The Ferengi Rules of Commerce

Posted by $ MikeMarotta 8 years, 11 months ago to Entertainment
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I confronted Armin Shimerman at a trekker con in Livonia, Michigan, in the early 21st century. He said that he had read The Fountainhead in college and was going to revisit the works of Ayn Rand in preparation for the up-coming season.

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  • Posted by woodlema 8 years, 11 months ago
    One of my favorite was the American saying, Charity begins at home.Ferengi:

    Exploitation begins at home. One of my favorite.

    I am forever telling parents when they complain about work that needs done. "That's what kids are for...USE them."
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    • Posted by Timelord 8 years, 11 months ago
      I'm with you, but I run into so many parents whose kids don't have any chores.

      When I was 11 or 12 we moved to a place with over an acre of lawn. I was very quickly shown how to drive the lawn tractor. A woman I work with would fret because her husband injured his wrist very badly and couldn't use his hand at all for many weeks. She had to learn to drive the lawn tractor and it frightened her. I asked why her son, who was a few years older than 11, didn't do the lawn. Nope, too dangerous. He just finished his freshman year of college and he's never mowed the lawn or pulled a weed. Baffling!
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      • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
        Silly parents... kids should be trained from diaper age on up that, "if they're really good, Some Day When They're Older, they'll get to use the lawnmower, etc..."
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        • Posted by Timelord 8 years, 10 months ago
          Here's a good example I just thought of. I was at my family's log cabin with my dad, deep in the woods, 45 min from the nearest town.

          I was using a chainsaw that I had purchased that year and when I flipped the switch to turn it off, it kept running. Hmm, do I idle it until it's out of gas? No, I pulled the choke on and it stopped.

          What could cause the problem? Well, to kill a small engine you close a circuit that shorts the spark to the engine block so the plug can't fire. To get to the switch I just had to remove a cowling and viola, a metal contact had slipped out of place. Problem solved based on knowledge my father had shared with me while I helped him work on engines.

          I didn't need the manual, I had knowledge and my eyes. I was able to finish my tree work instead of paying a shop to fix a 5 minute problem. And, more importantly, I addressed a serious problem myself where the nearest civilization was 45 mins away - and cell coverage is unreliable.

          That particular situation wasn't life threatening, but it could have been. So how is having your son or daughter mow the lawn going to save their life someday? Easy, when the lawnmower or garden tractor breaks down, you'll teach them how to fix it. And when they're broken down in the middle of nowhere maybe what they learned by mowing the lawn will save their life.
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          • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
            Tl... my example was meant to be an ironic/humorous way to get kids to do things they might not otherwise be interested in doing by playing reverse psychology on 'em. Manipulative but effective, and gets them some exercise they probably need and some spending cash they'd probably appreciate, but with less nagging to get them to do it...

            All theoretical... I've never had or raised a kid of my own.

            It also has to do with imagination and thinking ability. Some decades ago, I picked up my Ford Taurus at the dealership after hours on a Saturday and immediately knew I had a problem: Something in the ignition interlock went "snap" and the key turned freely. I called AAA for a tow, but canceled before they arrived when I realized that the remote starter I'd had installed would let me start the car!

            Drove home and discovered that the remote starter didn't include a remote "stopper."

            Figured out that popping the hood and pulling the ignition fuse out of the fuse block would work, so now I could park the car AND restart it to take it back to the dealer.

            Turns out that was one common failure in those Tauruses. Next car for me was a Prius. Nothing in there that I can fix, adjust or change, so I had to settle for adding a towing package with wiring harness and some side-marker lights that Toyota didn't think were a benefit on the '04 models. If I can figure out their obscure circuit wiring diagrams, I'd still like to work some front running lights into the car, too, but I may replace it with a newer model before I can do that mod.

            I like my skills! And abilities!
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            • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago
              See my comments here about the Michigan State Numismatic Society and the American Numismatic Association. They acculturate young people to be dealers and if not that then at least savvy about buying and selling as collectors.
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            • Posted by Timelord 8 years, 10 months ago
              A childhood friend owns a body shop. He says the hybrid and electric cars are incredibly dangerous to work on. He took special training to do it but the other mechanics weren't allowed near those cars. Last time I looked in the repair bay of a Toyota dealership I saw a big, bright yellow box painted on the floor. Around that was a bigger box and there were bright yellow lines filling in. This was the area where Priuses were worked on.
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              • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
                There's a LOT of energy stored in the propulsion battery of a Prius, so some of those warnings are OSHA related, and for good reason.

