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  • Posted by khalling 8 years, 9 months ago
    from best-selling independent author Robert Bidinotto -

    "AMAZON DEMANDS A LOT OF ITS EMPLOYEES; some of them can cut it, some of them can't!!!!
    The New York Times investigates, and thousands of words later, THAT is its horrifying verdict about Amazon. Co-written by David Streitfeld -- whom the NYT seems to employ for the sole purpose of writing anti-Amazon screeds on behalf of traditional publishers -- this piece indicates the various demands placed on Amazon's white collar employees. It is a highly stressful environment that demands results from its employees, for sure...not quite like, say, a college faculty lounge or, say, the NYT newsroom. Some employees thrive in this atmosphere and make tons of money (you can find such positive news buried in this avalanche of words). A lot of others don't, and they leave. That's. It. Folks. The sum total of this latest hit job by the NYT. Oh yes -- did I mention that Amazon boss Jeff Bezos just happens to own the NYT's foremost competitor, the Washington Post? That just COULDN'T have anything to do with the Times's non-stop jihad against Amazon and Bezos, now, could it?"
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  • Posted by dukem 8 years, 9 months ago
    I worked in Silicon Valley for many years.

    My first experience was with a traditional command-and-control company that I helped become very successful (this was about 25 to 40 years ago).

    As the revolution enveloped the country, a small group of very smart people started their own company, using the new Silicon Valley model.

    I had a chance to compare both as I worked for both. The second experience was very difficult and very exhilarating and I made a lot of money and experienced things that I never expected to. I felt alive..

    The first company was bought out and is still a traditional company, and the second is now one of the largest and most successful in the nation. Almost everyone wants to work for the second one. Mid level achievers work for the first.

    These are not companies that you likely know, But they exist, are real, and the difference is astounding.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 9 months ago
    The lamestream idiots will attack anything that creates value and demands the best of us.
    Do you think anyone of value were any different in Atlas Shrugged?
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 9 months ago
    Never has the old saw "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen" been more appropriate. Don't like the work ethic, go to work where you can vegetate behind a desk. Ad Astra Per Aspera.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 9 months ago
    I love Amazon for the same reason I love Wal-Mart and McDonald's. They have what I want at good prices. And it's not as though anyone were forced to work there. (I've heard that some of Wal-Mart's Chinese sources may use slave labor, but that's not going to stop because we wish they didn't.)
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    • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
      First of all the amount paid to the Chinese employees is based on their economy not ours - like any other country. No such thing as a direct salary comparison. In Dailen up on the Yellow Sea I saw plenty working in the shipyard. They all had cell phones and so did the people int he streets. Also bicycles.
      On the other hand when the yard engineer decided we needed a couple hundred extra welders for the next day he made one phone call and sure enough next morning 200 more welders.

      Walmart provides jobs for senior citizens who want them and most will tell you they need about 20 or so hours a week to make ends meet AFTER the government ruined their retirement spending power. In that sense they are forced to work past age 70. Both Mickey D and Walmart provide entry level job skills training for younger people. Something robots and unions do not provide. I don't know which is the worst. But I suspect it's unions that only take in as many members as they need for the inflated Davis-Bacon jobs and to hell with the rest of the working class. I've worked enough with unions to know they don't deliver what they promise except to President Guido and Treasurer Luigi.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 9 months ago
    I've only found four areas that need improvement.

    One is the Kindle Program using non English Speaking third world resources as the go to desk for assistance. What Kindle says and does and what they suggest are two different things.

    Second is the difficulty in accessing the order desk or cart at check out when needed. That's probably a sign of high volume so maybe just publish their low volume times BY time zone.

    Third is the advertising standards per item which more often than not exclude basic information on the item itself. I've found that true from the seller and the manufacturer. It ranges from clothing to stainless steel tubing and fittings.

    Fourth ifs finding items. One particular is asking for some specific item in high to low or low to high areas and getting many multiple pages of trash that don't pertain.

    Maybe we do look at things differently. But I don't need ladies unmentionables when I'm looking for the lowest prices in computer hard drives.

    On a positive note. Along with WalMart and the various Dollar Stores it's created a whole new and affordable market place that fits our new and 'enhanced' buying power.

    Which reminds me. A good title for the present government sponsored economy should not be zero sum gained nor Value Added but zero value added .negative sum lost. When is the last time your loss of buying power was reflected accurately in COLA?

    Government should be emulating the ideas of Amazon and WalMart their own have certainly failed.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 9 months ago
    the best groups in which I have worked have had many of the
    characteristics mentioned in this article. . as an engineer with
    several tasks running, in a group of similar folks, the group review
    of the work in progress with each person allowed the others
    to contribute to all tasks. . we left our pride at the door and dug in,,,
    together. . good stuff resulted!!! -- j

    p.s. the same happens when my wife and I make a vacation
    better by team-thinking along the way. . Fun!!!
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