How far down are we?

Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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How far down the wrong side of the bell-curve is the USA? Can the country turn itself around, and if so, how? Or, is the USA heading for an unrecoverable demise?

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    Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 8 years, 7 months ago
    Unfortunately I think it's unrecoverable. The lights need to go out, then we can rebuild it.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      How long did it take after Greece and Rome? Two thousand years. With todays weapons, will we survive as a race that long? Has all this happened before -- before Greece & Rome? Gives me goosebumps.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 7 months ago
        Herb, we're not a race. Whether this country survives depends on the return of reason and individual freedom.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
          I was referring to the Human Race.
          Yes, we need a new age of reason. I don't see it down the road, but history has often taken strange twists and turns. One man out of billions changed the way we look at the universe, a handful turned Russia into a "worker's paradise." A cabal consisting of some brilliant men created the first almost free country.
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          • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 7 months ago
            Ideas have power. In the hierarchy of values, life is the first premise. Stop all killing, and all the rationalizations that excuse killing. Stop all notions of conquest, "winning" through force. Recognize hatred and its panoply of negative emotions as a cancer in the human psyche. Revenge and retribution accelerate that everyone loses.

            The new age of Reason needs this meme: In the long view, no one wins unless everyone wins. Violence is not a winning strategy. It is a remnant of our animal past and a temporary aberration. It's a by-product of range-of-the-moment reactions. Reason is our next evolutionary step. The handbook has been written.

            Here's an idea: People always want to be good and do the right thing, to be heroic. They're just misled by the wrong goals and methods, and fed the wrong programs, for what constitutes good. Simple fix -- always test actions against this standard: Is what I am doing good for everyone, not just for me?

            The truly heroic is the voluntary self-restraint from inflicting violence, not how much damage one can impose. Real heroes weigh every choice against the future of humankind. Every individual counts.
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            • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 7 months ago
              I agree. Unfortunately, this is WAAAAAAAY over the head of your average American. We are subject to institutional programming that drives us, unconsciously, toward violent tribalism. A vast majority seem helpless against it.

              Parents are told, indirectly, to teach their children to be kind - while the system gets ready to absorb those children so that they can go over to Afghanistan to guard poppy fields and blow up weddings. All...so we can be "safe", of course.
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              • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
                Hi, Abaco
                I don't think it's over their head so much as it is something most of them choose not to look at. It's always easier to go with the flow than to think independently. Independent thinking is no longer encouraged in our society.
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                • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 7 months ago
                  Independent thinking is "volitional consciousness". Most people, having learned as children the basics of values and behaviors in their society, operate on the default setting of not questioning, of going along with the status quo and views held by their culture. And that makes them prime targets for mind control and being subordinated to the dominant ideas that have managed to get control of that culture, whether through religion or philosophy.

                  Even the so-called "critical thinking" allegedly taught to school children is just a ludicrous scheme to substitute some views for others, still within the control matrix of the rulers. Real independent thought must be stifled, and if it can't be, then condemn or even kill the thinker as a rebel or traitor. It's a case of meme warfare, the confrontation of conflicting ideas. Human heads are merely their vehicle, and human emotions their tool. It's Darwinism of the software.

                  Rand kept admonishing readers to "check your premises". Not easy for most people to do. The emotions get in the way to help protect the existing hold, to avoid questioning the belief systems in place. Like the body's immune system, the mind's belief systems have a panoply of devices to keep them intact, to resist change, including fear, guilt and loyalty. That's why it's so hard to get people to "change their minds", especially about anything to do with values.

                  Turning on volitional consciousness the first time is the breakthrough to rationality. In time it can become a habit. Any persuasion we hope to do in that direction is one mind at a time. That's the price of being an individual.
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                  • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
                    Volitional consciousness is more wide ranging than independent thinking. It is free will. That is the biggest bugaboo of the religionists. They needed something to explain why the Human Race doesn't simply fall into line with God's commands like so many tin soldiers, plus it gives them the excuse for sin.
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                    • Posted by $ puzzlelady 8 years, 7 months ago
                      Yet there are many who claim there is no such thing as free will nor the ability to reason. They believe this, and that everything we do is somehow foreordained. (I am not among them.) Now just imagine the contradiction here. If everything is outside our control, and everything is God's will, why would God demand of people what they cannot do, since they have no will of their own? What a pile of excrement...
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                      • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
                        Those who don't believe in volition are people who do not understand the nature of man. As a result, they come up with premises that can never be achieved, laws that cannot be followed and every constriction imaginable of freedom.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
              Here's my test: Is what I'm doing in the long run pro life or pro death? If it is life, it is automatically good for everyone, but not necessarily done for the benefit of others.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
          Agreed. The real question is will the recovery be based on those values - or will the country wallow in collectivism and looting. Remember, "Atlas Shrugged" never saw the end - it just deals with the collapse.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 7 months ago
      You're probably right, but I'm going to go down fighting. Because if the lights do go out, Red China winds up the dominant power in the world, and once they win that position they may be able to hold onto it for thousands of years.
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  • Posted by richrobinson 8 years, 7 months ago
    I still like to hold out hope that we can come back from the abyss. The problem is that it would take strong leadership and a lot more people engaged in what is going on.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      I have seen the USA change so much in my lifetime that it is almost unimaginable. We have gone from a flag-waving, pledge of allegiance, patriotic, we are the very best country, to a pessimistic, politically correct, expect the worst country. All just in my lifetime.That leads me to believe that it is possible to turn things around if we have the will to do it. But the belief in entitlement is the thing that the young generation has which will stymie most attempts at creating a free society. They actually seem to equate freedom with dependency.
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  • Posted by Mitch 8 years, 7 months ago
    In the past, I thought that we would need to hit bottom and clean house before we can turn the country around and head for more prosperity. Recently, I’ve changed my mind and I’m completely opposed to this now, never really wished but thought good might come from it after the initial pain.

