Atlas Shrugged, Part 3 Chapter 10: In The Name Of The Best Within Us

Posted by nsnelson 8 years, 8 months ago to Books
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Summary: The heroes arrive to rescue John Galt from torture. Eddie Willers got stranded in the middle of Arizona. The strikers watch the lights go out in New York, and make plans to rebuild.

Start by reading the first-tier comments, which are all quotes of Ayn Rand (some of my favorites, some just important for other reasons). Comment on your favorite ones, or others' comments. Don't see your favorite quote? Post it in a new comment. Please reserve new comments for Ayn Rand, and your non-Rand quotes for "replies" to the quotes or discussion. (Otherwise Rand's quotes will get crowded out and pushed down into oblivion. You can help avoid this by "voting up" the Rand quotes, or at least the ones you especially like, and voting down first-tier comments that are not quotes of the featured book.)

Atlas Shrugged was written by Ayn Rand in 1957.

My idea for this post is discussed here:

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  • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
    “The road is cleared,” said Galt. “We are going back to the world.”
    He raised his hand and over the desolate earth he traced in space the sign of the dollar.
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  • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
    Judge Narragansett: He sat at a table, and the light of his lamp fell on the copy of an ancient document. He had marked and crossed out the contradictions in its statements that had once been the cause of its destruction. He was now adding a new clause to its pages: “Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of production and trade…”
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  • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
    Willers, thinking: “Dagny! – he was crying to a twelve-year-old girl in a sunlit clearing of the woods – in the name of the best within us, I must now start this train! … Dagny, that is what it was … and you knew it, then, but I didn’t … you knew if when you turned to look at the rails … I said, ‘not business or earning a living’ … but, Dagny, business and earning a living and that in man which makes it possible – that is the best within us, that was the thing to defend…”
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  • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
    “Who are you?” he cried at the sight of Francisco entering as if he owned the place. “Nobody’s supposed to come in here tonight!”
    “I did,” said Francisco.
    “Why did Rusty let you in?”
    “He must have had his reasons.”
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  • Posted by 8 years, 8 months ago
    Dagny, thinking: “Calmly and impersonally, she, who would have hesitated to fire at an animal, pulled the trigger and fired straight at the heart of a man who had wanted to exist without the responsibility of consciousness.”
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