                Of course, dropping a wrench across the terminals of a healthy 12v car battery can cause an explosion of acid that can maim or kill you, too.

                I describe hybrids like the Prius as "a computer with four wheels." Five, if you count the spare tire, and six if you count the one you can grab from the driver's seat.

                After that, it's a computer. Fact: there is NO direct mechanical connection from the 'gas pedal' to any part of the engine. A Hall-Effect magnetic sensor tied to the pedal sends a position signal to the computer(s) and it/they decide whether to start/run the gas engine, suck electric power from the propulsion battery or some combination of each... or neither.

                In our Prius V, when the cruise control is set, if you go down a hill, it switches to an energy-recapture mode to actually keep the car from increasing its speed down the hill... it STILL tries to maintain the cruise speed by pumping a bit more electricity back into the drive batteries!

                With electronic ignition, electrically-driven water pump and power steering, virtually all of the maintenance has been designed out of the power train!

                Simple? NO! Complex? Definitely! Easy? You betcha... in '04, my Prius was one of the only models on the road with a single "Start/On" button and no 'ignition switch.' In fact, the car senses if I have the key fob in my pocket to unlock the doors or 'boot' the computers! When I rent a 'normal' car, I have to remember to take the keys out of my pocket to unlock or start the car! How many makes and models use a "Start" button today... Many!

                Such is life. The fist cars were VERY 'simple' but not 'easy' at all. Today, the opposite is true.

                Ignition points? Gone. Distributors? Rare. Spark plugs? Last 100k miles or so before you need to think of cleaning or replacing.

                And I still pine away for my '69 Corvette, where I could do ALL those things to the car and Had To, let alone remove, adjust and replace the carburetor before the engine block cooled off.

                Such is life.
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        • Posted by Timelord 8 years, 10 months ago
          I never implied anything like what you wrote. Parents shouldn't assign worth to a child based on manual labor. But kids who never helped around the house end up not knowing how to do anything.

          It doesn't benefit a child to send him into the world armed only with book knowledge. Additionally, these kids are often self centered and never learned to communicate.

          I keep meeting kids who don't know where their parents work, or don't know what their jobs are. Those details aren't necessarily critical knowledge, but lacking them speaks volumes about how much and what kind of attention they're getting at home.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago
            We do have "bring your kid to work" days, but that comes with attendant risks that many companies prefer not to assume, and rightfully so. Note, however, that General Motors plants did this for decades and never lost a family member.

            Also, so many jobs are of such high conceptual levels that explaining them could be difficult. Office work - especially on a computer - is largely intangible.

            That said, I do agree with your main point. Our daughter knew what we did over the years. My wife was a waitress. I drove a cab. Then, we programmed computers. When I was writing freelance, I sometimes took her to interviews with me - as a child of 10, not an infant, of course.

            As much as I agree that hands-on learning is important to the fully rounded individual, it remains that in our society, being able to play a musical instrument is probably as important as knowing how to fix your car. Some people object to rewarding kids for school work, but I believe that it can be important to shaping values.
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            • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
              It's a bit of a philosophical view, but I support the idea of making it VERY clear to all kids that they're NOT going to school to get good grades for their parents, teachers or friends!

              ps.. when it comes to playing a musical instrument OR 'fixing your own car,' neither one should be counted on to support you and a family as a career. They're great additions and contributions to one's life, and can be wonderfully rewarding, but it's still a good idea to factor in Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, too, and what you can do to supply them for yourself! :)
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      • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
        What is more baffling is that this same woman will claim that she loves her son. She obviously doesn't love him enough to teach him work ethic or how not to be afraid of getting one's hands dirty doing honest work. None of my children are so deprived.
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        • Posted by Timelord 8 years, 11 months ago
          She's Chinese, the work ethic was in study, piano and tennis. Those things are nice but if he has no idea how to do practical things then he'll be at the mercy of every two-bit hustler who spots an easy mark!

          I'm no mechanic but I rebuilt a V8 from a 55 Chevy wagon when I was a teenager. My dad was a good mechanic until the introduction of the emissions controls amd fancy electronics in the 70's. Now when I go to a repair shop they know it'll be hard to rip me off. The same thing goes for home repair, basic plumbing and basic electrical.
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          • Posted by $ 8 years, 11 months ago
            That speaks to something else about the Ferengi and Americans. In the Deep Space Nine series, we learn that Quark's brother, Rom, is talented at mechanics: he fixes things that break at the bar. His son, Nog, becomes something an apprentice to Chief O'Brien before gaining admission to Starfleet Academy. Long ago, I read somewhere that during one or two wars German pilots could not tell their mechanics what was wrong with an aircraft, but Americans could. The European model (including British) was officers to be from the upper classes. They never got their hands dirty.