    I started to pay attention to the people that want anarchy in the world, it’s a large list with some very scary people on it. I would even have to add our current President to that list due to his actions alone. The 99% (idiots) don’t want anarchy because it will clear the regulatory burden of small business; they want anarchy to knock you over your head and take what was once yours. The powerful elites what anarchy to take more of our freedoms way; remember Rob Emanuel “Don’t waste a serious crisis”. Our president is planning on importing 10,000 (I heard higher numbers, I believe they will be) Syrian refugees; only reason in the world you would do this after Paris is because you want anarchy. The list goes on and on… domestically and abroad.

    I’ve beginning to see and agree with the prepper community but from a knowledge stand point. How am I going to care for my loved ones when the SHTF. Collecting books on basic like field medical procedures, how to make alcohol, gunpowder and water filters (burning wood to make active charcoal). I think I need to start getting a little more serious about my list as I really think a trigger could make this really happen very soon.

    I have an uneasy feeling that freedom suffers initially until the pendulum swings back the other way in 10, 100 or 1000 years. I don’t think I’ll see the swing in my lifetime.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 8 years, 7 months ago
      IF there is an anarchy event, then there will be martial law declared by the feds. imo, that will be the straw that pushes some states into taking control of their own fates. The feds will not be able to control those states short of civil war, and if a state like Texas is involved, the number of ex servicemen and hunters will prevail as they will constitute the state militia. Only a new technology will enable the fedgov to control that situation, and if they use it against one state militia, they will suffer an immediate attack on the fedgov by all other state militias of any size. It will be full blown civil war. This is why taking away the peoples' ability to defend themselves with firearms has been a top priority for the feds and the bankster puppeteers. This is why every rational person should own firearms and thousands of rounds of ammunition, and be trained and practice using them regularly.
      You are the last line of defense for liberty.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      It's certainly a dilemma. The time factor can cause much ennui because why do anything if there'll be no effect for ***years? Of course, the answer starts with the old saw, "The journey of a thousand miles starts with one step."
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      As I finished "Don't mean a thing' in another thread I looked over and saw your post at the end of the right hand column of comments. What a fitting ending. Better than Triumph of Despair it's Have we hit bottom. so...you now have two points. Proof that reason and clarity are still alive and well.
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    • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 7 months ago
      It's the politicians and power elites who have done their best to convince the masses that anarchy is bad and scary. They are the last ones who would promote or desire anarchy, as the forcibly-funded state apparatus is what gives them their power. What they want is chaos, as an excuse to wield greater power.

      Anarchy does not mean chaos, it simply means "no rulers." It means that all people are truly equals, and politicians and government employees aren't assumed to be above us, as a ruling class. Anarchy means we choose our leaders voluntarily, and are free to withdraw our support if we don't like what they do. It means that we pay for protection (police and military) and court services voluntarily and can, again, withdraw financial support if we disagree with the way the services are provided or their pricing. Ayn Rand advocated voluntary funding as well; it's the only way to keep government accountable and efficient.

      Who exactly in the anarchist/voluntaryist movement do you find "scary?" Murray Rothbard? Larken Rose? Jeff Berwick? Jeffery Tucker? Adam Kokesh? Judge Napolitano? Ron Paul? I find them brilliant, logical, and persuasive.
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      • Posted by Mitch 8 years, 7 months ago

        Seems to me that the term anarchy means different things to different people. I for one do not want anarchy due to that fact that no one will be able to conduct business in a constantly changing environment. You seem to be crossing anarchy with libertarianism, I don’t subscript to the libertarianism philosophy 100% ether, I agree with a lot but not all. I’m an objectionist, meaning I’m doing what is in my best interest, having a community in a state of anarchy is not in my best interest.

        Anarchy is not a form of government but a lack of government; anarchy would lead to our enslavement or death. Without organization we can’t defend our boarders; without a small federal government, we don’t exist as a country. Anarchy is an excuse for martial law…

        Ayn Rand rejected both libertarianism and anarchist, I agree as it seems like a fantasy land where we have no rules at all. Without the experience of having children, I might have agreed but wanting an environment where my children can grow up to their fullest potential is important to me. The best chance of that happening is a stable small government that provides only the basics like national security and due process.

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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
        All of the above. The presence of anarchy means I Must carry and be prepared to use a weapon at all times without benefit at times of surety but with the benefit of not being prosecuted. No government means no government and that includes no vigilantes.

        Gives people like me a clear and certain edge fo we will use any weapon available including forming a new government. Whose to stop us?
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        • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 7 months ago
          "The presence of anarchy means I Must carry and be prepared to use a weapon at all times without benefit at times of surety but with the benefit of not being prosecuted." Actually, no, this is propaganda in support of the current, violent system. Did you miss the part of my comment wherein I described that, in anarchy, just as Ayn Rand said was ideal, security businesses and dispute resolution services would still exist, but payment for them would be voluntary?

          Maybe you are one of the bad people who would try to form a government to impose your will on others, but I think there are a lot more good people who would stop you.
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          • Posted by Mitch 8 years, 7 months ago
            Wow, that is amazing. You are another whole group of people that I’ve heard exist but never have had the opportunity to speak to. So you really want a society without rules, laws or structure at all? I’m sorry to tell you that is not objectivism at all, that is anarchy. Ayn Rand was describing why these forms (or lack thereof) government is not in your best interest.

            We need a judicial branch of the government, without it… I just take your stuff because I’m smarter and have more guns.
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            • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
              You are correct. My reasoning is as follows: Humanity is nowhere near mature enough to deal with Anarchy. It could happen in some fantasy future but certainly not within the foreseeable. I'm sure that there are thousands, perhaps millions of persons to whom Anarchy would work, but then, what about the remaining almost 7 billion? We, as well as untold millions have high ideals, but they are miniscule compared to those who wish to be uninvolved, who are evilly aggressive, and are of mixed premises. Perhaps an evolution of philosophy, a major catastrophe, or cataclysmic event will cause a shift toward reason, but then, perhaps not.
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              • Posted by Solver 8 years, 7 months ago
                And before humidity becomes mature enough, the concept of taxation has to die.
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                • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
                  There can be no government under Anarchy, therefore no taxation. Under Anarchy, there are only 2 rules.
                  1. MYOB (Mind your own business)
                  2. The absolute right to say NO.
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                • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 7 months ago
                  I think I like your comment, but I'm not sure what "humidity" has to do with it? Should that be "humanity" but autocorrect thought different?

