The Atlas Society Welcomes a New CEO

Posted by awebb 8 years, 4 months ago to News
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"On March 1st, The Atlas Society welcomed Jennifer Anju Grossman as its new CEO.

Jennifer Anju Grossman is a former senior vice president at Dole Food Company and has spent decades helping people to live freer, healthier lives."

READ THE FULL PRESS RELEASE: http://atlassociety.org/about-us/abou...
SOURCE URL: http://atlassociety.org/about-us/about-us-archive/5947-jennifer-anju-grossman-ceo

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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 4 months ago
    I've always found it ironic that the most eloquent defenders of business, capitalism and achievement must operate as a donations-dependent "non-profit", because in our culture only bleeding-heart do-gooders get any respect, not productive and reward-earning benefactors of people's quality of life who are smeared as greedy. Non-profits like TAS have only one product: ideas. Depending on which side of the value structure you take, they are propaganda mills or civilization engineers.

    Welcome, Jennifer! You'll get used to dealing with this rabid band of individualists, each of whom has at least three opinions on any subject and is not shy to speak out. You were hired, not elected. Do your job fearlessly.
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    • Posted by $ JAG 8 years, 4 months ago
      Well said. I'm excited to be here. Would also love to engage with you on other platforms if you're there -- Instagram, twitter, etc. You can also always reach out.
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      • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
        Hello JAG. I've removed your email address from your comment as publicly posting personal information in the Gulch is not permitted. Please refer to the Gulch Code of Conduct for more information: https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/faq#...

        Please feel free to send your email address to puzzlelady in a private message. To send a private message, click on the member's username and then click on the "Message" button located directly underneath the member's profile picture.
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  • Posted by cksawyer 8 years, 4 months ago
    Perhaps, given her business background, she will see the opportunities to generate revenue by offering products and services to businesses, rather than relying on donations. Being a not-for-profit (what an inane, meaningless and harmful designation) DOES NOT mean you can't make a lot of money!
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    • Posted by $ JAG 8 years, 4 months ago
      TOTALLY AGREE. Do you have any ideas on products?
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      • Posted by Technocracy 8 years, 4 months ago
        Ethics seminars for both employees and management. There is an aching dearth of ethics.
        Seminars could be made available on DVD or digital media for wider and easier distribution.

        Government needs it most of all of course. Our kind of ethics would be anathema to government currently. They prefer their system of money and pull over ethics.
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  • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 4 months ago
    She definitely should be an improvement. I, for one, have pretty much lost interest in TAS. What I find surprising is to learn about her in the Gulch, rather than by a TAS announcement or newsletter.
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    • Posted by $ JAG 8 years, 4 months ago
      Arizona -- yeah! I love your profile pic. Don't laugh, but I actually made myself a Gadsen flag yoga mat! And the people here in Malibu don't even know what it is.
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      • Posted by Esceptico 8 years, 4 months ago
        They must have gone to government schools and did not do any independent study afterwards. Although, I must admit, few have heard of the Gadsen Purchase and fewer still have visited the Gadsen Hotel where Pancho Villa ran his horse up the stairs.
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        • Posted by $ JAG 8 years, 4 months ago
          True, though I thought at least they'd associate it with the Tea Party. In a way, there's got to be an opportunity in that so much has been forgotten. A fresh start. Very Anthem-esque.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 8 years, 4 months ago
    What a lovely intelligent individual. A rational, naturally selected addition to the reasoning free minded society. A hearty welcome and congratulations to your upward mobility.
    By the way I very much enjoyed some Dole
    Pineapple bits with fried rice this evening. I certainly appreciate the convenience of being able to acquire said fruit in winter from the South Pacific at will here in the frozen north.
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  • Posted by eliahu 8 years, 4 months ago
    Hi I am so pleased to welcome Jennifer Anju Grossman as our new CEO. So delighted because she is so talented, educated and so beautiful certainly like our heroin from Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand will have been so pleased. Hurrah to the Atlas Society for such a wonderful choice, could not be better. Long live the Society of Free people. .G.D bless America.
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  • Posted by diessos 8 years, 4 months ago
    Congratulations Jennifer. My hope is that you will become a public and vocal advocate of objectivism.
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    • Posted by $ JAG 8 years, 4 months ago
      Thank you Steve. I will. I'd like to do some getogethers cross country to meet all of you face to face and get your input. This is the right time for a Rand resurgence. I won't give up.
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  • Posted by Victor_Cammans 8 years, 4 months ago
    I hope and look forward to the changes she will bring. I also hope she gets more involved with posts and reactions from public. This is a great forum and needs to be spread. I AM JOHN GALT!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      Not all of our group are in or even know the Gulch. Other day I had on he Now Non-fiction shirt and was asked "Well who is John Galt?" I answered "I am?" THAT is a damn fine answer.. I asked if he had heard it before? "No." So I introduced him to Galt's Gulch
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