The Rational Capitalist: Principles of Immigration

Posted by khalling 8 years, 9 months ago to Philosophy
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As you are learning on this site, the issue of immigration is a hot one. It has exploded on the net and interestingly, divided Objectivists. (I do not doubt this website has had a major hand in that debate)

so-thank you for the spirited debate! What happens HERE is seen by the world
SOURCE URL: http://dougreich.blogspot.mx/2015/08/principles-of-immigration-in-free.html

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  • Posted by $ CBJ 8 years, 9 months ago
    I don’t see why immigration would be a major issue for an Objectivist nation. Anyone coming into such a country could do so only with permission of the owner of the property that he or she landed on. Thereafter, the immigrant could only travel on or otherwise use this property in a manner that was acceptable to the property owner. The same would apply to any other private property accessed by the immigrant. Under such circumstances, mass immigration would likely not exist and thus would not become a huge political and social issue.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 9 months ago
    I have been somewhat perplexed by the discussions on immigration because it seemed to me obvious that the purpose of a border around a country was like the purpose of a membrane around a cell: it allowed reactions to occur within the cell that could not take place in the environment. We (ourselves and our ancestors) have invested in the infrastructure that fills the cytosol of our country: roads, power, water, starbucks. These are all things that we need in order to innovate without having to chip our computers out of flint each morning. (This 'our stuff' and no one should get to mess with it unless they are our invited guests.)

    Like a cell membrane, the border is semi-permeable. It lets through those things that the cell finds to its advantage and keeps out substances that would destroy the cell, or even decrease its efficiency. Someone who is going to contribute to the cell of my country is welcome to come through the semi-permeable border - legally - and pick strawberries or invent immortality. But someone who is going to just dilute the substructures already present should be kept outside.

    I will add that substances seeking to cross a membrane also respond to the concentration of their like forms within the cell. I think that we will not stop illegal immigration until we solve the problem of 'why' people come here. (It is not always for welfare...it may be just so that no one will shoot at their family for the fun of it.)

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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 9 months ago
      Kido's...except its not a matter of why people come here, Why they come here, most times, is perfectly commendable. The problem is how they come here, without permission and then the settle into pockets of their own, they do not assimilate into the society and, some, live outside the law - knowing all they have to do is get away and they will never be punished.

      I'm all for a more expedient legal immigration process but even if we can process 1,000,000 people faster it would never be enough to satisfy demand.Regulating who comes into a nation is a nations sovereign right.

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      • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 9 months ago
        I agree, but I do not think that any of our solutions will work well until we understand and resolve the underlying problem. Certainly making welfare and citizenship (via baby) unreachable will slow the influx. Tightening up on welfare for US citizens will also help - Someone needs to pick strawberries and many of the folks on welfare are perfectly good strawberry-pickers. The final solution to massive influx of immigration may be the increased roboticization of jobs.

        I had a young Norwegian woman tell me that among her contemporaries, the USA was like "Atlantis". (Yes, she used that word.) There will be people who want to come here just because we represent Hope to them. But I think 'that many' immigrants is not the problem. I think the problem lies with people coming to pick strawberries, work construction, and - yes - get on welfare.

        edited for clarity. I hope.
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        • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 9 months ago
          You first plug the hole in the damn before you engineer how to ensure it don't happen again. We don't have a problem in the border states we have an epidemic, an invasion if you would. There is an undercurrent of lawlessness which prevents life, liberty and pursuit of happiness liberty for US citizens here. People are literally dying, I see it on the news daily.
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  • Posted by autumnleaves 8 years, 9 months ago
    "A lesson from history is that empires that allow open borders fail, as their institutions and laws are rendered moot by those who do not respect them".
    This is the illegal alien in a nut shell. How many drive without a drivers license nor insurance. They have crossed the border, that is against the law. It is against the law to murder another..who cares?
    This is why crime is rising in our country. Many citizens are not obeing the laws because the illegals are getting away with not obeying the laws, so why should they!?!?
    The illegals have no respect for are
    American values.
    How many drink and drive (Americans too)
    I could go on and on.
    These are all individuals who are choosing to do this. If these individuals choose to obey the law, there would not be so much animosity toward them!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
    Well -- finally, a well defined, rational post on immigration, sans agendas, emotion and political usage. The only problem is that those who irrationally propose open borders or variations of it, will stop reading at the first sentence that disagrees with them. However, for those who have had a problem articulating their reasoning, this is a rare gift.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 9 months ago
    The author makes a tremendous leap in context from, the Objectivist described proper role of government, of protection of rights of the individual (within a jurisdiction) by applying retaliatory force against an actual offense and bringing the offender before a court, and stopping attacks on individuals from foreign entities (outside a jurisdiction) by applying military force, then leaping to prevention of attacks by foreign entities, whether countries or individuals. But the government's abilities to act outside a jurisdiction to prevent, instead of to stop, is limited to the threat of retaliation or war against the foreign country's government or people.
    From the Article: "The first principles of government in a free society is that it exists to protect individual rights. Objectivists hold that the government should consist primarily of police to protect individuals from local criminals, an army to protect against foreign threats, and a court system to settle disputes. The pertinent aspect of this principle for immigration is how it relates to the government's obligation to protect individuals from foreign threats.