                  Taxes are force-based. There is nothing in logic or morality which allows one certain group of people the right to take by force, from peaceful people, money to fund what the thieves believe is important. And yet, that is our system of taxation and government.
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                  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                    Until it's replaced. Income tax is a left wing socialist fascist inspired control mechanism. Flat tax will do nothing to change that basic fundamental objective truth A is A,.

                    Government though I wonder about this one needs a budget to carry out it's purposes. The control of that is in the hands of the responsible citizens. Since none of them are voting anymore it's up for grabs. Why do i say that? Because the voting is rigged from candidate selection to candidate retirement. as a millionaire. Vote for someone or something else and it's given to the individual you opposed. Stolen by a crooked evil system. So...that IS our system and our shame. We could have voted differently but we spent too many decades choosing evil.
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                    • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 7 months ago
                      The system is hugely flawed, and I've racked my brain for decades for a solution to fix it. One flaw is that the majority have their rights respected on a given issue, and the minority do not. And that's making the huge assumptions that the government officials in charge of counting votes are honest, and that politicians will actually follow the will of the people -- neither of which I think are true in fact.

                      At this point, I think the only solution is to convert government from a monopoly to a voluntarily-funded service provider.
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                    • Posted by Mitch 8 years, 7 months ago
                      I agree also with you but a flat tax is better then what we have today.

                      Ayn Rand stated that she felt that America got it correct with the Constitution and Bill of Rights but didn’t go far enough. She felt as though financial freedom needs to be included. Can we have a mulligan?
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                      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                        If so then don't waste it on a flat tax that's where income tax started. 7% of everything over some very high incomes $4000 a year which in 2013 terms was $100,000.) for the time, amounts. It's still an income tax and still fascist in nature. Only the end user consumption tax coupled with enforceable spending limits meaning no debt would be acceptable given the unacceptability of a government that can't be trusted with more than a dime in 2015 values.
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                        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                          "... we got the income tax in 1913, the top rate was 7 percent. By 1980, the top rate was 70 percent."

                          True enough. But, in fact, the rate had reached 77 percent by 1918, just five years after Congress created its first, single-digit levy.

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                          • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
                            That's politicians for you, always shooting for Park Place and Boardwalk. They'll never learn it seems that taxation = poverty. The more taxation, the more poverty.
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                  • Posted by Solver 8 years, 7 months ago
                    I fully agree.
                    But, it will take life times before enough individuals can open their reasoning minds to question quotes like this,
                    “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.”
                    Ben Franklin
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              • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 8 years, 7 months ago
                Hello Herb7734,
                This is a great blog and thread.
                I concur with you. Anarchy is not congruent with human nature right now and may never be. There is always somebody that wants to live off of others and will organize a local gang or small army in order to rule. The Attilas would rise. People of reason could make it work, but the world is populated with too many lunatics and fanatics. Little collective fiefdoms would be constantly popping up and trying to fight their way to the top. I still find Rand's reasoning sound and unassailable.

                "[T]he great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others. The provision for defence must in this, as in all other cases, be made commensurate to the danger of attack. Ambition must be made to counteract ambition. The interest of the man must be connected with the constitutional rights of the place. It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions." ([1788] n.d., 337 Madison, Federalist 51

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                • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                  Thanks, OA. Also I love the optimism of AK. We all know our history, but sometimes we forget what a radical idea it was. Putting government into the hands of the governed! The only ones who expected it to work at all were the persons who came up with the concept. And even some of them were doubtful. The fact that it has survived this long in spite of being chipped away at for almost 250 years is, in itself, almost a miracle, and shows the power of the idea. I certainly would be the first in line to encourage saving the great old ship of state. Rand's idea of the strike by men of the mind was a device to point out where human progress truly comes from. It was not put forth in order to encourage it to actually happen as some Gulchers seem to think. The idea of creating an Objectivist Atlantis is rather sweet but if the USA goes down in flames so will the world and no place on earth will be a safe haven. In any case, this forum provides me with an intellectual Ping-Pong game that is most enjoyable, so let's keep the game afoot. Who knows what might spring forth.
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            • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 7 months ago
              See, we anarchists aren't that scary after all, are we? ;)

              "So you really want a society without rules, laws or structure at all?" Again, please try to put aside for a moment the social brainwashing, and actually read the words I've written. I wrote about voluntarily-funded protection and dispute resolution services; isn't it obvious and necessary that there would be rules which they are enforcing?

              Anarchists believe in the NAP, the non-aggression principle. You are free to do as you choose, with the exclusion that you may not harm, or threaten to harm, another person or his/her property. There are nuances to the rule which can be worked out through application, but it is, in my opinion, the one main rule which should be enforced. There should be no "victimless crimes," and there shouldn't be such a profusion of ridiculous laws that the average person commits several felonies a day without even knowing it.
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              • Posted by Mitch 8 years, 7 months ago
                Fair enough, I can see that you truly believe that Anarchy is a valid form of government. Let’s start with what we can agree upon:

                No government welfare one bit what so every, you must support yourself or parish.
                No government education system, we can do better for less.
                No restrictions on freedoms, physical, financial or virtual.
                No taxation on income, property or wealth - some form of income would be necessary to support our boarders.

