Sender47 is In the House: Ask a Question

Posted by khalling 8 years, 10 months ago to Government
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Sender, give us an update. How are you doing? let us know

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 8 years, 10 months ago
    What are the chances of the Military Coup d'etat, and would the people be better or worse off?
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    • Posted by sender47 8 years, 10 months ago
      Very slim, and the coup scenario depend on whom gives it.

      The problem arise of the gov being lenient if not friend, of drug cartels. Although there is few evidence of drugs being produced in Venezuela or at least far from the frontier with Colombia, the fact is that Venezuela has a Prefect geographic position for the distribution of drugs to North and Central America and the Caribbean, and also to Europe,

      And here is where the military come to play, corruption has become almost a lifestyle, many soldier just become one with the desire of being in a place where they can be bribed to pass drugs, (and more recently food).

      So, I think that the probable scenario if a coup happens, is military using it as a mean to blame the higher ranks and and gov (sometimes one and the same), and buy time in the impending social explosion.

      So probably things will not change in this case. Maybe you have seen mentioned in the news at some point about the "Cartel de los Soles"or Cartel of the Suns. In Venezuela Suns are th way to show rank in the military institution. And Diosdado Cabello, a retired mayor I think, president of the National Assembly and part of the attempts of coup directed by Chavez and friends in the 92 is accused of being the leader.

      What chance do I see... a social explosion, and at the same time, and of course maybe something problematic for USA where there are investigations about al this drug story. To be prepared to catch this druglords at the moment taking advantage of the commotion... We will need luck, and help of the international community, that for far too long has being seeing otherway. Kind of a perfect 10 ice skating luck.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 10 months ago
        "The problem arise of the gov being lenient if not friend, of drug cartels. "
        If the US and/or other large countries in the Americas radically decriminalized drugs, so that they were all traded as freely as coffee, would this weaken the current Venezuelan gov't?
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        • Posted by sender47 8 years, 10 months ago
          That would depend in the old questión if decriminalizing drugs would in fact weaken.the drug cartels.

          But if.done then the drug ttraffic.would not be an international problem, and that would.reduce the international crimes.of the gov to human rights violation. Which sadly is less actively persecuted than drugs.And I am shure without some kind of international help or at least pressure even if there is a social explosion it will end in a genocide, and the actual group would maintain the power.

          if anyone try to intervene without somesthing solid as drug traffic, even a genocide, most of the leftist countries, that are a lot in the region, andin other parts.of the world (including russia and china who has a lot of money in here) will say it is aviolarion of sovereignty... imperialism this and that.

          Also the money of drugs do not maintain the gov, it only makes them richer and vulnerable... of oil maintains the gov
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  • Posted by dbhalling 8 years, 10 months ago
    Are you still able pursue you studies? Is there something we should know that is not being reported?
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    • Posted by sender47 8 years, 10 months ago
      I’m ok, my scholarship is enough for me...

      Don’t really know... as I have access to non controlled media of my country y internet, I don’t know what is not being reported for you guys.

      Maybe, the lack of medicines, people is dying, and Im not joking because they cannot have access to medicines, not only cold or flu type of medicines, cancer, AIDS, any type of chronic deceases like epilepsy (People have died from an attack in the middle of the street because they dont have the drugs they need to control it)

      And of course, the fact that line for food are not only getting bigger but also more violent), people have died in lines, be it for a fight, or they were assaulted while waiting etc...
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 8 years, 10 months ago
    Are people in Venezuela able to sell services abroad on freelancing websites? If so, can you spend the Dollars or Euros you earn abroad and/or turn them into Bolivares?
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  • Posted by 8 years, 10 months ago
    what do you know about the situation with the farmers?
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    • Posted by sender47 8 years, 10 months ago
      Most of the have been driven out by the gov ... nationalisations, expropriations, promoted invasions, (Franklin Brito a owner died in a hunger strike in 2010 after fighting for his expropriated land for almost 6 years)

      And the few that remained don’t have easy access to hat they need to run the farm. And then come again the exchange control and the fair price law... The gov tells the price at which you should sell but he is not giving the foreign currency you need to purchase the farm needs, so you need to go to the black market, which makes the costs much higher that the selling price fixated by the gov so... they are better not working.
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