example: Irish immigration 1850-1900. Ireland was hit by the Potato Famine. Millions of immigrants came here to avoid starvation. But it was also true that the US was growing and expanding by leaps and bounds-- it was a happy situation where the interests of the Irish immigrants and the interests of the US were both served, like in any free market transaction.

    The use of Mexican labor is debatable. Certainly there is a demand, but immigration quotas are being ignored.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      A nation also needs to look at it's demographics. Peak consumption typically occurs for a family when the head of household hits 46 years old. Immigrants may or may not fit that profile as they may have further to go to reach a point where they would spend as much if they immigrate with a family but without much savings. Likewise "families" without a male head of household may not follow the same profile either, particularly if they are principally low income or welfare based. Their spending may not change much at all ever, and may actually have a lower spending level (due to borrowing) when the children go to college if that's the case.
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  • Posted by Scatcatpdx 10 years, 1 month ago
    It think conservatives are not seeing forest through the trees. The problem is not so called illegal immigration but the state want to takes for the producers and give to one set of moochers over native moochers. They are all moochers to me. The problem is not immigration, but the welfare state. I decided to see military training and work afterwards. Why should or any American have to subsidizes anybody's education. I got an idea get a job them pay for your own college or better yet skip the college scene and lean a trade. As for the immigrant they got every right to migrate and trade like any other human on this planet.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      While you are right, illegal residents are a particularly vile sort of moocher as they have no right to claim what they mooch, yet claim it nonetheless. At least the citizen moochers have a "right" to their claim, at least legally if not morally.
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    • Posted by hattrup 10 years, 1 month ago
      Exactly - you could spend a lot of time finding ways that our government takers give to moochers, picking out all sort of labels for the moochers depending on what group you want to target.

      Our giant welfare state will give people all sorts of
      targets - take your pick - whether illegals, poor, inner city, minority (some now are the majority), women, hungry, needed, unemployed, underemployment, government worker, and of course race/ethnicity regardless of population %.
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      • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
        So let anyone in regardless of their place of birth? Why have a border? Why have a government? Why have private property? Sure welfare service in this country are insane but that doesn't "entitle" non-Americans from receiving them. Recall, welfare was originally intended to help unwed mothers get on their feet.
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        • Posted by Scatcatpdx 10 years, 1 month ago
          The immigration debate was start by a white supremacist because his math show minorities will outnumber white people and new immigrants voted democrat, therefore we need to keep them out. Read this from National review 1997 “electing a New People”.

          “So let anyone in regardless of their place of birth? Why have a border?”
          YES! A border does not enter into the equation because a border does not mean restricting one right to migration or preventing a native born from hiring immigrant workers. Individuals have the right to trade and migration. Our individual rights are not based on race, sex or national origin.
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          • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
            I figured you'd get here sooner or later. immigration is never the issue, illegal immigration is and for a variety of reasons (not just welfare).

            If anything I can be called a nationalist. Never can anyone call me a racist or a supremacist or one who champions those vile un-American principals. I'm a US veteran who vowed to protect and defend this country from all enemies foreign and domestic. 20 million illegal border crossers is a cultural invasion equal only in scope to what the islamists are doing throughout Europe.

            At this point my ear is closed to you and your thoughts, Think what you will of me because I now understand that nothing I say can alter what you already think of me.
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          • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 1 month ago
            Is the right to migrate in the Constitution? I must have missed that part in my studies. Point it out to me so my education can be complete.
            Never mind, I'll just hear more of your leftists nonsense.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 10 years, 1 month ago
      if you want to give away my support for other U.S. parents' kids (since God didn't give me any kids), I consider it like your giving away my land -- theft -- and I will vote against you, every chance I get!
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  • Posted by Kittyhawk 10 years, 1 month ago
    If the government steals my money and gives it to illegal immigrants for tuition, I'm going to be pissed. If the government steals my money and gives it to my fellow Americans for tuition, I'm going to be pissed. In short, it's my money, and it's the government theft that makes me angry. I'm tired of funding everyone else's idea of a good cause. Taxation is theft!
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
      In Arizona Mexicans were being bussed across the border to attend American elementary school. We were made to pay for this for many years before it was discovered.