    While individuals have inalienable rights by their nature, not as a privilege bestowed by government, it is a fact that the government which protects those rights must exist somewhere within proximity to those it represents.....

    Since other countries exist outside this jurisdiction, and may or may not agree with our principles of government and may or may not be a threat, one of the functions of the government, the body of representatives that deal with issues of state, is to provide for a common defense. With respect to immigration, essentially, the problem boils down to the question: is the person a threat or not? It is important to emphasize that this question must be asked if the government is to perform its proper function. That is why there must be some immigration policy. The idea of a completely open border with nothing but a welcome sign would represent a violation of this principle. Such an "open" policy provides no means for the government to ascertain whether persons are invading or immigrating, much less whether they are known criminals or carry infectious disease."
    In reading that excerpt from the Article, one readily sees that the author has added a function that is beyond the scope of the Objectivist described 'proper role' of government--that of preventing threats against the individuals within it's jurisdiction by and through absolving itself of it's duty of protection of individual rights at it's border.

    The questions we must address as Objectivists is, "Does the proper role of government include all individuals, or does it only include individuals it recognizes by geographical permission?" And "Can the government in the interest of protection of individual rights, act with such a preference as to deny certain individual rights for certain individuals, or is it properly commanded to recognize and protect all individual rights for all individuals it encounters and interacts with?"
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    • Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 9 months ago
      Govt's role is to protect its CITIZENS. If we had a legal-only path to immigration, those entering would have basic rights protection but not the societal benefits of citizens; and they should have sponsorship incl. a place to live. Have an E-verify system that enables the tracking of them and ability to deport them if they violate the rights of others.
      Remove the welfare state and we won't have an immigration problem.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 9 months ago
        td, that's the problem with this discussion. Government's role is not, I repeat not, to 'protect' it's citizens. It is to protect individual natural rights. It is the citizen's right to defend himself.

        Once you start requiring or expecting or accepting government's protection, you can only obtain that by relinquishing some individual natural rights of man and there is no way to stop government from going too far.
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        • Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 9 months ago
          Sorry, but you are completely wrong.
          Try living without police, military, court system, etc.
          Govt.s only legitimate role is to protect our rights..
          You are demonstrating one of the problems with libertarianism.
          And there is no such thing as "natural" rights. Individual rights are a moral issue and based on the needs for man to survive.
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          • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 9 months ago
            You can't have government police standing guard at your gate, your doors, in your auto, at your business office, the restaurant you eat at, or all the other varied activities you're involved in with your life--it can only react after the event and apply retaliatory force by stopping (arrest) the person after or at best during the initiation of force, theft, fraud, etc. has already been initiated and bring the offender to court for corrective force.

            I'm not speaking from a libertarian (a political leaning) viewpoint, I'm an Objectivist (a philosophy). I'm speaking from the viewpoint of liberty and freedom of all men.

            All rights of an individual are 'natural' as opposed to created, and derive from the reality that existence exists and that man owns himself. Amongst the 'natural' rights that derive from owning himself is the right of self defense from the initiation of force against himself. The morals of Objectivism derive from the same source of all other Objectivist thought and principles. Existence exists and A=A.
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            • Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 9 months ago
              If you're an Objectivist, then you must know what I am talking about without addressing how fast the police can arrive!
              In principle, govt. protects our rights.
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              • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 9 months ago
                Yes, I know what you're talking about and that may well be what you desire, but that is not what you get, unless you give up rights for yourself and others that don't want or need government protection. It is the nature of government to always seek more and more power, and power will absolutely corrupt. From all history and logic, these are unavoidable truths.

                This is a critical point and speaks directly to the principles of Objectivism. In order to be a Free Man, one must take on the right of self defense. One cannot rely on someone else to 'protect' or enforce one's property rights and life of the self, if liberty of self determination and freedom of self is what is primary. Ben Franklin's alleged quote concerning this speaks as well as anything does, (paraphrased) 'Those that give up a little freedom in order to secure some safety deserve neither.'
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                • Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 9 months ago
                  Corrupt politicians want to take on power, but it not "in the nature of Govt." to do so. On what basis do you conclude that that is automatically going to happen? Your argument is purely empirical. Of course that does not contradict the logical, but it is insufficient.