            I reviewed a book here, She's Such a Geek! ( In one of the stories, a researcher from India had to wait for a technician to fix anything in the lab because she never had any mechanical experience growing up. In her case, it was a matter of money: though her father was a highly-placed government employee, his salary did not allow the family to own a car.

            That said, I suffered the same fate. Growing up, both home and school told me that I did not need to take shop classes in school. Thirty years later, I was writing the mechanical maintenance manual for a six-axis robot. It took me two years.
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            • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
              I grew up with 'the knack'... see YouTube and Dilbert for the cartoon clip...

              I was lousy in middle school shop... no creative skills, lousy self confidence.

              But by high school, I was on the academic track, so shop classes were hard to even sign up for, but an EE rented mom's upstairs apartment and we hung out together for years and my science and mechanical curiosity blossomed. We routinely worked on his car, doing brake shoe changes and things like that.

              By the time I was out of college, I could figure out how damned near any mechanical thing worked, and often still can. I've got two friends with higher IQ's that can't figure out things that are intuitively obvious to me.

              I started wood-turning as a hobby about three or four years ago and now my artistic skills are coming out, too. It just took me one hell of a long time to let them out!

              And some time ago I realized that I could explain how virtually any and every part of an automobile worked, and why... bumper to bumper and virtually all subsystems. I like me!
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              • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago
                I understand and agree. I cited the example of my having to write a manual for the tear down and rebuild of a six-axis robot, I have acquired some skills when the environment was right, as, again, my keeping our Pinto running for another 100,000 miles. (plusaf wrote: "I was lousy in middle school shop... no creative skills, lousy self confidence.") That said, though, I agree with Timelord's observations about painting. For me, it is music. (I can tell a clarinet from a timpani, of course, but cannot hear C from D: too close. So, we all have our limitations.)
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                • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
                  I always fail tests for 'match the notes' in places like the Smithsonian, but I can tell when something is off pitch. I've got a grand-daughter with perfect pitch and none of her genes came from me. I've got a grandson who may go to Julliard on French Horn scholarships (plus excellent grades in everything else), yet one of my goals in life is to wean him from the liberal/Democrat influences of his parents! He loves the Socratic Method and we discuss issues and questions he brings up for hours on end. He's wonderful! Whatever your gift is, share it!
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                  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago
                    Tests with twins separated at birth indicate that music is learned not inherited. That being so (perhaps), it seems that pitch is inherited. But, largely, I just don't know.
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                    • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
                      That's funny... as if twins separated at birth could constitute 'proof' that music [ability?] is learned, not inherited... :)
                      My point included 'perfect pitch,' too. What kind of study or experiment could prove there is or isn't some migrant chromosome or gene that carries 'perfect pitch' OR 'musical ability' and that, since even "identical twins" aren't 'identical,' ....
                      oh, whatever...
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                      • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago
                        It is easy to scoff at work you do not know. Broadly speaking, we tend to accept the academic credentials of people we agree with, and denigrate the credentials of those who disagree with us.

                        The Minnesota Twins Project is well known and well respected and has stood the test of time.
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                        • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
                          Insult noted; thanks.
                          I enjoy the Socratic Method of asking for more and more clarification until I'm satisfied that the REAL answer has been reached, or 'root cause' whether or not 'authorities agree' or 'the answer has stood the test of time.' It helps me find real reality and avoid cult-like groups.

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              • Posted by Timelord 8 years, 10 months ago
                A knack more people wish they had! I always scored in the 99th percentile for spatial/mechanical aptitude when I was young. I'm far from a Mr. Fixit but I do pretty well when looking at stuff that doesn't work right and figuring it out.

                As for artistic ability, I don't seem to have any. My mom is a portrait sculptor, gives lessons in Florida. My brother is a talented film and TV makeup artist, one who actually has work! He's in demand for his seminar on how to apply bald caps properly, so they don't show. I can paint a wall, as long as it's only one color! I see colors perfectly yet I can't tell if two articles of clothing go together.

