An Objectivist Sense of Resignation

Posted by $ Abaco 8 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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In my conclusion that our nation's sliding over the abyss, and that no political leaders who know enough (or care) to do anything about it will be put into positions of power, I am finding that I'm feeling a sense of "couldn't care less" that eclipses any of my past similar feelings. I'm done watching debates. I don't read articles about candidates. I'm avoiding facebook now that the banter is starting up there. No intention to vote. I flat out don't give a *&%. Anybody else out there have this same feeling? I am seeing a big uptick in threads here about Trump, etc. Do some of my fellow Objectivists still think that we might get a president who could turn this ship around? Or, are you finding yourself hiding in a valley more, getting ready to draw a dollar sign in the sky?

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  • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 10 months ago
    My fervent hope is that we will once again find ourselves in the position our country was in in 1787 -- where there is so much civil unrest that government can't operate, so they have to come back to the people for a new constitution. Hopefully the next one will last longer than this one did, because it will close the loopholes that were used to break this one.
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 10 months ago
    Abaco, I adopted my state of resignation when I read We The Living
    at age 15. . the immense contrast between living and existence,
    operating as a societal slave under others' control, just
    got to me. . I became a kind of geek, devoted to knowledge
    and real producer-values like food, shelter, clothing .......
    yes, the resignation has become more painful along the way.

    as I see it, you have to fight for life every day. . soooooooo many
    want to get a free ride that you have to hold them back
    as best you can, by every action every day. . it's a tough way
    to live, but facing reality beats the alternative!!! -- j
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  • Posted by johnpe1 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    yours is a very valuable observation, William, and I would like
    to propose that, say, if the Ds advance an initiative to require that
    a new iPad be bought for every 4th grader in the nation, to be used
    in their education, then the Rs should advance an initiative that
    public school taxes be made optional, including the cost of iPads,
    allowing for home schooling or private schooling with the tax dollars.

    it might be poorly received by many, until they saw the dichotomy,
    but it would be a real alternative to advancing government
    control and debt. -- j
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 10 months ago
    It is "We the people" that must change and get others to change; and make our votes, (voices) so Overwhelmingly heard it won't make any difference if the 180° opposing side cheats. We have the tools...it's called the internet.
    I understand withholding your emotional investment, it's frustrating, but now is not the time...when the American Dream needs us the most.
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  • Posted by Ibecame 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Sometimes this outline gets a bit confusing. My comments got pushed down quite a bit but I opened this "Reply" to allosaur in answer to his comments. I was expressing that in my opinion things were already to far gone, and that it seems like everyone misses the fact that it is "the People" that allow the government to become what it is. I was suggesting that he (or anyone else reading my comments) put together a plan to adjust for the coming downturn in society. I don't know what that downturn will bring. But part of my plan includes keeping myself appraised of how things are going and trying to figure out how to adapt to the changing times.

    I don't want to be riding the "Comet" while it is being pushed through a tunnel by a "Smoker", to use an analogy.
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  • Posted by term2 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    True but I am tired of politicians hiding, like Hillary is doing. Trump would tell it like he sees it
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  • Posted by DeanStriker 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    In collapse, and with governments out of business, the only "plan" will likely be "none". Folks will be working things out as needed. A plan might be good, but I've been working on that, and have given up on the idea, as it seems always to head for Forcing others. That's the last thing we need!
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Unfortunately, the term National Security is way too broad and is open, not only to interpretation and ultimately abuse such as we are seeing now. That is a catch-all phrase used to grab more power which will not be relinquished anytime soon.
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Well put! In addition, it should be remembered that He (or she) who governs least, governs best!
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  • Posted by fosterj717 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I think we need an objectivist as our candidate! not a crony-capitalist, stealth Democrat or a RINO. Luckily, there are a couple of TP types that come closest to what we need.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 8 years, 10 months ago
    There has been a long concerted effort to bring about, pardon the Carter reference, this malaise and apathy. Its the long orchestrated push that the globalists and the leftists infected on this country to cause Americans to lose all faith and confidence in self governance. Since we are supposed to be "of the people" and "by the people" losing confidence in self begs "who will lead." Combine our open border acceptance, our multi-cultural mindset, our racial unrest (and manufactured bigotry as a result of news),our moral decline, and the vaporization of our national prosperity, any rational mind would have to say "to hell with them all" and go into cruise control mode with blinders on. Their goal is for Americans to gladly welcome foreign laws and global governance, to remove the Constitution or relegate it to a children's fantasy and accept whatever the "knowing" elite determine to be reasonable and fair for everyone - since we can no longer govern ourselves (as evident in the total mess we've made of the country, no).

