Will America Survive, by Joe David

Posted by jdavid 8 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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This was posted Monday as an op-ed on Israel National News website. It is a summation of the Obama years to date.
SOURCE URL: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/18297#.VqeFtpv2Zhg

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  • Posted by $ Stormi 8 years, 4 months ago
    I don't know if America will survive. I cannot even imagine how awful living in a Socialist country would be after the freedoms we have had. I do know, that more than the politicians, the people are responsible for what is happening. They fund the politicians, they vote them in, they allow them to use the school system to brainwash the next generation of voters. They don't care their kids do not know history, cannot do math, and never read "Atlas Shrugged". They allow the schools to teach the kids to seek entitlements, and lie to them about climate change, as well as make them accepting is ISIS and lies about blacks being killed by whites, when blacks kill most blacks. It takes a generation to change the damage already done. With Hillary in office, we are done in months. With the wrong Republican (as in the ilk of McCain) we are also done. It will take someone who is as direct and on point as Joe David from the mix to start any changes. As long as the school system continues as is, little socialists will be crated.
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  • Posted by dwlievert 8 years, 4 months ago
    Yes, Iowa and New Hampshire rapidly approaches. The media has now dispatched many of its sets of eyes and ears to each so as to give us the latest information on the unfolding spectacle.

    While one set of candidates have been wrangling over such vital issues as fantasy sports betting or Ted Cruz’s citizenship status; the other set over their respective versions of free stuff for everyone, our accelerating sea of red ink has quietly risen toward $19 trillion. One might think our impending national bankruptcy might be worth a bit more attention.

    And make no mistake, it IS impending national bankruptcy. There will be no formal "filing" of Chapter 7 nor 11 mind you, this bankruptcy will instead feature the filing of unprecedented (in America at least) draconian measures. Yet out on the campaign trail, as Michael Tanner of CATO quips, "crickets."

    "We know what the Democrats would do about the debt — make it worse. Bernie Sanders has proposed at least $18 trillion in new spending over the next ten years, and even after the trillions in additional taxes he seeks, his plans would add trillions to the debt. In comparison, Hillary looks like a model of fiscal rectitude. She has thus far proposed ONLY $1.1 trillion in new spending, although more proposals to endlessly expand government are coming. Both Democrats oppose any reform of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare. In fact, Bernie seeks to expand both programs, while Hillary suggests she would consider new benefits. So the Democratic plans are clear: squeeze some more passengers onto the Titanic, while squeezing more from them as they are boarded.

    But what about Republicans? They have all issued very detailed tax proposals, but with the occasional exception of Chris Christie and Rand Paul, they have generally skipped the more difficult discussion of spending cuts. Some, like Donald Trump, join Democrats in opposing entitlement reform. The others simply duck the question."

    One might think that this looming and, by some significant degree, INESCAPABLE tragedy was worth talking about. So far in this campaign, one would apparently be wrong. Perhaps Ryan and the growing number of House Republicans will again remind us after a Republican President is elected(!!!). (In that event I should perhaps first check the weather channel to see if Hell has frozen over.)

    In any case, one can take "comfort" in the certainties. All debts will and must be liquidated. The only variable is how - from repaid to repudiated. The former produces a fulfillment of expectations, the latter, destruction of same. The former, "life as usual." The latter, the end of "usual life"

    Oh yeah, the final certainty. What cannot continue, won't.