      In Mexico a CA state representative went on Mexican radio to tell Mexico how much she was doing for them in CA.

      In Arizona, Vincente Fox spoke at the Civic Center to "his people" and to speak on how unfairly they are treated in the US.

      See a pattern yet?

      I have no problem with tax dollars being invested in Americans education. At least that is in in investment in this country and in our future.
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      • Posted by Kittyhawk 10 years, 1 month ago
        You have the right to invest your money in educating Americans. But you do not have the right, either as an individual or through the government, to take my money from me and invest it that way against my will. (You can do it by threat of force -- which is the way it's done by government -- but it doesn't make it right.) The assumption that this is acceptable, and the resulting lobbying competition among thousands of special interest groups, is why government is so big and taxes are so high. I'd rather that each of us keep our own money, and spend it as we see fit.
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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
          I agree. But thats not how things are set up, we do pay taxes whether we like it or not and the fed gov is dishing away billions to foreign countries while being trillions in debt. Because of this reality I'd rather invest in us rather than them. At least investing in our children we have some degree of return.
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          • Posted by Kittyhawk 10 years, 1 month ago
            I agree with you on that level. The order of preference for me would be using the stolen funds for the benefit of the person they were stolen from, or their family, or their neighbors, or within the same state, or at least within the same country -- in that order. The closer to home the money was spent, the more likely the victim would receive at least some benefit.
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 1 month ago
    Did you guys know that most illegal immigrants fork over about $5k or more to get to the US and pay traffickers to get them across the border? The whole illegal process can take less than a month to complete. Wouldn't it make more sense to have those would-be illegals pay the $5k to register with the government (before entry of course), a police dept statement from the country of origin that indicates either a clear or not clear criminal background check, and then be entered into a database for a 3 or 5 year probationary period? They could then apply for permanent residency as long as they do not commit a crime and can verify they have an income with the IRS. (you can report income without a SSN, its called an ITIN.) This seems to be a lot easier to me then taking the risk of dying in the desert or having your money stolen by traffickers and then getting shot in the process. My husband pointed this out to me as he is originally from Mexico. It took him 4 years and $30,000 just to get his green card, he has to report any address change within 10 days to the department of homeland security, and if he commits any crime greater than a speeding ticket his LPR status is subject to revocation...
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
      The path to legal citizenship needs to be modernized. There is no reason in the electric age that this process should take more than 1 month to complete. I think, though I'm not sure, much of the problem with time comes from background checks from outside our borders. That said, it still means WE regulate who comes in and how many.
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      • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 1 month ago
        Agreed, I can only speak of my personal experience with the immigration process, but let me just preface it with this.. throughout the process my husband and I made contact with at least 5 federal agencies including (DHS, USCIS (which now have merged to some extent, IRS, DOS, ICE, Border Patrol) 2 visits to the US consulate 3 submissions of original documents including birth certificates, marriage certificates, criminal background certifications for the US AND Mexico, $15,000 in attorney's fees $7,000 in fees to DOS and USCIS, and $3,500 for travel expenses to the US consulate, 2x medical exams.. oh and those cost $550 each paid in cash US dollars, 2x vaccinations (including 2x vaccinations against chicken pox even though he had it as a child) and of course biometrics. It took 4 years of him waiting outside the US but he did finally get his legal status. With regards to the background checks from outside the country, we needed to submit a police report stating that there was no contact/incidents of any criminal activity which comes from a local police station. Unless there is some record from the CIA or Interpol databases, or the local authorities, there is no way to really check criminal background outside the US.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
    Florida is a curious place sometimes. We have a so-called Republican governor, senate, and house, and yet stuff like this gets through. Jeb Bush was a pretty decent governor; it is his moves since leaving the governorship that have been highly questionable (OK, so I'm being nice.). Then (Prime Time) Charlie Crist took over. He was so Republican that when he was defeated in a primary by Rick Scott that he ran as an independent. Now Crist is running as a Democrat. Rick Scott ran as a Tea Party conservative. We knew he wasn't. The hospital organization that he ran before becoming governor was as crony as it gets. While Scott has cut the budget some, he endorsed a Florida Senate bill sponsored by a Republican state senator to build Florida Polytechnic Institute (note the similarity to my university, Florida Tech or Florida Institute of Technology) on that state senator's land right on the interstate. To say my private university was pissed is a massive understatement. Now Rick Scott is running against Charlie Crist - two bad choices. I can only hope that Libertarian Adrian Wyllie can garner enough support. So far, he seems like a candidate Atlantis citizens could support. Now if he can only win.

