Robert Heinlein, et al.

Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 3 months ago to Books
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We can and will add others whom we acknowledge or even admire, but I am willing to bet that of all the science fiction writers, Heinlein is held in the highest regard here.

"I would say that my position is not too far from that of Ayn Rand's; that I would like to see government reduced to no more than internal police and courts, external armed forces — with the other matters handled otherwise. I'm sick of the way the government sticks its nose into everything, now.
The Robert Heinlein Interview (1973)"
-- https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Robert_...
(But even this one resource provides a rich array to choose from.)

Every law that was ever written opened up a new way to graft. -- Red Planet (1949)

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