On Pseudo-Profound Bullshit

Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 5 months ago to Culture
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“It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction.” – Harry Frankfurt.

In On Bullshit the philosopher Frankfurt (2005) defines bullshit as something that is designed to impress but that was constructed absent direct concern for the truth. This distinguishes bullshit from lying, which entails a deliberate
manipulation and subversion of truth (as understood by the liar). There is little question that bullshit is a real and consequential phenomenon."

The authors of this report, published in the Journal of Judgment and Decision Making, carried out an empirical study using the works of Dr. Deepak Chopra. They constructed (or found) examples from three classes of statements: nonsense, wit, and bullshit.
“Wholeness quiets infinite phenomena.”
"A wet person does not fear the rain."
“Attention and intention are the mechanics of manifestation.”

"On Bullshit" here: http://journal.sjdm.org/15/15923a/jdm...

The principal investigator, Gordon Pennycook, led another team in the investigation of analytical thinking and moral judgment.

A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost? ____cents
This problem cues an intuitive response (i.e., 10 cents) that one must override via analytic processing to correctly solve the problem (Frederick, 2005). Although the math required to solve this problem is quite simple, only around a third of a standard university or online sample successfully solve it. This is because the question requires both a willingness to rethink the intuitive response and the ability to engage sufficient analytic processing to override it.

"Analytical Thinking and Moral Judgment" here: http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/~dkoehle...

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