                Now, with anarchy…
                We wouldn’t have local law enforcement or a judicial system. You wouldn’t have recourse for damages.
                I could develop a swarm of drones that can be used for offensive purposes. Like killing you to take what you have because I like it.
                You would spend that vast majority of your wealth defending what you have. I would become very wealth selling you systems to defend yourself.
                We wouldn’t be not a country let alone a country I would wish to live in.
                Under anarchy, we would fall to hostel governments.
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                • Posted by Kittyhawk 8 years, 7 months ago
                  Ayn Rand came to the same conclusion which modern anarchists have: she believed that a voluntarily-funded protection (police) and dispute-resolution (courts) system could function better than what we have now to protect our rights. Removing mandatory payment (taxation) is the only thing that can make government accountable. If you think you know better than Rand... well, okay.

                  If you are truly interested in how an anarchist society could function, and exceed the current force-based system in effectiveness, while reducing the cost, there are tons of material available online and in books. https://markstoval.wordpress.com/2012... That article makes a great point: we don't all have cops following us and "protecting" us every day. The vast majority of our daily interactions with friends and strangers are currently ruled by anarchy and the non-aggression principle. Bad people will occasionally hurt good people under anarchy, just as they do under the current system, but I would argue that, first, most people are good and peaceful and want to get along and, second, that protection from bad behavior and consequences given for it would be fairer and more swift and sure if these services were delivered by a non-monopolistic business.

                  By the way, if you think police today exist to protect and serve the public, please consider the case of Joe Lozito, who was attacked and repeatedly stabbed while two officers watched from behind a locked door. The courts decreed yet again that police have NO duty whatsoever to protect or serve citizens. http://www.copblock.org/27067/police-...

                  We currently give an average of 50% of our wealth to the various governments. Are you arguing that we're all getting our money's worth? Because I'm sure not. What other service or good would you want to buy from a monopoly? Cell phone service? Cable t.v.? Groceries? A car? If you wouldn't want to buy these things from a monopoly, why not? Maybe because they have no accountability, because they can give you a poor-quality good or service and you have no other option, and because they can raise the price any time they want because they're the only game in town? The arguments against monopolies seem so clear, so how do you get to the conclusion that a monopoly on protection and dispute resolution services held by the government is somehow uniquely favorable to the citizens?

                  Between public schooling and the media and entertainment industries, we're all immersed in a social and political system whose only goal is to protect itself. We're taught to worship government, view it as a protector and have faith in it. If we stop and think logically about the reality of the system though, I think we'll all agree that we can do much better.
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  • Posted by edweaver 8 years, 7 months ago
    Recovery possible, sure, but seems like a long shot.

    I do think there is more people who feel the same way that are not speaking about it.
    This year for the first time ever our local hardware/supply store selling canning jars, by the pallet. I took that as another indicator of tough times ahead. Hopefully I'm wrong.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 7 months ago
    There are many times I have thought 'the last straw' had been reached, and that we were going to collapse. But Iook out the window and there are pleasant streets, people going about their business, stores open.

    I think that we will just keep muddling along. The socialists will continue to grab and redistribute our wealth, our freedoms will continue to gradually erode (though there are some successful pushbacks happening), but there is So Much of what we have that it will take another generation or so of government irresponsibility to deplete that reservoir. And, during that time, more technology will be produced that may make socialism irrelevant.

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 7 months ago
    All old dino's life, I've heard of a historical precedent about what happens to a briefly golden civilization every 300 years.
    2015 - 1776 = 239, which should mean the USA getting old and acquiring (mental?) health problems that will eventually kill it, such as turning socialist among other things that should have been avoided.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 7 months ago
    America's finished. I know many guys who are getting ready for WTSHTF. But, I don't think it will be an overnight collapse. I think the powers that be will continue to work hard to keep up this illusion to the 85%ers that everything's under control. But, it's not. We have people high up in our system who are working to destroy the country. It's important for them to keep up the façade. So, I fully expect a gradually-accelerating decay of our quality of life. Stupidity is working hand-in-hand with those who really hate America and western culture to ensure this. We'll most likely have a Paris-style terrorist attack here within the next year. Then, we'll let more of them in.

    Those of us here at the Gulch are the 15%ers. We get it. We see that something's wrong.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 8 years, 7 months ago
    We are heading over a cliff ... I have some thoughts regarding true progress (invention, innovation, freedom, growth, etc) as they are measured mathematically and expressed in terms of displacement, velocity and acceleration. Essentially, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, and the fall will require decades more. Rebirth will only occur after the establishment of open dictatorship in this country and that period is likely to extend into decades. Get your individual houses in order, eliminate debt, secure your network of friends and allies. The next 30 years are going to play out in devastating individual and social transformation.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 7 months ago
    We are witnessing another dawn of another new era of commercial expansion, cultural transference and transformation. We are not on the downside of anything.

    At worst, life continues pretty much as it always has and is generally upward and onward. Things are getting better, as they usually do. Yes, there was a Bronze Age Collapse. Yes, there were the Huns, and the Mongols, and the Turks, and the Black Death, and Yellow Fever ... And, yes, now we have ISIS and new biological threats on the horizon...

    But, when Julius Caesar conquered Gaul, he killed one million of them. In one incident, his troops chopped the arms off several thousand captives, and for that, we look to the Great and Glorious Roman Republic cum Empire, Pax Romana - "I found it a city of brick and left it a city of marble," said Octavian Caesar in his dotage.

    To understand the difference between that and the skyscrapers of New York City is to grasp the essential attributes of a truly successful civilization versus what Ayn Rand called "monument builders."

    Allow me to suggest that we do not perceive large changes while they are rolling forward. No one woke up on Christmas Day 803 and said, "Hey! The Dark Ages are over!" any more than they went to bed on September 4, 476, and said, "Damn, the Dark Ages are here. See you in 375 years. I'm sleeping through this..."

