Adding to my appreciation of Going Galt

Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 7 months ago to Philosophy
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So, last night I'm talking with an activist who is trying to orchestrate a movement against a recent law in California - a law that forces medical treatment. There are similar laws being cooked up across the nation now and this lady, along with many others I know, seem to think we can just rise up and stop it. I don't think so. I think the public actually wants forced medicine. They're ready for it, they want it, and they're gonna get it. Eventually, I'll watch from a quiet, seaside village far away. But, her argument in favor of fighting caught my attention - because I think it's flawed. She made the point, "Only 1.5% of the citizens stood up to England and we won the revolution!" I don't see the comparison. For one, we were here and England's over there. The citizens of England at that time were settled in with having their asses handed to them all the time. That's what I see here. Anyway...I'm just venting here. Thoughts?

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