    What Floridians can't understand is why Allen West won't run for governor in a primary against Rick Scott. He could easily become Florida's next governor.

    The only good in AJAshinoff's story from Allen West is that the students losing tuition to illegals will now think that my school isn't as overpriced as they thought. They will be forced to pay the real cost of college.
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    • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
      yes, its never a bad thing to understand the value of what you're receiving. That said, I have little issue, if I must be taxed, with my tax dollar being invented in American youth toward America's future.
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      • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
        bah, my spelling stinks..

        "my tax dollars being invested in American youth toward America's future"

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        • Posted by LetsShrug 10 years, 1 month ago
          I think your tax dollars are not being invested in American youth quite the way you'd like, these days. Actually your tax dollars are used to further the acceptance of illegal immigration via public schools... removing American flag shirts on cinco de mayo and stuff like that... fear of guns too...and much much more.. :(
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
        It is one thing to pay for government (I refuse to call it public) education through 12th grade, but college should not be an entitlement. Taxes to pay for college education don't seem as bad as other taxes unless your private entity (my university) has to compete with the government-sponsored competition. If one is to be self-consistent in Galt values, you can't approve of taxes for education, period, even at the K-12 level. Being an objectivist is harder to do than to say. All Atlantis citizens have their own little story about how government infringement impacts them more directly than it does others. This is MINE.
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    • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 1 month ago
      Sounds like the senator is pitting a government entity against a private enterprise. Using taxpayer funds, of course. Is there no way to stop the bill?
      We had thought of moving to FL in the near future, now, not so sure. Seems to be going the progressive way. What a shame.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
        Your analysis is spot on, RevJay4. That is now a law (not a bill) as of 2 years ago. There are no state income taxes down here, and property taxes in my part of Florida are quite reasonable, but as are many places, Florida is becoming more "progressive" each year. We have had so many people move from up north bringing their liberal values with them that it is starting to have an effect now. Progressivism is a plague. You can try to outrun it, but it just keeps catching up with you.
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        • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 1 month ago
          Like I said, what a shame. We visit FL every so often to look in on my Dad and his wife, and like it. Been talking about moving there for a while, maybe not if the prog plague continues.
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          • Posted by $ jbrenner 10 years, 1 month ago
            The progressive plague is everywhere. Here its effects are present, but minimal. You're not likely to find a place much better than east central Florida despite the rare progressive intrusion.
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  • Posted by superfluities 10 years, 1 month ago
    Can't read all the posts but but first generation college attendee Ghanan got accepted to ALL the ivy league schools??? "Unheard of" says "experts" not my words-liberal media's word's. Same deal
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  • Posted by illucio 10 years, 1 month ago
    It´s a delicate issue, for though it´s wrong that Americans should pay for these things, it´s just as unfair that the rest of the world should pay for many other things that cause these illegal inmigrants to leave their homeland, just as most of us aren´t native americans you see.

