Obama: "As An African American You Have To Work Twice As Hard As Anyone Else If You Want To Get By" | RealClearPolitics

Posted by UncommonSense 11 years ago to Politics
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If you've ever read anything from Saul Alinsky, you'll recognize Ovomit is firmly exercising Alinsky's methods of stirring up old hatred; hatred that isn't from our generation nor his for that matter.

Now, if Ovomit replaced the word "African American" with "Capitalist" or "Producer" I would have sat up in my seat and watched the whole thing with focus.
SOURCE URL: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/05/19/obama_if_you_think_you_can_just_get_over_in_this_economy_just_because_you_have_a_morehouse_degree_youre_in_for_a_rude_awakening.html

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 11 years ago
    Yet another thinly veiled cry of racism. This from a guy who had the rails to his success greased by the communist machine and guilt mongers. The guy whose entire rule has been one of half truths, outright lies, excuses, blaming others, obfuscation and continual cries of racism. He knows the power of words and can occasionally string them together in good fashion. You're correct about the capitalist or producer words, but I'm sure he'd consider that swearing in public and he leaves that up to crazy uncle joe.
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
    While I'm not sure whether Obama's statement holds true in all cases (I doubt it does), I do think it would be incredibly foolish to claim that racism against minorities, specifically African Americans, has been completely and totally expunged from our legal system or our culture. We've certainly made a lot of progress over the past few decades, but we've still got a long way to go. The idea that perfect equality has already been achieved is simply untrue.

    I've noticed that it's only ever white people who say that black people aren't discriminated against. It's easy to say that discrimination doesn't exist when you're not a member of the group that's being targeted.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      Your last statement is highly inaccurate.

      Discrimination exists. There isn't anything anyone can do about it. You discriminate and so do I. Think I'm wrong? Ok. Here's a little test:

      What brand of vehicle do you drive? Toyota? Why not Ford? The minute you say "Because...." you just discriminated. Does this make you a "bad" or "evil" person? Nope. It means you're human. How about another example? Do you like Lima Beans? If not, why? Again, starting with "Because....." you discriminated! That's the way life works and will always work, because it's human nature.

      However, there most certainly is racial discrimination though, and yes, against "white" people. Ever been to Hawaii? The native islanders certainly practice discrimination there. My former supervisor (who was native Hawaiian) told me so! Here's another example:

      A former work colleague of mine who has a Mexican last name, though born here in the U.S, married a Mexican National. One time, they were planning to fly down to Mexico to visit her parents & family. He called the airline first to get ticket prices and was put off by the price. She then called, and speaking Spanish, was able to get the same tickets, at a much cheaper price. Why do you think that is? If you guessed racial discrimination, or perhaps sexual discrimination, you're correct.

      Oh, finally, have you ever tried to purchase property in Utah, especially near Salt Lake City? Here's the spoiler: if you're not a Mormon, don't bother: you'll be denied. Religious discrimination done by "white" people to "white" people? Plus, anybody else who isn't Mormon.

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      • Posted by Chortovka 11 years ago
        I work in Hawaii and your boss is correct. Hawaiians are very racist. I wasn't born racist and I wasn't raised to be racist. Today, I am racist and, most often, it's the result of life experiences. I can honestly say that 99,9% of the time I'm in a cab, the driver is either from India, the Middle East, or north Africa. And, 99.9% of the time, the driver will try to rip me off, either by taking the long route, driving around and around the block, or covering up the meter. They don't speak English and generally smell. Their cabs are dirty and I've reached the point where I will not ride with drivers from certain countries. I flat out refuse and they did it to themselves.
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        • Posted by 11 years ago
          I lived in the middle east for 2 years, and yes, they stink. Not an insult, just the truth. Yes, getting ripped off because either A) you're white, or B) you're American or both. I'm not racist, but I do discriminate, yep, based on experiences. I give everyone a chance, but once I'm burned, I'm done with them. Oh, they all LIE to you.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
            I used to manage an apartment building....I've rented to some guys from India...they do indeed smell bad and want to barter over EVERYTHING... I once said to them, when they came in to haggle over their rent amount (again), "This is not Bangladesh. You've GOT to stop this." (Middle East/Asia/North Africa.... potato/potato)
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      • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years ago
        Several of my Dax's brothers changed the spelling of their last name, because of the backlash against Italians. Remember the signs, "Dogs and Italians, Keep Off the Grass"??? My Uncles and aunts do! And because I'm white, I'm lumped into the former owner of slaves category. My family were slaves! They came here to get away from it! After the Civil War, though. By several decades.
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      • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
        You seem to be confusing discrimination with personal preferences. They're not quite the same.

        However, you do make a good point about how every race is discriminated against to one degree or another, though I do think we need to acknowledge the reality that minorities tend to be on the receiving end more often.
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