Sovereignty under attack - by our own President

Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 9 months ago to News
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Mr. President, there are no excuses. Warships passing into territorial waters (<15 miles from coast) without explicit State Department authorization is considered an act of War.

Those ships should have been shadowed once they were 250 miles away, warned off when they hit 25, and sunk as soon as they crossed the line.
SOURCE URL: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/04/obama-makes-excuses-for-chinese-warships-in-u-s-waters/

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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 9 months ago
    I have to laugh at all the hysteria over this incident, as we often "crossed the line" in exchanges with the Soviets during the Cold War, with no shots fired, no harm done. The most famous incident I recall (although the entire thing was treated as classified at the time) involved U.S. and USSR air defense units. Soviet aircraft often probed our radar, as an exercise and to gather data, turning back before actually entering Alaskan airspace. One Soviet flight leader decided to push his luck, and prank his American counterparts. Two Soviet fighters came in high, to divert our attention, and two others came in "on the deck". The high pair did the usual, turning back before crossing into Alaskan airspace, but the two low flyers actually did a flyover of Elmendorf, skedaddling before we could send up any response. Instead of involving State, the local USAF commander decided on a tit-for-tat. He copied the Soviet action, but made a point of having the F-15s fly supersonic over the Soviet base housing. The hell raised by the Soviet pilots wives over all the broken china was more effective at stopping the games than any diplomatic efforts would have been.
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      Remember when the left made fun of a candidate fo mentioning foreign affairs were right our her back window. the distance between Russia and USA is around two miles. Big and Little Diomedes islands int he Bering Strait. Of course most think the most northern country you can walk into by going south from the Continental US is Mexico. Geography is not a strong suit of the media. Nor the public.
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 9 months ago
        Our media is nothing more than a lousy imitation of Pravda in its heyday. Between the fiction and the lies it promotes, it's tough to find any truth. Sarah Palin never said "I can see Russia from my back window." What she said was Russia is Alaska's neighbor, but the SNL line from a satirical skit was what the media claimed Palin said, as it fit the phony image of her as a stupid bimbo left wanted to promote.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
          Thank you. I haven't watch the boob toob in near two decades. Your description of the media is the reason for it plus ear blasting commercials. I can see no, zero, goose egg, nada zilch redeeming value in the boob toob with social media in line. Correction. I quit reading the newspapers in 1997. November to be exact. Other than the date and the weather the rest was warmed over yesterday with a few name changes.

          Palin was also correct in her description of the job of the Vice President. She spoke as an educated informed citizen not as a PC politician.

          Objectively speaking Washington DC has nothing to do with the country - that is practical or useful. That goes double for their shills on the toob
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
    Don't they have the freedom to travel where they want, too? I am being sarcastic here.
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    • Posted by khalling 8 years, 9 months ago
      Free people travel freely. Nations breaking treaties is another thing completely.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
        When a nation's leader changes, it is often expected that the new leader would honor the old leader's treaties, but often they don't. Moreover, sometimes they shouldn't honor such treaties (ex. Obama and Iran). Unfortunately, nations violating treaties has to be expected. Just like when people are acting morally when they are acting in their own best interest, a number of nations think they are acting morally when they are acting in their own best interests, treaties be damned.
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        • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
          Treaties between representative governments and non-representative ones are inherently biased against the representative government.

          For example, the U.S., as a representative style government has a strong inherent force to uphold it's side of the bargain or lose face w/the voters and face a loss at the polls. Indeed w/the party system it is doubly so as it can affect the opinion of the party in power when it happens.

          On the other hand dictatorships and other forms of non-representative governments have zero internal pressure, and those who control the media have incentive to break them and spin themselves as standing up to the "bad guys".