                  Your 2nd paragraph is a different point than where we began.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
      This is a very interesting subject to ponder. With regard to "Can the government, in the interest of protection of individual rights, act with such a preference ...", the answer to that really ought to be determined by the country's founders. To see what the US founders thought, see the link below from when the subject came up in 1790.


      Within that stimulating discussion, Madison's position best mirrors my own.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 9 months ago
        J, the referenced article concerns citizenship, neither freedom or the right of travel of an individual man.
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        • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
          Immigration was mentioned numerous times in the referenced article, although citizenship was the primary focus. Madison's comment in particular emphasized what he thought the purpose of an immigration policy should be.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 9 months ago
    To paraphrase Mao, government authority is enforced at the point of a gun. Illegals are invaders, and until the cost of invasion becomes too terrible to bear, they will continue to invade. A lesson from history is that empires that allow open borders fall, as their institutions and laws are rendered moot by those who do not respect them. The path to legal immigration needs updating to reflect the changes rendered by the global economy, but the penalties for illegal immigration must become increasingly harsh, or the invasion will only get worse.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
    The issue of immigration has divided Objectivists. That should not be surprising. In Anthem we see why Rand left the USSR to come to America and why she was quite reasonably as pro-immigrant as she was. Yet, in Atlas Shrugged, Atlantis has some rigid restrictions not just for citizenship, but for immigration. A radar-based invisibility cloak was meant to be an impenetrable barrier to outsiders. "We have our first trespasser." - Dr. Hendricks
    Didn't Ragnar refer to Dagny as a "scab"? I wouldn't call either of those responses "welcoming" to immigrants. I have tried, perhaps unsuccessfully, to present a consistent immigration policy that is reasonable to both the immigrant's freedom to produce and to the citizenry's protection from looters and moochers. There is no easy answer to this question, but there are a lot of wrong answers.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
      You have consistently confused the concept of a Gulch with that of a nation. And individuals with groups. If I was raised in 4 corners, which state am I from? Does it matter to anyone else?
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
        I have not confused the concept of a Gulch with that of a nation. The Gulch represents what Rand's highest vision for a nation should be. Objectivism represents what Rand thought the constitution for an Objectivist country should be. And she was right. As I said previously, the biggest difference between a Gulch microsociety and a nation is that the nation has to be even more cautious about admission of visitors than the Gulch was. The enforcement (word chosen very carefully) of Galt's oath made Gulch society more uniform in thought than a nation could be and thereby made it easier to identify potential threats to the society's existence.

        Going back to the article, the primary reason for a nation to exist in the first place is to defend its border in a better way than a smaller group (or in the extreme case, individual households) could. A nation with an open borders policy has no reason to exist.

        Let us look at the most recent example of an open borders policy: Europe. What has happened in Europe is that looters now have an entire continent to plunder rather than just individual nations. Look at Greece, and soon Portugal and Spain and perhaps France. Their voters have voted themselves a higher standing of living than their production should permit them, at the expense of European producers. Have you ever considered the consequences of a one world government? It would be a field day for looters and moochers, all at our expense.

        The open borders policy may be freedom for the visitor. However, it is a flag that says, "Tread on me" that sacrifices the citizenry. Do you remember how bullies used to post "Kick me" on the back side of nerds when you were growing up? When a country advertises open borders, it puts the "Kick me" sign on itself. Any country that does that deserves to be plundered for its stupidity. I can only conclude that a country with an open borders policy has a personality disorder, usually acceptance of unearned guilt.
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        • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
          The Gulch was meant to be simply a retreat. NOT a nation-people weren't even to be there fulltime. I think the dissonance here is related to a plot device in her fiction, while ignoring what she said in her non-fiction. and you choose to support a collectivist perceived safety net over the rights of man. "your" rights do not trump mine. The Constitution enumerates only some rights. It is clear that it does not list ALL rights. 9th Amendment
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          • Posted by $ jbrenner 8 years, 9 months ago
            Actually a number of the Gulchers were living there full time, and quite a few more were preparing for it.

            You are correct that the constitution does not list all rights. However, the one right that is in conflict with your right is enshrined in the 4th Amendment regarding "the right of the people to be secure in their persons". Based on this amendment, I do have a reasonable expectation that visitors will be screened at the border or international airports for passports and/or visas. There is case law from 1985 specifically regarding the 4th amendment as a basis for searching cars at international borders, for example, as well.

            After that, the visitor should be free to pursue his/her happiness, provided that he/she is not putting a burden on existing citizens by not paying for services such as public education for children, emergency health care received for which the provider is not allowed to not provide, etc.

            An abuse would be inspections of cars tens of miles within the border, as happened several years ago.

            I do not consider the passport process a "collectivist perceived safety net".
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    • Posted by tdechaine 8 years, 9 months ago
      Bad comparison. Atlantis was a private community like anyone's property. Do you think Dagny did not understand the use of "scab"?