    Let me ask you: When was the American Revolution?
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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 7 months ago
    If we can avoid political disaster, I don't see the U.S. or the world collapsing at all. Technology is advancing at an exponential rate, and will soon lower the cost of living faster than the money-printers can raise it. The cost of communication and obtaining information has fallen to nearly zero, while access has increased greatly. Monopolies are being challenged and overthrown. (Examples, Uber vs. taxicabs and Bitcoin vs. national currencies.) Barring another world war, I think science and technology will help us win the battle for freedom.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      Is that your opinion or based on something found elsewhere? Either way personal conjecture, wishful thinking, tea leaf reading a great many of your claims demand some proofs...I'll be happy to see the explanations with cites and sources.

      I hasten to add that personal knowledge based on a background in areas not all of us have examined, researched or accepted instruction in are just as valid a source of opinion as cites or sources from others. Although to be truthful I give no credence to the social science crowd and much more to the hard science groups depending on proven veracity. My own area of Political Science and History has taught me that much.

      "I think is not the same as I know."
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      • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
        For the most part, you are certainly correct. But, here comes the "however." History shows us that things change radically for no apparent previous reason. I call it "historical mutations." The only things truly predictable is that predictors will predict.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          That's a pragmatic out. Pragmatism leads to relativism. In short the theory of 'no truth.' Now we're calling it historical mutations. Fine. It comes in various forms. For three people it is "That which serves the party or advances it's cause is the truth. For one other "What may be necessary today may not be so tomorrow...Therefore I may - nay, must - change under changed conditions tomorrow what I consider correct today. This is the Heraclitian Doctrine. The truth is mutable, there are no principles there are no absolutes. If tomorrow Obama wishes it then two times two is five.

          Not a shred of objectivist here. Just a cup of Hemlock.

          The first three were Lenin, Stalin, and the leaders of the Democrat Party. The second was Adolf Hitler. The last sentence was George Goebbels, but I switched Hitler for Obama.

          It is the long trail of Plato, Kant Hegel, on to Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and the leaders of Socialism in the US today featuring George Lakoff and the secular progressives. That line of reasoning did not start with Aristotle and end with. It was 58 degrees F. at seven AM local time. "It ends with give me my orders and I will carry them out." "Shoot yourself." "Bang,":

          There is no 'however.' A is A. Objectivist If i hit you in the head with this rock it will hurt. That is true today, it was true yesterday and it will be true tomorrow. A is A. Subjectivist. If i hit myself in the head with that rock it may or may not hurt and because it did nor did not today doesn't mean the same held true yesterday or wil lhold true tomorrow.

          But your sentence does have a practical use. Subjectivism leads to dogmatism, the blind faith
          that allows men to commit suicide upon order.

          History in fact shows us no such thing.and never without reason. There is always a reason for those with the intellect and reasoning ability to go looking for the answer . Predictors I'll leave to the worshipers of the spirit world. These days not even weather forecasters can use that excuse.
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          • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
            Not so. Pragmatism infers certainty on those who espouse it. It is used as a certainty by pragmatists whereas I pointed out the possibility of uncertainty regardless of how careful the construct.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
              you are really good at this Plato stuff. I'll give you that and a point. But I don't follow that system. So I'm not bound by it's constraints. The rock still hurts.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                The rock still hurts and my car will still lay rubber i three and get nasty chirp out of fourth instead of sayhing Huh? Huh? Huh?
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
                  ha ha I get three long strips of rubber and a nasty chirp out of fourth gear. Couldn't afford the 440 magnum engine at the time.

                  Plato was and remains the founder of present day left wing philosophy.....the only thing you are missing is figuring out where the center is. I say not the center of the left but the Constitution. Chirp!
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                  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                    When I bought my '69 Charger with the 440 it cost $6K. Equivalent to probably $60K today. I know who & what Plato was. I refuse to be labeled as a Platonist in any way, shape or form.
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                    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                      Aristotle held man could use his senses to determine reality. Plato held reality wasn't real but held secret from man in some mystic place that only a few could divine.

                      Plato's chain of followers are Kant, Hegel, Neitsche, and in the political world Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, AND Hitler and in the us the Progressive socialists from Woodrow Wilson to Obama and Hillary supported by secular progressives funded by the billionaires Soros and Lewis ....included is the present day Democrat turned Socialist admittedly group and Republicans in name only and by association their supporters ALL have certain beliefs in common.

                      Government the people in a very socialist sense people as part of a group or collective which is the real entity that counts. One leader one party such as the combination of Democrats and Rinos. Plato exempted certain individuals from the collective group philosophers primarily and that's extended to an elitist ruling class. Nutshell version. Hillary is in fact a secular progressive and their poster girl hand maiden at present. Plato's line of thinking led to pragmatism whatever serves the moment and phrases such as the truth is whatever serves the party.

                      Aristole's line of thinking led to a country created by an idea..USA...not by force with citizens over government.,...that is what we are losing along with independence, freedom, the right to think and reason and express those thoughts. The right to control government. It also led to objectivist thinking.

                      Two types of socialism.. National and International for easy labels. The first allows ownership under State Economics meaning tight control of everything also called fascist economics. The second is the government owns and controls everything using Marxist Leninest economics. Both are heavily fascist meaning any and all means to control everything.

                      Three groups make up the elitists under an overall neo aristocracy which is neo feudalistic in it's beliefs..Government or Statists, Big business or corporatists, Union Leaders (not union members) or some other form of controlling labor at the bottom. State Economics here relies on Keynesian principles. Borrow from the future

                      Where they are losing control is they forgot one of Keynes requirements in debt economy which was ability to pay the interest. The out - so far - is using a crisis to create inflation, devaluation, and debt repudiation. One form of the latter is devaluing buying power to retirees but not counting the loss in the Cost of Living Allowance instead holding that at or near zero.

                      thus as matter of percentage the elitists at the top get richer and the rest of us poorer not so much in terms of cash count but in buying power increases and decreases.

                      Short quick and dirty except for ..get rid of the constitution which they are doing WITHOUT amendment the legal way but by court cases with friendly judges. One thing at a time...

