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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 6 months ago
    Please read the guidelines for the site first.
    Most questions will be answered there.
    This site is based upon the thinking of Ayn Rand that created Objectivism. If you are familiar with Rand's writings and/or Objectivism, then when you have a question about the site ask yourself, "How would an Objectivist answer my question."
    Then if you still have questions ask them using "Ask the Gulch"
    Anyone who did this would probably not have to ask the question you asked unless they are not familiar with Objectivism.
    To answer your question:
    Use of Thumbs up or Thumbs down is voluntary for everyone, but you can't stop anyone else from using them if that is their desire.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
    Two ways Ignore them or use the Ignore button. It's like the off button or switch on radio, tv or computers. In a simialr vein you do NOT have to answer a phone call. Of course you may get one sided opinions that way and occasionally something resembling a fact. It's always your choice.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
    Like to continue about French and English. One quick answer is it's okay to talk French. One's born in France. One talks French. It's the number one language maybe of most natives there. There are people talking English each with the last name "French".
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