GULCH LOCAL: Members within 25 miles of San Antonio, TX 78232, USA

Posted by BrettRocketSci 8 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: Local
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Howdy folks! I'm relatively new to the online Gulch here. Also relatively new to San Antonio--I've been here almost 2 years and live on the north side with my family. Long time Objectivist. I'm a serial leader and organizer of groups, projects, and movements. I'm also an engineer, music composer, project manager, and entrepreneur (not in that order). So I want to introduce myself to you all and connect all of us to each other. And ask, what's up with y'all? Who's up for doing some capitalism or philosophizing or other stuff together around here?! Please reply back to all and give us a brief intro and situation report! Thanks! Brett

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  • Posted by cowboynuclear 8 years, 11 months ago
    Nice to meet you. I'm not new, but don't dip my toe in as often as I probably ought. :-)

    I've been in SAT about 4.5 years, and way on SE side towards Floresville about 3, but work on NE side. I'm a once nuclear engineer, now infosec architect, dog agility competitor, instructor and judge. I've been more on conservative side, until I raised my girls old enough that I could think again, and began to reassert my scientific/rational mind again towards things around me. Really only began to learn what objectivism was relatively recently in life. Honestly didn't even read AS or other Rand works first time until roughly 4.5 years ago.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      Thanks for responding! Great to learn a bit about you. Interesting background and interests you have! If you have ever thought of turning your dog agility efforts into something bigger and more profitable we should talk about that. Would you like some type of local meetup?
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  • Posted by ChasBrey 8 years, 11 months ago
    Music composer you say? I have a couple poems I've written with the purpose of having then put to music.
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      Nice! Thanks for replying here, ChasBrey! Can we call you Charles by any chance?
      I would bet the chances are pretty slim that one of your existing poems would fit with one of my exists songs. But here is my first album for you to get a taste:
      I have more songs that need lyrics, which I've composed in guitar. If you want to share your poems I'll be glad to read them!
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      • Posted by ChasBrey 8 years, 11 months ago
        Yes, Charles works fine.
        We'll have to share email addresses, then you can send you a link.
        My most recent one starts dark but will need a transition from minor to major for resolution
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        • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
          Great. Newbie question on the different levels here. If a Producer sends a direct message to a non-producer, can the 2nd person write back? If not I'm fine providing an email address here in the thread.
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  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 11 months ago
    "Who's up for doing some capitalism?" love it
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    • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
      Hi khalling! Wow, I didn't notice you were on this "target" list! Your stated location doesn't seem close. I don't know your first name and I'm relatively new here, but I know your a big mover and shaker. :-) Do you know of any people or efforts to have offline meetups in the area?
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      • Posted by khalling 8 years, 11 months ago
        no Brett. I am outside the country. all of us see your post. you can call me K, but my name is kaila. I am dale's wife and Kira and Aristo's mother. Atlas Productions took on KIra. This is a great team of high mnded individuals. welcome to the site :)
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        • Posted by 8 years, 11 months ago
          Aha, thanks K. I'll try to keep all of that straight. I love the family unit! I did notice the apparent common last name.
          Thanks for chiming in here too. I'm thrilled to be here and looking forward to making meaningful sh*t happen so we can create the reality we value and love. And help others along who aren't there yet but who have decided to make it so.
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