    What goes around, comes around. USA is an empire to the world, and a deadly and oppressive on at that. Not only does the federal government exploit other countries, usually that´s the reason to why those countries can´t develop. Of course this isn´t the citizen´s fault but, if we go to extreme ideals what are those americans doing with federal tuitions in the first place...isn´t that a some sort of welfare too? No system is perfect, and no system is wrong. The key lies in each one of us...
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    • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 1 month ago
      Oh, it's all the US's fault according to you? Horse crap!!!! Most of the third world today was "third world" before there even was a US and remains so and will remain so unless they take a few lessons from US and British history and get their acts together. The key doesn't lie with us, it lies with them! They can advance their countries or remain dung heaps! If the US adopts their cultures and becomes like them, then shame on us because the US will become a dung heap, too. "Deadly and oppressive" my ass! The US is likely the least oppressive "empire" in the history of the planet. Just the opposite, actually.
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      • Posted by illucio 10 years, 1 month ago
        Sorry that my opinion enrages you, but facts are on my side. Every since WWII USA has become the main belic country on earth, exercising military oppression and exploiting humans everywhere. Taylorism crashed with the financial crisis of 1929 and that capitalist-liberalist economy crashed, hard. So again after that the state had to step in, and speculation was used in favor of "the people" creating an illusion that once again crashed several times, especially six years ago.

        Unfortunately for you my dear friend, USA is the main oppressive force on earth. And yes, it´s the deadliest as well. Of course it´s not the only one, but it´s the most guilty. And if you believe the US and Britain are the best example in the west, well let me prove you wrong there once again. Germany is the thriving economy, and in Europe there are other examples such as socialist Sweden, Finland, liberalist Holland and "mooching" Switzerland. The most powefull economy on earth, industrialy today, is China. Many American "citizens" are to be held responsible for this (very low wages due to the incredible offer of chinese man power). And if another good example is to be shown, take a look at Japan and Korea for instance. USA started throwing the towel in the seventies, and now is more muscle than brains. Sorry.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 1 month ago
          Not so much enraged as deeply irritated that folks like yourself can buy into anti-American leftist rhetoric to the point that you can’t process actual historical facts. Then you present the fabricated propaganda you’ve swallowed whole as if it is a fact. Your post I am responding to is high on rhetoric but low on fact and is also a “shotgun” approach to my post. That is, if you can spew a bunch of rhetorical pellets of drivel maybe you’ll get lucky and one or more shot will find the target. Amusingly, none of the pellets in your shotgun shell have anything to do with or supports your proposition that the US is somehow exploitive or oppressive. You also don’t address the contradictory notion of why anyone would want to emigrate, legally or illegally, to such an oppressive and exploitive country. Whatever. If that’s the style you’ve been programmed to use, I’ll deal with it one pellet at a time, if I have time. For now I’ll offer you this:

          Pellet 1) Unlike you, I do believe Britain and the US are the best examples of civilized history. Starting from the Magna Carta on up through the Declaration of Independence and beyond where individual liberty (economic and political) have come to hold sway most of the time for most of the people and has resulted in the greatest advancements and living conditions in the history of mankind. Any nation that accepts those tenets will prosper. Any nation that rejects those tenets, including contemporary Britain and the US, will falter. This holds true for individuals as well, but that’s another subject. You may have a point regarding brain and brawn, though, but not the way you think. That is, as America becomes more socialist it will lose its brain, but the brawn created while the nation was more free will still remain (for a while). That loss would be a sad state of affairs because it took a great deal of effort and growing pains since 1776 to create the American civilization we are blessed with today.

          Pellet 2) You say Germany is a thriving economy. Yes it is. I agree, for now. If the US was as oppressive and exploitive as you would have us believe, Germany (or part of it) would be flying the Stars and Stripes as its national flag. It would not be an autonomous nation. Neither would Japan or South Korea. President Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall” was hardly a statement made by an oppressive American. Modern, free, and robust Germany wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for US generosity and non-imperialism. Neither would modern, free, and robust Japan as well as a lot of other places on the planet.