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  • Posted by wmiranda 8 years, 4 months ago
    Unfortunately, Obama still has one more year to go. The most dangerous year to America yet, since he is more likely to make reckless decisions without regard to consequences to America simply to satisfy his ego. What goes around, comes around in the worst way. BHO and his administration will be blamed for conditions in America for many, many years to come. In presidential history books, he will occupy a prominent place for being the first African-American president, but will have a giant footnote for the horrible consequences of his decisions.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 4 months ago
      I agree that 2016 shall be the emperor's most dangerous year.
      But I'm afraid what is later written about the ALMIGHTY FOR WONDERFUL FIRST DARK SKIN PIGMENT PRESIDENT (I prefer presidebt) will depend on who the writer is and which books are permitted the lefties who run the Department of Education.
      Books about how bad O=0 is are already plentiful and in circulation.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 4 months ago
    Can we recover? I think so. Will we? I don't think we will unless we are faced with some catastrophic event that will shake everybody and wake them up from their trance. Even then...not likely. 9/11 was almost such an event. However, it was used by the machine to tighten the dog collar on our own citizens. Can you believe that we barely even debate when the 4th Amendment is ignored now? It's surreal to see. Everybody is acting like zombies...almost everybody.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
      I say that the interest in Zombies in movies and TV shows is a result of a general and amorphous fear that the end of our civilization is near and there will be roving hordes of people (represented by the zombies) will be attacking anyone with anything to steal.

      In a society where everyone just takes what they can get (like what we have now), and is ruled by the wishes of the biggest mob, its going to take a huge catastrophy to fix things.

      The TV series on Netflix called Jericho really shows what can happen in such a scenario. Its worth watching
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      Not in it's present form. Nor it's past form. The one thing it has rarely if ever tried, two things actually are:

      Pushing the original premise of citizens controlling government and acting as the source of power formerly occupied by the divine right of Kings and emperors and more recently by a neo-feudalistic aristocratic ruling class. to do that requires a complete cultural and mind set change where Rights are co-equal with Responsibilities. And it has to be believable and shown to be worth while. Dumb down replaced by smarten up and some morals, values and standards. That means a complete do over of schools and media. Hard job but probably no harder than it was in 1776.

      The second is actually using instead of ignoring and abusing the Constitution.

      Use the amendment system and honor the right to different opinions hell that's why we keep state and federal powers separated and give 50 choices room to grow.

      Where upgrades are needed do so...with an amendment A quick omnibus fix would either add education or do away with that Department. It would change the census requirement from people to citizens. It would deny interference in the politrical affairs at the local and state level to those who did not reside and pay taxes and vote in those other localities, it would replace income tax with end user consumption tax, give recall and initiative to all States and define those delegates to the Federal Congress as employees of the State - subject to recall and it would over turn Wealth as Free Speech or it would put a price on free speech and be honest about it. A multi party system with equal access to the election process and NO votes stolen from their original intent and awarded to others. My laundry list not yours.

      Can that be done?

      With ballots not bullets?

      Not under the present captive system.

      You see the problem? Many would rather and have give in and become serfs and slaves

      Now you can add your wish list and in doing so mentally prioritize the importance. of each issue. The top two or three will define the sacred ground The top ten will define what parties should be based upon and one of them is there is no need and it' s unhealthy to have partisan agreement....the sure road to a single party system and a dictator ship....

      Or you can go for the last choice. We're already there so it leaves plenty of couch potato time.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
    "What is happening throughout the country can’t be attributed to just one political party. The Republicans and the Democrats are both responsible; they are both selling the country short for political and personal gain.


    The only relief to it will come if a president is elected who respects liberty – and who is strong enough and willing enough to defend it with law and order."

    The author has summed it up concisely as long as "law and order" is conducted under original constitutional (and Bill or Rights) constraints..
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
      No one could be elected president who "respects liberty" until a good majority of the people "respect liberty". We are so far from that now that it will take a real "reset" to change that. The novel AS wasnt enough to do it, nor were the movies.

      You might want to check out JERICHO on Netflix. Its a good set of episodes to see what might be required
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      • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 4 months ago
        I took the recommendation of Jericho the first time you recommended it, term2. (I made it through one season.) So you think the majority of 'conservatives' don't respect liberty? That is the block of voters who can change things peacefully. If 'conservatives' keep on voting for statists, then peaceful methods will fail and Jericho would be pleasant compared to the breakdown that is imaginable.
        So either we let evil win or we take the rational step of voting against evil since that is the easiest peaceful choice available. Going on strike is another option, but its a lot more difficult.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 4 months ago
          I dont know what the exact percentage of "conservatives" that really respect liberty, and are not in it for what they are entitled to from the government coffers. I suspect that Romney was right about the 47% of the people just want goodies that others work for. I think that he was a bit low on that estimate however, which is why he lost. Look at the popularity of Sanders and Hillary- its scary actually. Everything is on the table with them as to how to take mine and your wealth.
          Even the conservatives arent really rooted in philosophy, in my observation at least. They are not consistently for personal freedom. They want a war on drugs, they seem to be for various wars that get us nothing in return, think that "some" taxes are ok, some welfare is ok , etc.

