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  • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
    If enough got together, possibly. There is an email address I've heard on the radio "",or something like that. I've clicked on that address, and haven't found much except an ad for bumper stickers, and my present bicycle doesn't have much in the way of fenders for the wheels; still, there is some such attitude out there. Perhaps we can take advantage of it.
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  • Posted by BrettRocketSci 9 years ago
    Hi LibertyBelle. I could ask you what their evidence and justification was...did you think of that? We should dive into the principles here. But I'm sensing there is a different, more important question you are trying to get at. What can you say?
    As a practical matter, it's damn near impossible to live a life and boycott products from China. One woman and her family did it for a year, then wrote a book about it. You can find it on Amazon. Here's an NPR I terview with her:
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