          I believe if you were to examine the cases of broken treaties you will nearly always find this combination, and that the violator is the non-representative government. Alas, I've not done the digging to support or falsify the hypothesis.
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          • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 9 months ago
            I think you are right in general, TheRealBill, but I suspect that this antic did not cost Putin at the 'opinion polls'. I would suspect that he is being roundly cheered by the Russian people for this demonstration of Slavic audacity. Were I there (and of a Russian mindset), I would be amongst them because Putin would represent to me 'making me feel proud' of a country that is kinda down on its heels otherwise.

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            • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 9 months ago
              Slavic audacity?!!! You have no idea what us of Slavic ethnicityare capable of! I'm second generation Polish-Kashub. You see Putin is a Peter the Great want-to-be. He is a small man trying to fill some awfully big shoes. He is trying to show his people how masculine he is. I have a suspicion the he is answering to the Oligarachs. Russia is still trying to move from the middle ages of the Boyar's running Russia to modern times with the Oligarchs pulling Putins's strings.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
                I got a lot of good insight into your comment in two ways. One was working freighters to that area both Northern ports and the Black Sea area. the other through a fiction based on fact book Casino Moscow Brezhinski (sp?) and engaged in the Blue Jeans trade. the book talked about the early efforts with items coming from Germany to Poland to both Russia and Ukraine. Early on easy to find those willing to trade and later the 'officials' got in the way at the docks but I let the shore side people handle all that. Nothing major and my goal was collectors primarily military accouterments. Back in the USA there was no interest in anything from customs except wood, cigars from Cuba and I hid nothing but was never charged. So that was the suitcase economy. Jeans back then from Goodwill ran a dollar a pair. Figure one duffle bag full. There were offers of an rumors of US money but the risk of picking up the counterfeits was too great for me. I finally sold the collections to a store dealing in such items.

                to the point if you have read the book how did you rate it as to accuracy. overall.

                I found the far eastern port to be somewhat wild west and more open to discussion and information exchange. I detected some interest in Siberia doing a Ukraine and going independent but that was not discussed much still more than I expected. In the western end it was all business. I had brought samples of items commonly available in Dollar Stores which they didn't believe existed in such quantities. When I spoke of people incensed because there was a line of three to five at ten of the twenty or so open check counters in Walmart and later brought pictures. Too much for them to take in. the hugely funny part was back in the USA when i related the experience of going to one of their stores. that sold one type of item and had lines of a hundred or so. One lady asked why so many waiting? Simple answer. "They wanted to eat."

                Much has changed. But your comment of going from serf to comrade to the current status rang very true. They had zero background other than 'stories' Not the same as moving from England or Italy to the USA in the late 1800's or 1900's.

                Thought I would throw that in see how it squares with your fund of knowledge.
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            • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
              The Russians have a deep cultural belief of being the better people who have been kept down by lesser peoples, so Putin has certainly played into that pretty hard. However, I have serious doubts as to qualifying their government as representative in anything other than name. Any government where the top executive office can dismiss the entirety of the legislative branch (and most of the rest of government) is not, in my opinion, representative government.
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              • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
                The Russians were told that their leaders would make things better. They got worse. The leaders then blamed that on really bad people. Finally the Russians figured out with only the leaders running things they must be the really bad people.

                Something completely lost on the people of the USA.
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                • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 9 months ago
                  Bringing the American people to that realization is going to be an expensive job. 'Expensive' as in cost to our civilization, I fear.

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              • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 9 months ago
                RealBill -
                I tried to be careful to distinguish between 'represent to me' and 'represent me'. The Queen of England was never elected by the people of England, but she represents a lot to her people. Similarly, whether or not Putin represents the Russian people is a different discussion entirely. He represents to the Russian people the ability of Russia to stand amongst the premier (!) nations of the world. A PR victory is not an insignificant gain.