          Pellet 3) You mention China as an industrially powerful nation. Yes, it is, but probably not for the reason you think. You see, I’ve had the opportunity, as an independent contractor, to live and work there. Multiple times in multiple cities in multiple manufacturing facilities. China is becoming more powerful industrially because the Chinese have been rejecting all that Marxist/Maoist nonsense and have been adopting good old made in USA Capitalist enterprise. Capitalism is alive and well in modern China (and so is the mini-skirt) and the Chinese people are loving it. Yes, China is still a top down totalitarian government, but the leadership knows a good thing when they see it and are in no hurry to screw it up. The people will put the leaderships’ collective heads on a pole if they do screw it up. [Side note: I was sitting at an outside cafe in Beijing near Tiananmen Square enjoying a great mug of beer (big breweries were built by the Germans and the beer is freakin’ good). When we mentioned the big picture of Mao to some of the folks we were with, I was told the Mao years were so bad that they want to distance themselves from him, but can’t take down that picture because when they tried do so in the past, all the local businesses squawked because it was a huge tourist attraction. Ha, even Mao’s image now serves as a capitalist enterprise advertisement, LOL! Sitting there, I also bought a Mao watch from a street vendor for about four bucks. It had his arm waving to the tick-tock. It was so hilarious a bunch of us bought them for mementos. Hey, everybody needs a waving Mao watch, LOL!]

          Pellet 4) “Successful” socialist countries like Sweden and Finland. They have been “successful”, for the most part, because they are a homogeneous people with a strong work ethic needed to pull this charade off. It shouldn’t be hard to predict it isn’t going to last. As the socialist policies breed out the “work ethic” gene from the national DNA and the producers wan as the the looters multiply, there will be a comeuppance. Margaret Thatcher hit the nail on the head when she said socialism lasts until it runs out of other peoples money. I like to say “Socialist policies can be made to appear to work as long as there is a strong capitalist base to support them”. Socialist policies can be held in place by bayonets, too (a la Stalin et al), but I wouldn’t call that “working”. Countries like Sweden, Finland, and even the US remain successful because they haven’t completely bled out and destroyed the capitalist base. China is succeeding because it is feeding vitamins to its capitalist base and paring back the socialist nonsense.

          Pellet 5) Your first paragraph is pretty much disjointed nonsensical pronouncements attempting to disparage the American free market system (correct me if I’m wrong on guessing this). I assume the “six years ago” is in reference to the housing and real estate crash, which was created by government interference in the mortgage market. It’s amazing what havoc a handful of leftist politicians can create in the name of “social justice” when they are allowed or even encouraged to get away with it. Free stuff is very expensive, especially free money. This is a complex and lengthy subject that can’t be fully covered here. Maybe you should rewrite that paragraph and use it to start another thread and open it for discussion. This thread has been hijacked enough, don’t you think?
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          • Posted by illucio 10 years, 1 month ago
            I find it amusing that your response is the metaphor of a shotgun shell being fired at me, this doesn´t shun the rage you dwell in, it magnifies it.

            Germany, since then, for now and probably from here on will be one of the best examples of a nation. Why would the US impose it´s flag on a ruin of a nation? No way. The Germans rebuilt themselves from scrap not once, but many times. The same goes for Japan. There is a difference with Korea, of course, but of course the US Government and it´s exploiters (not you of course) have held advantage and permited this drive. China is still nothing like the US, people cannot gather in public congress for more than five minutes in any city, that´s why Chinese Restaurants are such a success. Eating is the perfect excuse for conference, and none can ban eating now, can they? China´s reality isn´t that of a thriving capitalist nation, the internal economy is in diapers and the wages for blue collar workers are the lowest. They are the industry for the world, not for China. If you knew the streets of China you´d know that due to skill there´s a parallel market that is just as good as the "official" ones (NIIKE, ADIDASS, etc).