    I've been writing about this for years..its here, its in the open, and things will hit the fan in my lifetime.

    Suggestion, don't quit, don't stop caring, and do what you can to help restore Constitutional order in the country at every level of government. If we don't its gone, and there is literally no where else to go.
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  • Posted by wiggys 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    you state a "plan" should be put together. so, whose plan wil it be?your's or mine or who else should develop a plan.then who agrees with it? destroying the country has been easy even though it has taken 150/170 years. today the country has basically an uneducated population that is being hand fed and the bulk have no incentive or even understand what that is. yiour initial comments I "grok".
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  • Posted by bsmith51 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Then you'll like the motto of the group, E Clampus Vitus of Yreka, California:
    Credo Quia Absurdum Est = I believe it because it is absurd.
    For deep thinkers, here's a platitude to consider:
    If the dog barketh up the wrong tree and the coyote howleth at the moon, think, then, of the predicament of the goat. (Pot smokers: Heavy, man)
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 8 years, 10 months ago
    I doubt we'll elect the person who will turn the ship in the direction we want, largely because we are in the minority. We may however, do some degree of course correction.

    The best thing is if congress and the president are opposite parties, and neither can run with their agenda, because both are big government. If they disagree, and do less, we keep more freedom.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Very interesting commentary there, tasine. I will check the site. I was talking with a long-time friend of mine at lunch today and expressed to him why I'm still here (he's going to check out Ecuador). I'm here to make money. When they strangle things down where I can't make money I'm gone. And, making money is not easy.
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  • Posted by DeadRight 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Handing down a world view that is closest to the truth is a large part of good parenting. Most don't even bother. They just train their crumb crunchers to be as bad as themselves.
    Under Carter, people did not work and did not eat. Under the odious one, people did not work and they eat. Debt signifies the lack of return of service to their fellow human being. Eating but not producing. "money" is merely a chit that demonstrates you had done something productive for another. That has been pushed aside, temporarily until the debt comes due and they start another war to cover the loss.....
    Love and teach your kids well. Teach them the truth, both the difficult and hard to find truths.
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  • Posted by Ibecame 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I am not sure I understand your question, but in most cases the correct "Objectivist" answer would be "your plan". Assuming you decide you need a plan.
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  • Posted by DeanStriker 8 years, 10 months ago
    Abaco's feelings match mine, except that I've not yet reached the point of "couldn't care less" only because the Global Great Collapse remaining before us is the lone last hope for mankind.

    We saw the last gasp for hope eradicated with Vote2012 when we watched 98% of our voting fellow-men go for the greater evil because there was so little difference between the candidates O or R, neither of which knew enough or cared enough. So the Proponents of Force at last became wholly in charge, voted in by a populace who also saw no alternative to more-of-the-same.

    Governments have always had, and used, it's powers of Force against both their own populace and against all other "nations", and always throughout history governments have Failed, only to be replace by (guess what?) - yet another government! The Collapse will be horrid -- no fun at all, at least all of the Rulers will be Out of Business! Then mankind gets one last chance for human beings to opt out of being Governed, ever again! One last hope for Individual Sovereignty and thus Real Liberty?
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  • Posted by $ splumb 8 years, 10 months ago
    Brother, we've slid. The Abyss is clearly in our rear-view mirror.
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  • Posted by cranedragon 8 years, 10 months ago in reply to this comment.
    California thought the same thing, and elected the Terminator -- who found out that bluster and bravado translate into a big zero when it comes to results. The president has the "bully pulpit" but it's the senators and congresspeople who initiate, carry, and vote in the laws. The president can sign or veto, but ultimately he's not -- that -- powerful, except in foreign policy.
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