                Anecdote: A friend of mine who fixes stuff pulled over and grabbed a new looking lawn mower that had been left for bulky pickup. He took it home; it was empty so he put in some gas and pulled to see if it would start.

                Second pull, ran like new, apparently not a single thing wrong with it.
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                • Posted by plusaf 8 years, 10 months ago
                  He's got a 'knack'... While I couldn't create anything artistic in fifth grade shop, after just a few years and a few lessons and a lot of hours at the lathe, I've made some really pretty items...
                  See for examples, especially the "Featured Items" link.

                  You may have artistic and creative knacks that you just haven't uncovered yet. I started turning about four years ago at age 56 or so!
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago
      As I explain in this thread elsewhere, we were fortunate in that the coin clubs ("numismatic societies") that we belonged to encouraged young people to work for wages and to negotiate their own pay.
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      • Posted by woodlema 8 years, 10 months ago
        My wife has traveled extensively around the world, me not so much, but I have a lot of friends who were born and raised in other countries.

        They always tell me that Americans have no clue how to negotiate because they rarely do or have to.

        Negotiation for everything is a way of life in almost every other country in the world except here.

        I have always commanded a higher salary than my co-workers for only one reason. I negotiate everything, and almost always.

        My wife loves to negotiate, as do I. So much fun to go into a normal retail store and negotiate extras or lower prices for something.

        8 years ago my wife negotiated from Sam's club on a scratch and dent Plasma TV ($1,850 retails) down to $525.00 if we bought the 3 yr service contract, which she also got 50% off their retail price on. Out the door for the TV, $685.00. Only thing wrong with it was scratch on the back and no remote control, which was taken care of anyhow by my Cable Company universal remote.
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  • Posted by Riftsrunner 8 years, 11 months ago
    I always had a problem with the Star Trek future. They had replicator technology and the ability to create unlimited (for their use at least) energy. And they handed out replicators like they were pretty common pieces of equipment as each time we encounter a new colony of settlers seemed to get one. So here we have a piece of technology that can take energy and make it into whatever non-living item you could want (as long as its pattern is known). This literally destroys any economy as they would no longer need to be services performed anyone. For example, Captain Sisko's father was a restaurantor. Why would we need such a person as we could just take any dish he "created", scan it and save that pattern in the replicator and have that meal whenever we wanted in our homes? (I am operating on the assumption that I could take ordered food home in a doggy bag). This works with artists in other fields as well because there have been numerous examples of using the holodeck and computers to make items to exacting specifications. Now what would stop someone from just making larger and larger replicators to eventually make one large enough to build starships (a computer lock preventing it could easily be circumvented as the numerous times the Enterprise computers were hijacked has shown in the series). At which point the control the Federation exerts goes away, as anyone could create a fleet of ships to go off exploring on their own without Star Fleet interference.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 8 years, 11 months ago
      Yes. The Replicator was not thought out in all of its permutations. There was an episode where Worf's son steals some small item and gets in trouble...How can you steal something when there is replicator technology? "Sure, you can have one, kid! Here: Everybody have one; have ten!"

      The Replicator is excellent, however as a symbol of post affluent technology. It is a nice icon to push to let one pose questions having to do with a world where everyone is affluent and no one has to work.

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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 11 months ago
      The problems with the replicator are pretty much indicative of all fiction. Fiction is a lie and a lie contradicts reality. A consistent lie just has not been found out yet. In Atlas Shrugged, it is hinted that Ragnar's automobile is powered by one of Galt's motors. Except for the electrical generator in the Gulch and the one in Galt's NYC lab nothing else seems to be. (The Gulch has a forge, a tool and die shop, and one farm tractor.) You have to wonder why. But I would not over-analyze it. So, too, with the replicators, which are, in fact, based on the transporter, another technology that was presented inconsistently.

      (I agree with your comments, Riftsrunner, and gave them a Thumbs Up, but just to say…)
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  • Posted by Poplicola 8 years, 11 months ago
    I found the Ferengi to be a Straw Man caricature of Capitalism offered by socialist Trek writers to discredit free market thinking with Rules of Acquistion like "Employees are rungs on the ladder of success... never hesitate to step on them." and "Treat people in your debt like family... exploit them." designed to install a visceral resentment of those engaged in commerce.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 8 years, 11 months ago
      However, the caricature backfired, as fans quickly took a liking to the Ferengi. Writers recognize what makes a series popular, and gave the Ferengi characters depth. In the end, the Ferengi were regarded as the "lovable scoundrels" that Americans regard with affection.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 8 years, 11 months ago
      That's funny, my Jewish friends all felt the Ferengi were aimed at them. But none of the politicians I know figured out that they were aimed at them.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 11 months ago
      You are right about the Star Trek writers. However, as noted the fans pushed the show, and many of them were us. Armin Shimerman brushed up on his Ayn Rand and played in Atlas Shrugged. As I pointed out in the original post, in the episode: "It comes out in The Siege of AR 558 (Deep Space Nine), that planet Ferengeran never knew imperialism, racism, or slavery."

