Gulch Live: GOP Debate #2

Posted by GaltsGulch 9 years, 1 month ago to The Gulch: Live
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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 1 month ago
    Lindsay, do you understand that Obama's policies ARE working? Do you understand what his goals are?
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
      I have to jump and say No I don't understand what his goals are. I didn't think he understood that. Seriously maybe you have something I missed.

      I had ideas.

      How to get a fat retirement having never worked a day in his life and with no provable education comes to mind. But the rest escapes me.

      I couldn't consider
      Using Rhyme
      Or Reason
      Nor blame a reaction
      To some Allergy
      'tisn't the season.

      I wanted to use allegorize but there is no such word.
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  • Posted by avati 9 years, 1 month ago
    Christy is a fool
    He believes in global warming
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
      I kind of liked Christy's outspoken-ness. UNTIL hurricane Sandy came to his state and he cried to Obama to give him OUR money (I live in Nevada). That was IT for me liking Christy.
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      • Posted by Geckowolf 9 years, 1 month ago
        Trust Me, we don't want Chris Christie. New Jersey is still BROKE and he has failed to improve the JOBS situation in the state while many Business Owners and Producers who employ people continue to leave the state for lower taxes elsewhere. Our Property Taxes are the Highest in the Nation on Average...
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
          Dont worry- he wont get my vote. Unfortunately that might mean you will be stuck with him, as I left NJ a long time ago for the relative but fleeting freedom in Nevada. Maybe he will wiind up on Real Husbands of New Jersey, where he belongs.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 1 month ago
    Graham; You've got to borrow money to create jobs? But then we've got to get out of debt.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
      If thats really true, maybe the people who GET the jobs should have to repay the debts used to obtain those jobs. I wonder if the cost of providing the jobs is higher than the actual wages paid to the people? I suspect that it is.
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  • Posted by Geckowolf 9 years, 1 month ago
    Glenn Beck predicted the rise of Islamic Caliphate would happen back in 2011, I know, I made a guest appearance on his show that year when he was still on the Fox News Channel.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
    Carly is just a salesperson. that's all. She sold HP on herself and failed to perform. Its snakeoil. She says what she thinks you want her to say, but she only wants power. She is just like what we have had against us for 50+ years. I don't want any more of the same.
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  • Posted by Geckowolf 9 years, 1 month ago
    Mike Huckabee has the best Tax Plan in my Opinion by Far- Abolish the IRS and have a national Value Added Tax or Sales Tax to fund the Military and the Government. That way, everybody pays some Taxes and nobody pays too much...H&R Block would go out of business, but as a CPA I can still make money doing Accounting and Auditing...
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    • Posted by JohnConnor352 9 years, 1 month ago
      The plan is NOT a VAT, but quite the opposite. A VAT adds a small tax to every step along a product's production. The national Sales Tax sets a single inclusive final retail sales tax on only new items.

      But regardless of if it "stays" only the NST, it's a far preferable way of taxing. The closest I've seen to a voluntary tax. Even if we end up, 50 years later, with a half NST and half Income Tax, it's still better than what we have now, which is ALL income tax.
      The arguments that we would end up having more tax burden overall is bunk, because a sales tax is far more visible and it would be harder to raise. Also, juat because there are more types of taxes does not mean, on its own, that increasing their rates would be easier.

      The FairTax is the best tax plan I've heard proposed.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 1 month ago
      The problem with the Fair Tax is that in order to make it work, the 16th amendment has to be repealed, which is some heavy lifting. Then there are the opportunity for fraud with the "prebates", so it could turn out to be as complicated as our current tax system. Two ways would probably work better: Rand Paul's flat tax idea, which doesn't require getting rid of the 16th (his details look good, and would actually put more cash in the hands of lower income people without waiting for earned income tax "rebates"); getting rid of the IRS and having the states obligated to send a per capita tax revenue share to the Federal government for services (state income tax), letting the states decide how to collect the necessary money.
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      • Posted by JohnConnor352 9 years, 1 month ago
        We tried a flat tax, we had it in the 80s. That did not last.
        Name one potential for fraud that you can see with the pre-date. Everyone gets exactly the same amount based on the number of occupants in their household. Unless you are creating imaginary people, what other kind of fraud can there be?

        It Would work just fine without repealing the 16th amendment, but a major goal of the fair tax movement is to abolish the IRS, and prevent the possibility of ever having an income tax again. This is because an income tax is inherently immoral. It is entirely unavoidable as a consequence of living. In our division of labor economy, one cannot live without earning an income. One can live, however, without purchasing new items. Therefore, a final retail sales tax (that includes the prebate for poverty-level spending) is the closest to the ideal of a voluntary tax as I have ever heard proposed. While Paul's Flat Tax may be easier to achieve, it has the same ethical issues as our current system.

        We should not give up on an ideal because it is politically expedient.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
          A flat tax is an income tax. An income tax is a socialist fascist tax with the purpose of control of citizens. An end user spending tax gives control to the citizens.

          the problem of the debt and all the rest run up by giving government control will still be there but it won't get better by voting fascist

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        • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 1 month ago
          I don't trust a Federal government that still has a legal right to demand a tax on income enough to allow a tax on consumption in addition. Unless the 16th amendment is abolished, it's a certainty that income tax will creep back into the picture. The Fair tax is a great idea in principle, but trying to implement it without doing the tough work up front is inviting trouble. How invasive of individual privacy would the government have to be to verify the number of claimed household residents? Off the books deals exist in the EU to avoid paying VAT today, so don't think they won't exist if the Fair tax comes into being. I'm not opposed to a consumption tax, but I find some of the delusional thinking about how perfect and easy such a system will be at the base of what makes people skeptical.
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        • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
          The government should be in the insurance business really as far as national defense and personal rights defense is concerned. Therefore, there should be a premium per person for personal rights protection, and probably some sort of premium to protect oneself and ones property from invasion from other countries (which is not covered by regular insurance). That way we would be paying for something of tangible value.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 1 month ago
            Now that's a new way to describe a tax. Hillary should love that one. Except...we already paid for it.But this concept is got to be the best thing since popcorn for the Humanoid Party. Beats 'enhanced' for orignality. then it just sort of waits for the laughter.
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