                      - Same Sex is one
                      - replacing 'probable cause' with 'suspicion of' another
                      - dumbing down education and ending up with fascist oriented students a third.
                      - control of all forms of income was one of the first
                      - dismantling checks and balances another-
                      - the military draft system
                      - laundry list of how it came about

                      Do you still have the Charger...my last similar was the Plymouth Police Package version.

                      See if you agree.. with all except the make of the auto...


                      The Center is the Constitution not the Center of the Left.
                      If you support any of the systems or candidates of the left you are supporitng the left

                      Problem?: The system of selecting candidates and voting is no longer a free and open system but designed to control the eventual outcome where which ever wins is still a left winger. Question: How to regain that and other lost freedoms. I will add voting for anyone else is listed under winner take all as landslide in the opponents favor. no longer an option.

                      One possibility is mass defection from the system or a vote of no confidence by not voting. Something they are afraid of as the talk now is mandatory voting or a fine. That group now stands at 35 to 45 percent on and off year elections

                      Second possibility destroy them politically at the roots - locally -

                      Third possibility - Military upholds their oath of office.

                      (Note: I'm sure some of our more experienced Gulchers will polish this short version as needed. For the record it was a BMW900 I don't do Harleys. I like systems that work and work for me. The motorcycle analogy of politics and philosophy)
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                      • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                        Old news.
                        Perhaps some in the Gulch can use the lesson.
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                        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                          Bueno same sheet of music....
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                          • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                            Andante, andante.
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                            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                              Q: I f you find a little round hole in the dirt next to large spot of oil it indicates what?

                              A: Harley was here.

                              Q: If you here somethng like urrrrrRRRRRRrrrrruuuuuuhhhhhhhh h h h h then nothing it indicates?

                              A: Harley at full throttle.

                              An old t shirt had the BMW engine as the Starship Enterprise. Twin opposed mounted on a logo'd disc. Busy shooting opposing attack spacecraft with phasers etc. All marked with Kawasaki, Yamaha, Honda and Ducatti logos . The most asked question to it's printed message "Every Star A Sun" was/: Why no Harleys?

                              A: How you going to shoot something out of space that can't get off the ground?

                              My friends bought two brand new 100th anniversary Harleys. Driving to Seattle to pick them up the son asked where's mine?

                              A: "Only room enough in the pick up for two."

                              Back when Rogue Valley Road Riders of S. Oregon sponsored a Labor Day weekend rally with guided tours each day for a week. One day all the ride leaders rode Harley's. All the assistants rode Hondas or BMW's. Twelve or so tours not one Harley would start. Something about moisture in the air and in the systems. That is a true story.

                              Q: RING A Ding ding ding ding..silence. Like a fan with a bolt tossed in the blades. What is it?

                              A: Harley attempting to reach full throttle.

                              Shall I go on? The rest is self explanatory

                              How far down is down?

                              All The Way and then we start building Beemers again.
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                              • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago
                                I am not, nor ever have been a biker. But waay back when nobody ever knew about the BMW, I was a fan of their cars. I bought them when their little 4 cylinder was called the "Pocket Rocket" and was quite comfortable zipping along at 90 to 100 mph. I bought new ones up until the advent of the 320i which was the first of the all fuel injection lines. Then the dollar price relative to the deutchmark jumped the price from $6k & $8K to $21K. From there it became so ridiculously expensive that I returned to American iron muscle. However, if I were to ever get a bike, it most certainly would have been a Beemer.
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                                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
                                  I knew you were one of the good guys!!!

                                  Now as for SUVs.......Jeeps without diesel engines whose dumb idea was that? Kinda like the Republican party with out Republicans.
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                                  • Herb7734 replied 8 years, 6 months ago
  • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
    I think that the USA is feeling the effects of the terribly wrong philosophy thats been becoming stronger for the last nearly 100 years. I think that the majority of voting people are closet socialists, if not out and out socialists. If I am right about that, the decline will continue until the country is destitute and all the wealth has been spent. Only a real turnaround in philosophy can reverse this, and it will take a LONG time for that to play out. Certaiinly longer than I will live.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 6 months ago
    As a nation it's not going to happen. If we have an election next November this country might have a chance under a Republican President. If Obama continues on his spree of Global Warming and other enviromental regulations, his attack on first and second amendment rights plus and other restriction on personal rights. The Americans will have no other recourse but Civil War. Americans are not like the cowardly Iraqies or Syrians a percentage of the population will take up arms against BHO's leftist government.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      Define the difference between a left wing socialist President taken from the Left Wing Of the Left approved list and a left wing socialist President taken from the appproved list and from the Right wing of the LEFT.

      The are both from the Left, both believe in government over people, collectivism, etc etc. ad. nauseum both the last two from the right wing of the left instituted the police state.

      The center - believers in the Constitution and the near right or near left (Libertarians) who believe in Citizens over Government have no candidate and if they did would there candidate appear on the ballot or would it be top two vote getters from the primaries only with the rest excluded.

      Never mind those two categories have no candidate and if they did would be so busy squabbling and debating it wouldn't matter
      So let's change the question to 'Besides voting for what is in your opinion is the lesser of two evils - two left wing socialist fascist leaning candidates and a flock of similar ones for Congress and by doing doing so putting yourself in the group that supports evil - what other choices do you have?

      A. Write In ballot or possibly third part in some states - Winner takes all will claim them even though the winner was the individual you were voting against. For seven years there are no statistics kept for those candidates no way of measuring them. They have been legally marginalized.

      B. The only choice left besides voting for evil and continuing the slide to the left is do not vote. Being registered and not voting in poly sci terms is called the 'undervote.' It's a measurement of lack of confidence and serves to replace the idea of None Of The Above.

      Even in elections where it causes winner by a plurality not a majority it is not counted under our current rules of elections.

      If you google up the definition of one party elections or the move from multi party to two strong others weak parties to two party it inevitably ends up as one party with two faces, forms, or wings.

      That's where we are now.


