Midnight Marketing

Posted by bymylifeandmyloveofit 11 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Archive
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Calling all Galt's Garrison members! I would like to arrange a nationwide midnight marketing campaign on the evening of Thursday Oct 4th. Get your stickers and your posters and your postcards, head downtown in your nearest metropolis, and paint the town "WIJG"!
We are putting up stickers with the WIJG logo and a QR code linking to the movie trailer on youtube.

If you're in, post with your city so we can try to make this nationwide. This is a movement, we need to let the world know!

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  • Posted by 11 years, 10 months ago
    I am pretty sure I have St Louis and Denver covered - if this happens in cities across the country the media just might pick it up. Let's make a statement, folks!

    (oh - and glad to be back! I've been busy producing this summer, the drought played hell on my garden this year.)
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