            In order to save my time, I´ll tell you this. "Germany was the richest socialist country on earth, and is the richest capitalist country on earth". This sums it all up, the system doesn´t make the results, the individuals do. The Scandinavian countries have to have strong governments for, like "a pack o wolves", when winter comes they have no choice but to work together.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 1 month ago
              I'm sorry to cut your amusement short, but you obviously didn't read or understand much of what I wrote. The shotgun metaphor is in reference to your style of reply, which is actually quite typical of leftists that have nothing to offer. That is, your reply is a shotgun shell of pellets of irrelevant trivia of differing unrelated points that may be false or falsely interpreted aimed at me in hopes of changing the subject, which you obviously know very little about. I addressed your irrelevant pellets of trivia one at a time, for those I bothered taking the time to address, and gave you my thoughts. To understand what I have to say, please re-read my last reply and start again. I stand by what I wrote and you may consider reading it more than once before sending a knee-jerk propagandist reply. I'm assuming you are very young, naive, or both so I will be patient (i.e. you totally missed the shotgun metaphor, you didn't understand the Stars and Stripes reference, and you seem to want to ignore the fact I have personally lived in and walked the streets of Chinese cities and can offer first hand experience).
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              • Posted by illucio 10 years, 1 month ago
                Mr. McCannon01:

                I do not need to read anything again, and you are mistaken by prejudice due to a differing opinion. I´m not a lefty, nor a right wing anything. I´m not a democrat nor a republican, communist or capitalist. You are mistaken from the get go, I stand my ground which, in order to clear things up for you, is nowhere near extremes.

                As for propaganda, as you put it, again you´re mistaken. I have answered not every "pellet" you point out one by one. This is due to the fact that I value my time, I´m a busy man and no, I am neither naive nor young (though I´m not senile either). Fact is you´re full of resentment, and you can´t stand the fact that I need very little arguments in order to bring down your elaborated response. Especially since you began attacking me, as you again do so in order to draw me under and into your level of aggression. Again, you failed to succeed in this.

                Insulting me won´t change my arguments or the facts they stand for. If you believe the US Government is as righteous as you say, then shame on you sir. Ayn Rand was very clear on this issue, brute force is unacceptable. Period. Your foul use of language is just that, brute force. I´d hate to have to encounter you personally, you seem to be a very disturbed fellow.

                Yours Truly

                Lucio Plorutti Dormal
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                • Posted by mccannon01 10 years, 1 month ago
                  Good luck to you, Lucio. My time is also valuable and I may have certainly wasted it here with you. Either you truly do not understand what I have written or you are deliberately smoke screening your inability to formulate a decent reply. I'm also contemplating the notion that American English is not your first language and you are not properly translating the concepts. All those scenarios are tragic. Referring to me as a "disturbed fellow" isn't going to help you understand anything. Also tragic.

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  • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 1 month ago
    I'm just going to throw something out there.. if a child is brought by their parents illegally to the US (lets say a 10 year old), the child goes to a public school, gets accepted to a university, and plans on staying in the US to live, work, and everything else since it is really the only home they know, should they get a shot at least to get a 10 year residency (which is like a probation for citizenship). If they were brought here illegally because of their parents before they were a consenting age doesn't it make more sense to integrate rather than spend money on deportation? What do you think?
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      An illegal action should not be supported with continuation of that illegality. While it is not the "fault" of the child, they still must face the reality that they are not in the US legally. They can rectify that by applying for legal citizenship.