          I think that a real catastrophe like the worthlessness of the money will be required to get those conservatives to the point of not blindly trusting government to fix all ills. Maybe then they would respond more positively to a president who respected liberty in all forms. Then there might be enough of a majority to elect him/her.

          Until then, it seems that these elections are mostly based on who promises the most goodies to the slim majority that can elect one side or another. The goodies of course are paid for by the people who didnt vote or are on the losing side.

          I think Ayn Rand was right that philosophy preceeds politics, and without the right philosophical base, its useless to discuss politics
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
    Will America survive? Good question. It will not survive if it elects Clinton, Sanders or Bloomberg. It may not survive if it elects Trump. It may survive if it elects Cruz or Rubio. If Cruz or Rubio are elected, will they be strong enough, clever enough, to turn the country around without becoming benevolent (or not so benevolent) dictators as Trump will be?
    The odds are not good. Sorry, kids, I spoiled supper, and I have to leave. See what you can do to fix it.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 4 months ago
      he's already got into bed with Pelosi and Schumer. (Another thread just posted)
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      • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 4 months ago
        Trump is a sales negotiator. He starts by being your friend, and usually offering goodies. If you don't respond, he appears to be on your side. If you continue to not respond he withdraws and tries to make you plead with him. Then he demands to speak to a higher authority (God not available). Now he wants to negotiate with Roger Ales (sp?) president of Fox. I think he'll show up. But I hope he doesn't.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 8 years, 4 months ago
    I think we still have a good chance. At least, if
    Trump doesn't get the nomination. And I think he
    has finally put his foot in his mouth one too many
    times. His cowardly refusal to go to the upcoming
    debate may work against him; I think (although I
    don't agree with everything he says) we can
    have a good chance with Cruz.
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 8 years, 4 months ago
    Everything Joe David wrote is factually correct and if Clinton, Sanders, or one of the RINOs, Bush Christy, Gilmore, Huckabee, Kasich, Rubio, and Santorum, the autocrat Trump or the Libertarian Paul are elected, he is right, America, Madison' grand experiment, may well die.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 4 months ago
    The Militia in Oregon are trying to start an event to soon. But this one of many situation to arise while BHO is still in office. It would not only a downward spiral ,of the economy and significant trampling of the Constitution, to put a more massive response in play. The congress could wake up and see whats happening to their constituency or wait till the Fireball hits the Capital.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
    A long view of history would suggest no, but America is different, we've already pulled it out several times only to back slide again: ex, the election of Harding and Coolidge and maybe even Reagan.
    This time however, the opposition to self rule has had plenty of time and technology to rig the game. They have a plethora of useless idiots and useful idiots, illegals and the dead upon their side...not to mention a cunning and cleverness unmatched by their predecessors.

    I still hold out hope that all will be revealed and some unforeseen electromagnetic event will awaken the masses.

    To predict your next question: Yes, electromagnetic events do play upon the brain and our conscious awareness.
    These events likely played a small role in the advent of conscious awareness and the recognition of the mind some 3 to 5 thousand years ago. I am laughing...after all that time you'd think we could of perfected it by now.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 4 months ago
    I have long believed that the only solution to the problem is to reform three critical areas: Education, Journalism, and Government. They represent the propaganda machine strangling America. These three areas must be cleaned up from top to bottom. In my book, The Fire Within, I identify this horrible monster, and I still believe what I said in the 1980s applies today. Perhaps even more accurately.. The problem of having something horrible happen to America to wake Americans up is too frightening in our nuclear age to even think about.. Such a cure to the disease might also destroy the nation. The best solution is for us to speak up and make our point every chance we can get.. We must use our freedom of speech to expose the enemy.
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