      The danger lies when the two dominant parties become joined at the hip through cross-partisanship or bi-partisan ship or other such marriages of convenience AND espouse similar viewpoints and support the same end goals.

      Republicans as socialist coporatist/statist and Democrats as sociaist statist/corporatists have done exactly that ending up as The Government Party in favor of Government Over People.

      Follow the link to the little chart and pay attention to the section at 11 o'clock that says ' further makes rules to perpetuate itself'

      So is it a Republican Government or is it a Socialist Republican Government?

      The way out of this trap is repudiating the definition of center as center of the Left and return it to the Constitution as the Center of the Country.

      Repudiation of the current voting system does not come from supporting it in any of it's left wing flavors. It comes when the majority refuse to play their game and make their reasons known.

      What good does that do?

      It's a clear signal to the military - remember them? Our Sons and Daughters - to honor their oath of office as they have the legal right and the legal duty and the responsibility of protecting and defending the Constitution and NOTHING else.

      When a majority of the nation has refused to participate in the left wing version of voting that tells the military it's time to conduct what might be called a counter revolution.

      That's the in place system but it takes a clear signal from the public.

      It's also why there is a huge movement to put mandatory voting into law. As it short circuits that final protection.

      Don't vote for either side and ask the military to do their duty.

      You have the balls to do that we get our country back if not welcome to the USSA
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      • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 6 months ago
        First of all I love this country. The only recourse we have as citizens is to remove the current government by force per Thomas Jefferson. In general many citizens are frustrated and angry of the over arching government in our lives. BHO now wants to tone done the media in regards to terrorizism. So, more dumbing down of America. More souls to the slaughter.
        Join me! Secession of the States and Civil War if need be!
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  • Posted by 8 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I know a co-owner of a Chrysler, Jeep Dodge franchise. He thinks that all the Jeeps suck relative to competition price for price. My son just bought a Ford 250 diesel to haul his camper around. Very happy with it. Not bad mileage either for a big pick-up. I no longer drive enough to care about cars very much. I doubt if I'd put as much as 7,000 a year miles on a car. If I do get one, it'll be a little puddle-jumper to run errands or take in a movie or restaurant.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      Appreciate the information. I see they are building Jeeps in Mexico for export elsewhere with Diesel. I'm partial to real SUV with real off road capability and diesel Looks like I'll have to buy out of the country. Sorry about that UAW snooze you loooze
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  • Posted by AvatarKnight191 8 years, 7 months ago
    As a famous saying goes: "The situation MAY look DESPERATE...but nowhere near HOPELESS". While it looks like our country is nearing the brink of economic collapse at the hands of evil, scheming MADMEN, this GRAND NATION can pull itself back from the edge & we have the means to do it; Edmund Burke stated: "The Only Necessary Thing For Evil To Flourish---Is For Good Men To Do Nothing"---if we do nothing to stop it, we're just as guilty as the ones who are causing it & we deserve what we get! I understand that the prevailing thought, is that REALISTICALLY....nobody's willing to truly sacrifice & stick their neck out to initiate the CHANGE necessary to have the type of country that ACTUALLY follows & honors the US CONSTITUTION, where the states govern themselves without any interference from the NATIONAL sector, and where EVERYBODY prospers without taking from one another. The key thing that will make this work---is that we have to stop looking at each other as INDIVIDUALS & realize deep-down we're all the same; we're no different when it comes to us agreeing on the fact that we're not pleased with how POWER-MAD those that are supposed to be looking out for the best interests of the people-at-large....aren't. There are more of us than them than you think---the hacker group ANONYMOUS proved that; if anything is going to TRULY CHANGE....WE must decide to do so & be damned with what the consequences may bring!!!! Nobody really wants to be that LONE VOICE in defiance of a corrupt EMPIRE/DICTATORSHIP---together, we ALL become the VOICE that shakes their heavens & lets them know: "NO MORE---THE MADNESS ENDS"!!!!!! Sanity & Reason are needed more than ever to put our country back to what it was intended to be from the very beginning the way the US CONSTITUTION had intended; IT CAN BE DONE---WE ARE NOT THAT FAR GONE AS A NATION YET!!!!!!!!!!!
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
      Whee you going to find enough good men? Certainly not amongst those hand selected by the left to run for office.
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      • Posted by AvatarKnight191 8 years, 7 months ago
        The GOOD men are out there---but if we aren't backing them---or attempt to do so---why should they make the sacrifice? if they intend to face the BEAST to beat it, we should stand with them to support them attempting to change WHAT IS---to what it should've been from square 1. Fighting for what you believe in requires sacrifice---and it's never easy in the beginning; but it does moreso later.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
          Can we identify them ....those that aren't already co-opted and can withstand that particular beast? Good post.
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          • Posted by AvatarKnight191 8 years, 7 months ago
            Well....to be able to identify the "REAL McCOYS", as it were, they'd have to extoll the virtues of wanting equality, fairness & justice for all, not embracing the stagnant vices that destroy a society/civilization & would have the best interest at heart for the people-at-large; they'd walk & fight SIDE-BY-SIDE with same said people, facing & overcoming any obstacle. J.F. Kennedy & Ronald Reagan were PRIME EXAMPLES of "FEARLESS LEADERS"; we need that type desperately, but with a bonus of honoring the CONSTITUTION in word & deed, limiting the involvement of the government in people's lives & letting the states govern themselves, prohibiting major corporation businesses, financial institutions, special interest groups/lobbyists, & the "Uber-Wealthy" from manipulating resources, commerce & finance that have created this "Debt-Based "FIAT" Society", and lastly---to promote PEACE & defend it when it's challenged by those who seek POWER & OPPRESSION by any means. In the historical version of the movie, "Robin Hood", where Russell Crowe played the title character, the character's father made a monument in their village that had a lasting, but very true, inscription engraved into the steps that spoke volumes of truth: "Rise & Rise Again---Until Lambs Become Lions"; granted...finding such people would be like looking for the proverbial "needle in a haystack", but not impossible---they're out there, and---hopefully soon---they'll come forward & fight to set it right....and in that same moment,,,we'll fight with them to keep it so.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
    Now I shall answer the question. Objectively. A few months ago we were approaching 18 trillion in debt. A few days ago I posted that without checking the facts. In fact we had passed 18 trillion and the clock now shows 18 trillion plus for a real thrill look at the time clock to 2019 or the real debt figures at the bottom. The dive is vertical. something has to give. Easy answer inflation, devaluation, debt repudiation and bread at $22 dollars a loaf. But your retirement fund will take a huge hit just like last time. Enjoy that last of bread..it's one tortilla month in your future. usdebtclock.org checked your retirement fund lately?
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
    At what point does government lose it's legitimacy. Case in point . Refugees vs immigrants. As of today it's 26 a clear majority. 26 have withdrawn their consent to be governed on this issue.