      This is analogous to a pawn store buying stolen goods. It matters not that they did so in good faith. Once the illegality of the sale of the goods in the first place is uncovered, the claim of the pawn store is void. So too is the claim of the illegally present child. They must return to their native country.
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      • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years, 1 month ago
        That is understandable and I agree, however the law states that they cannot apply for legal citizenship as entering the country illegally is an automatic 10 year ban. Entering 2x illegally is an automatic lifetime bar. There is a process to appeal a ban which I am in favor of because it allows each situation to be judged individually. Also, I am speaking of what their options are after they reach adulthood.
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  • Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 10 years, 1 month ago
    And who said this: "Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony. It’s an act of love. It’s an act of commitment to your family." I'm banging my head on my desk right now...
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  • Posted by Odelia1 10 years, 1 month ago
    The article and subsequent posts seem a little muddled, blame illegal aliens, blame Mexicans, blame Obama. As one poster put it - "see a pattern?" Isn't a bedrock of Ryand's philosophy to take responsibility? To join the blame chorus is pretty much a "poor me" chorus. The world isn't how you want it? Change it through construction of the new - not recycled deconstructions. Politics is a thin veil for those able to purchase directional changes in whatever policy, government, mass psyche. There are no more real boundaries in the world. Just the illusion of such.
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 1 month ago
      Huh!!!??? You said..."Isn't a bedrock of Ryand's philosophy to take responsibility? Responsibility!!! whose? Why the hell are we responsible for these deadbeats? They are criminal illegal aliens. I came here from the UK in 1967. My family had to jump through their butts to get to come here and it seems like any wetback S.O.B. can drag his screaming infant over here and hump me and my kids for all sorts of benefits. Everyone seems so concerned about these innocent dreamers. What about my frigging kids. They were born here legally, to a citizen and a tax payer. Yet my kids are being robbed for the benefit of these criminal illegals. Yes I "blame illegal aliens, blame Mexicans, blame Obama" Who the hell do you think is in "my house" stealing my stuff? And to top it off calling me a racist and a child hater when I cry foul. Randyan philosophy does not hold that I take responsibility for someone else. It holds that I take responsibility for me and mine only!
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      • Posted by Odelia1 10 years, 1 month ago
        Not to state the obvious - but it appears from the energy coming off your post - that your viewpoint is giving you the life you are investing in. You mentioned someone stealing in "my house." That is truly terrible when it happens. Did they catch the thieves or is this your metaphor that you are making real for yourself?
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        • Posted by evlwhtguy 10 years, 1 month ago
          Jiminy crickets!!...a typical liberal reply if I ever heard one...attack the messenger rather than attempt to refute the argument. I assumed the usage of the term "My house" would be self evident as a figure of speech. Especially considering I used quotation marks to highlight it. Oh and by the way6, you are darn right there is a lot of energy coming off the post, we are collectively being robbed every day by these illegals, many of our politicians and liberal apologists like you. Just because you use a politician to steal money, does not stop it from being theft.
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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 1 month ago
          As a person living in a border state I can tell you that his "energy" on the subject is not creating a self-fulfilling reality. Like it or not THEY, the illegals, are here, few have any desire to assimilate into American culture and too many have no problem with breaking laws, milking the system, or even hurting people. Odelia, I agree the boundaries are becoming more an more of an illusion that's to this one world mindset prevalent today. We do not need to "blame mexico" because the problem is Mexico (like it or not). I can provide amble evidence of this or you can search on my name to find my commentary. As for the one world government - no borders being acceptable - try reading my books to see the Achilles heels that you may not have considered.

          Reality is that bad along the border and Mexico and their people in the US are violating law and hurting Americans in a variety of ways regardless of whether you see it (I live it).
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          • Posted by RevJay4 10 years, 1 month ago
            AJ, reality is not a word that he left comprehends easily. Perhaps, if they lived along the border, as you do, they might have a better grasp of the situation. Maybe they'd still be blinded by the claptrap of the left.
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    • Posted by Robbie53024 10 years, 1 month ago
      The boundaries are vanishing due to the progressives and crony capitalists making them so. I was an expat in Mexico in the mid 90's. You can believe that I had to jump through hoops and register seven ways from Sunday in order to work there - for a US affiliated company. Try to enter Mexico from the south, or even try to transport goods south into Mexico from the US border. You will find that it is quite challenging. Yet voice any desire to place similar controls on the border between the US and Mexico and the progressives raise holy hell. Heck, try traversing the border between Canada and the US in Detroit - as several of my colleagues have to do on a weekly basis. They are harassed and about once a month the US border patrol finds some reason to turn them around. And these are salaried professionals that live in Canada and aren't looking to move to the US (and if they were, would find it easy to do so as they have valued skills).
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