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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 3 months ago
    Wasn't it the same police department that killed Kelly Thomas? Ever hear that story? If not, you should. They literally snuffed him and didn't know that a security officer had panned a parking lot security camera over to catch it. Cuffed, beaten, trounced by several officers while he screamed for his dad. It was the only story that made me weep when I first heard it.

    We are seeing more and more of this kind of behavior. The police are being militarized and they see you and me as the enemy. I was confronted by a motor cop in my neighborhood a few years ago and his behavior was like something out of SNL...just very strange.

    I am part of our local autism community and, nationwide, we often get stories of police tazing teens and adults with autism simply because they don't understand how to comply with commands being shouted at them. Often, these people are gravely injured.

    How long are people going to stand for this?
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  • Posted by mminnick 10 years, 3 months ago
    It is outrageous. It is uncalled for and the officers doing this should, at a minimum, receive a weeks suspension maybe even a month.
    Also as part of there punishment, the should be required to put cotton in there ears so they cannot hear. They then must do their job without assistance from anyone for a week. If cotton sounds silly, it is a good sound absorber and doesn't cause problem in the ear.
    The world of the deaf is hard enough without unknowing and uncaring police beating the crap out them.
    As they say walk a mile in their shoes, then see how you like it.
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    • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 3 months ago
      Walk a mile? You should be a wheelchair user - who gets ripped out of a drivers seat when a power hunger cop tells them to "step out of the car" and they try to tell the cop they can't. That's usually followed by the cop hadcuffing them o the ground then demanding that they "stand up".
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      • Posted by mminnick 10 years, 3 months ago
        Didn't mean any offense. I was one for a time, now I get by (barely) with a cane and frequent stops.
        I have also had a few "discussions" with police who didn't think I exited fast enough to suit them.

        Again I meant no disrespect to anyone.
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        • Posted by $ stargeezer 10 years, 3 months ago
          Oh no, I took no offense. Please don't misunderstand me, I was agreeing and offering another problem faced by people with disabilities. There are many.

          Last year a deaf man was tasered for walking away from a cop after the cop ordered him to turn around and walk back to him. And a TSA cop tasered a wheelchair user for rolling over his toes - charged him with assault -thrown out, of course.

          The list goes on and on.
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  • Posted by iroseland 10 years, 3 months ago
    Over the last couple of years I have become increasingly aware of the fact that there are few more dangerous situations I could get into than Low Blood sugar in the presence of law enforcement. Low blood sugar for a type-1 is nothing like what happens when people get a little cranky when they miss a meal. It starts out as a dangerous situation since at around 40 your brain starts to shut down regions that are not as important to it staying alive. So, you might not for instance know your own name or be able to make meaningful decisions. Also the fight or flight response is heightened to perceived threats. Also, what is perceived as a threat might not make much sense either. Law enforcement only seem to make the situation worse and then bust out the tazer and baton. This has also had a serious effect on where I am willing to live. I used to think that Texas would be a great place to move. That is pretty much out of the question now, as the police there are applying a shoot first ask questions later methodology. New Mexico is out of the question after another type-1 had a low blood sugar episode and got into an accident but then was unable to respond to "command" so they pulled her from the vehicle, gave her a beating and then left her laying on the hot enough to cause burns road. California was already out of the question. But, its made even more so by the number of attack by law enforcement against type-1's who are suffering from a low. Seattle where I currently live is no better as the police here think they are Judge Dredd. So, I am looking very seriously at moving back to Milwaukee. The Milwaukee police mostly just suffer from a high degree of lazyness. Which is way better than most other choices.
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