    Which leaves the government of Obama in peril as it's legitimacy has been repudiated by a clear vote of no confidence.

    How many of the other states the remaining 24 are scheduled to receive refugees or immigrants?

    How many of the minority states are not scheduled to receive any of the immigrants. How many are being economically blackmailed by the Obama Government? How many have been threatened and withstood those pressures?

    How many of you trust, really trust, the Government to conduct a proper vetting or to follow some plan that puts those more immediately capable of passing a security check at the top of the list? If it's speed you want and security that's how you get it.

    Or will Obamists say one thing and do another to retain power perhaps with more of care less Kerry's secret side deals and by the way. Wha this happening now this crisis has claimed the front pages from that crisis?

    The best course of action is to follow the footsteps of the parliamentary governments. When the nation has no confidence - resign. Admit your failure and admit your shame. You've already committed political suicide.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 6 months ago
      Update 31 to 19 translationi 31 states have indicated NO CONFIDENCE in the current administration. Perhaps the Syrians situation is fighting our internal war for us.

      Syrian refugees not welcome in 31 U.S. states - CNN.com
      6 days ago - More than half the nation's governors say Syrian refugees not welcome. ... (CNN)More than half the nation's governors say they oppose letting Syrian refugees into their states, although the final say on this contentious immigration issue will fall to the federal government.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 7 months ago
    Our economy is so interwoven and complex that the slightest hiccup can send us into that spiral down the porcelain throne. We saw it happen to a degree on 9/11, but our economic situation has worsened exponentially and fundamentally since then. Even the Fed has admitted that there is little to backstop another calamity from becoming the one that brings down the system. Economically, the IMF still hasn't released the news that they expect to redo the reserve currency of the world, which would bring shockwaves to the US economy in terms of currency uselessness. The major economies of the world (China, EU, US) are holding on by their fingernails as government regulations slams down the hammer. I think it is only a matter of time before it is no longer a choice to Shrug.
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  • Posted by ohiocrossroads 8 years, 7 months ago
    The aspect of our situation that depresses me is that the majority of the sheeple that decides Presidential elections are just looking for unearned benefits. There is no way that Republicans can win the White House when they're going up against Santa Claus, who will just give you everything you want. The National Debt Clock website shows that there are more people receiving benefits from the government (155 million) than there are people paying income taxes (110 million).

    The inscription on the Statue of Liberty should be changed from "huddle masses yearning to breathe free" to "befuddled asses yearning to receive freebies".
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 7 months ago
    I really wonder if we are to far gone.
    Will we as a nation wake up after 0's reign of terror ends and will who ever succeeds him actually come to the realization that 0 has led the country down hill and they will really have to deal with the population of people like us.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
      If we wake up, there is a glimmer of hope.
      If we don't, there is almost no hope.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 7 months ago
        Thing to do then is start planning for what comes yet and prepare to implement that plan. First step Control...second step maintain control and stabilize basics of life, 3rd step Defense, 4th step national objectives 4. etc. etc. etc.
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    • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
      Nobama has defecit spent us beyond the point of repair. The national debt is just too large to be paid back, and the US dollar is just unrepairable.
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      • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 7 months ago
        unrepairable maybe. but everybody throughout the world will only take US dollars so it does not matter about repairing it. if you go to any country in the world with US dollars the people there will accept it. if you come to the US from any country with the currency of that country nobody in the US will accept it.
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        • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
          thats now. something will happen that will weaken the US dollar and it will fall like every other fiat currency eventually falls.
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          • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 7 months ago
            but it will not be discarded as all other currencies are even today. I just believe that the American public even those on the public dole will not want to give up the freedoms that they have at this time, so they will become our allies.
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            • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
              They will have to see that they cant have their dole AND the freedoms they currently have. Since I went to college in the mid 60's, the socialists have taken 95% of whatever I saved during college years through inflation and money printing. People arent complaining about getting zero interest on their current savings. Romney was right- 47% of the people are pretty much married to the dole, and its rising.
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              • Posted by 8 years, 7 months ago
                I'm retired and primarily living on savings. Who knows how long that will be viable. Will you all be so kind as to support me? I think I'd swallow the end of my S&W before that happens.
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                • Posted by term2 8 years, 7 months ago
                  I am retired also and living on savings- certainly not interest on savings ! Its a very scary thing to see money printing taking away my savings before I can spend it. The politicians are the biggest crooks around. No wonder they wanted to get rid of Madoff so fast- they were afraid people might start seeing the similarity.
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      • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 7 months ago
        If we were to grow, like China claims to have done, for a few years, the debt would be payable. What's needed now is exceptional economic growth.
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        • Posted by blackswan 8 years, 7 months ago
          What's also needed is a restructuring of government, where the government only acts on its legitimate roles, and stays out of being Santa. That means, eliminating all the agencies engaged in all forms of welfare and subsidies, health care, education, social issues (like marriage), etc., and focusing on defense, law enforcement, the judiciary. We can eliminate welfare with a homestead act 2.0, and subsidies with a clear NO. That's a start.
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