                (I agree with your last sentence.)
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 8 years, 9 months ago
    I have read all the comments with dismay. No one has touched on why the Chinese are taking provocative actions in our territorial waters is that they would like to exchange debt for Aluetian realestste. I'm sure BHO knows this. The gov't is indebt with China to the tune of several trillion of dollars. But now they economic problem of there own. Logic dictates that this is a scenario that BHO is thinking about. Take it one step further Russia will have to intervene because they would not what the Chinese a few miles from their border. BHO has no love for this country!
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    Ah but if you sink them when they cross the line which is three miles not fifteen WHO is going to fill out the environmental impact after action reports. Who is going to pay the fines and clean up the .....etc.???
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
    He is the first and only anti-American president in history. His actions are to be expected.
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    • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 9 months ago
      I do not think they were expected. He has just done things by design as it has turned out i do believe that are as negative to the country as can be done. What is most tragic is that the congress has actually made no effort to rein him in, so in my opinion they in the congress are complicit.
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      • Posted by DeanStriker 8 years, 9 months ago
        I "expected" all this even before Zero was nominated. It took virtually no time to figure that out. The so-called majority, tho, has remained sound asleep.
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        • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
          Agreed, any objective reading of what was going to happen when he got the job would have (and in many cases did) predict a lot of what he did (or did not do). Yet the masses instead saw him as tabula rasa and assigned a lot of things to him - which he did nothing to dissuade.
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          • Posted by DeanStriker 8 years, 9 months ago
            Yes. We could write pages or even books on all that, but it's all been said, yet nobody heeds!
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            • Posted by TheRealBill 8 years, 9 months ago
              To me it's more interesting as a study and story of the voting masses than it is of the candidate. My gut is telling me some of it is going to repeat with Trump. The signs are already there. I've a funny feeling he is the next POTUS.

              And I suspect it will be a very entertaining time.
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  • Posted by NealS 8 years, 9 months ago
    Will the left get the picture when Chinese and/or Russian language is mandated in our elementary schools?
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    • Posted by $ Suzanne43 8 years, 9 months ago
      No, they will applaud it. They'll call it reaching out and a tip of the hat to their all-time favorite thing to teach in the schools, multiculturalism. To them almost any language is preferable to English. You've got a group of Liberals out there that think Marxism, given another chance, would probably work better for us today. It's all about control and always has been.
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      • Posted by NealS 8 years, 9 months ago
        Would it be possible for people to vote for how they think we should be governed, then let just those that select Marxism, or whatever they want, actually get a chance to experience it? Experience is the best teacher. Their government could then tell them where to live and make them move there while the rest of us make our own choice. I think Detroit, Chicago, and DC would be good choices for those that want a Marxist government, they are partially there already. Then we'd see how long they wanted to keep it.

        I also think that those cities that experience murdered cops should experience a public penalty of no police protection for a few months and see what they think then. It might even bring the people out of the presumed safety of their homes and get them demonstrating against the “hands up” and other demonstrators. Large volumes of people should have shown up at the demonstration in St. Paul last week. They should have brought cameras and photographed everyone in that mob. I’m sure the employers of those in the mob would have been interested. But then again, most of them probably don’t have an employer. I think everyone must be held responsible for their actions.

        I think those that murder their offspring, and all those that assist, should be tried and put down for murder. Whatever the law is must be followed, period. Those that don’t want offspring should use a condom. Again everyone needs to be responsible for their actions, period. Those that don’t want guns shouldn't have guns, and leave the rest of us alone. It’s the law of the land, stop the nonsense. Anyone that keeps trying to change the constitution should be tried and hung for treason.

        I think Obama should go live in Iran with all his friends instead of staying here where he really doesn't seem to like it very much. I think we should leak to Iran nuclear technology that blows itself up. I think we should build self-destruction technology in all our weapons and weapons system that we can destroy by satellite anyplace in the world at will. We could make weapons for our friends and enemies and then blow them all up when they turn them on the wrong people.

        I think the people that think the government should raise taxes to spend more should just pay more in taxes than they currently do. I suppose they could be accessed double to start and see how that helps the government actually fix something. Maybe they might change their minds instead of just arguing about it. After all if they think that’s the way to go, we got to start someplace and they might as well set the example.

        Of course these are only my ideas and wishes, I too could be wrong.
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