      I don't see the difficulty of enforcing objective immigration policies. Name a problem that can't be solved?
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 9 months ago
    I think one of the things that gets overlooked in this debate are the auspices of control and responsibility. Both are of necessity finite in scope. Borders are there to delineate where the control and responsibility of one party leave off and another begins. And one can have neither control nor responsibility without such delineation.

    One of the prime factors in personal property rights is the recognition and delineation of control and responsibility: one can not maintain personal property rights without clearly marking the territory and boundaries of that control - and enforcing it. Is there a conflict with freedom and property rights? One first must define freedom, and that is the problem in this argument.

    Freedom is nebulous until it is paired with its more proper context: freedom of action. Freedom of action stems from one's ability to delineate one's self, primarily, from the rest of reality. We first claim responsibility over ourselves and our physical bodies - an inherent limitation recognizable by its separation from its environment. And the body then limits the scope of our freedom to act. All action takes place within the confines of the body first. That the body may be manipulated by force of will to displace other objects in space is a basic given. Movement would not be possible without it. However, by that motion, we are declaring our intent by action to so displace other items in our environment to bend to our desires and wishes.

    This is all fine and good - until we determine that we are not the only actionable being in reality. It is at this point that the ability to displace matter in our environment that then becomes the point of contention. What happens when two independent, actionable beings attempt to displace the same item in different ways? From such arises the contest of ownership. Ownership becomes the agreement between the two actionable beings that allows for the division of authority (i.e. control and responsibility) over a certain portion of the environment. The two outline the borders of the control of each first starting with their own bodies and then extending to certain delineated portions of the environment, perhaps beginning with clothing and extending to one's personal space, and extending outward from there as each party first identifies aspects of the environment which are separate from themselves and separate from other actionable beings and then becomes a matter of who is willing to claim the ability to manipulate that aspect to the exclusion of others barring consent.

    Has there really been any lessening, however, in the freedom of either party to act? Not in the least. Both are still freely able to manipulate the environment. What we really have glossed over in the question is that of repercussion of action! In declaring exclusive ownership, what we have in fact done is declare that a trespass - or manipulation of environment under the declared control of another agent - is subject to punitive action in redress of the offense. If we have agreed to the concept of private property - or exclusive right to manipulate a delineated environment - we have agreed to the punishment for abrogation as well, because without punishment, there is no property at all! Thus we see that freedom is not the least bit restricted by property rights. We as agents who choose to advocate for property rights - beginning with the right to self-ownership - also choose to advocate for consequences for trespass. And these two concepts go hand in hand - they can not be separated on pain of contradiction of reality.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 9 months ago
    Where the freedom of the people is concerned it is wise to be suspicious and judicious where one wishes to enjoy those freedoms also. Regardless whether a country be free or not one must always assess the matters of immigration until the day comes that Everyone in the world has the manner to knock on your neighbors door and ask to come in, all ascending and ascribing to the same values, the same principals can we have open borders. A common language is part of this too.
    We might never achieve this goal until those that divided us and confounded our language, our history, our education and health have vanquished their hold upon us since the fall of Babylon.
    Mankind exhibited a penchant to cooperate with those outside the family unit, once acquainted had mutuality with one another until that fated day when the rulers of Babylon discovered these things about us, they feared that Nothing would be impossible unto us and they, the rulers, would become irrelevant and perish because they could not create value for themselves. This is the paradigm we have lived in since,
    This is why our rulers or more precisely, those that rule our rulers feel the more the better; irrespective of how we communicate, how we get along and to what principles guide us.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 9 months ago
    at some point the discussion of immigration will end without a logical conclusion because the people we the people have chosen to solve the problem will not, regardless of the input from people like us who are trying to offer some semblance of sense to the problem. Those who are employed by the government for short periods of time like the president or the congressmen will as they say in d.c. kick the can down the road for the next person or group to consider what could be an appropriate fix.
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  • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 9 months ago
    Freedom is a moral principle that applies to all people. Crossing a border does not change this, if you are for freedom. I disagree with this article completely.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 9 months ago
      Freedom to travel is at odds with property rights. If you own property, then you have the right to say who can trespass on it. Every inch of the planet is owned by someone.

      You deny governments the right to control property and the access to it, but cede them the rights to enforce contracts and protect your rights. One of the rights to be protected is access to the street in front of your house. The government controls how it is used.

      If not, then someone might build a house there and how would you get out of your driveway?
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      • Posted by 8 years, 9 months ago
        you follow Dale around. why?
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        • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 8 years, 9 months ago
          I'm interested in the issue and have thoughts. I assume that the reason to post discussions is to discuss. The two of you post quite a few comments, it's quite likely that some of them are on issues of interest to me. There are many discussions I don't have any comments on and I don't post. Let's not get paranoid here.
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