      BTW: I know a business owner who hires family just for that reason. Real employees would not put up with it.
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    • Posted by strugatsky 8 years, 11 months ago
      The socialist hypocrites are only too happy to smear others while cashing in on worn out shows like Star Trek that have nothing new to offer except for milking the audience.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 11 months ago
        Now, I will contest 'worn out". Trek is a huge going concern on YouTube with fan based material by the metric butt ton. However, if you go look up "Prelude to Axanar" and spend 20 minutes, you will see what 80K of crowdfunding can produce. Then scoot on over to Indiegogo and check out the fundraiser there, where they are trying to put together 1.3 million to make the 90 minute movie "Axanar". It is an excellent model for what self starting producers can accomplish when the bloated movie mogul management is removed and committed people with a vision of their goals step up. I have contributed to both and am very happy with their work. In fact, not much social commentary, but a lot of starship battles in glorious HD.
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      • Posted by $ 8 years, 11 months ago
        There is nothing new under the sun. All fiction is a twice-told tale. As for the milking of the audience, Ludwig von Mises pointed out the entendre in The Anti-Capitalist Mentality. First, writers of popular detective stories "rip the lid off high society." When millions of books are sold, intellectuals - themselves no fans of the wealthy - complain that ignorant masses make hack writers rich.

        The market is always right, and always amoral.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 11 months ago
    You may not have noticed but Mr. Shimmerman made an appearance in Atlas 2.
    If only other species could be made tranquil by stroking their ears.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 11 months ago
    Mike, I liked the Ferengi, only because of their audacity and total dedication to their own gains. It seemed they were rather unbalanced in the way they were handled, and a lot of liberties were taken by different writers who twisted some of their original form. There are 3 YouTube videos on Star Trek Inconsistencies, which I find funny as all out. In the 2nd one they go over the whole Ferengie creation issue, as in a TNG episode, they run into them for "the first time" then supposedly 200 years earlier on Enterprise, Capt Archer runs into them, claiming they had found their "first dangerous species". String it altogether and have Picard saying "Why wasn't I told" was pretty funny.
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    • Posted by $ 8 years, 11 months ago
      At that Trekker con in Livonia, Shimerman said that he worked to change the Ferengi, calling their first appearance "capering chipmunks." Looking ahead to what was then the coming season (mid-1990s), he said that the Ferengi were going to become "a force to be reckoned with." The episode "Profit and Loss" was modeled on Casablanca.

      The Enterprise series created a lot of inconsistencies with the history of the future, but was not alone in that. The DS-9 episode "Trials and Tribble-ations" attempted to reconcile the Klingons of the original series with the ones we now know. I believe that another ST:NG or DS-9 also involved massively inoculating the Klingons with a genetic agent to protect them from a plague…

      The problem is the medium. Television is produced on a tight schedule. But even books have their problems. My wife proofread about a hundred for Bantam-Doubleday, an one award-winning writer reintroduced a dead guy in the middle of a scene. The author fixed that. The thing is, though, if directors "fix" things, then we have George Lucas constantly re-writing Star Wars. The first Jabba the Hut was a human.
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 8 years, 11 months ago
        Well, Shimerman did an excellent job in character creation, and he is one of my favorites. I think the episode you refer to was one from Enterprise, that had the genetically enhanced children mixed in the the plague thing.
        You do have a good point about the television cycle. Good shows seem to engage the writers before they get to shooting season, but some excellent shows (B5 for example) had MS writing scripts only a week ahead, but he had a gift for keeping the story intact. B5 was one of the best laid out Arc I have ever seen.
        If you have not yet done so, go check out Prelude To Axanar on You Tube, and then the Axanar page, they have done a superb job in production and management. I think Axanar will end up on par with some of the mainstream movies in Trek Lore.
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  • Posted by $ 8 years, 10 months ago
    My daughter contributed props to Atlas Shrugged III. She works as a bartender and is saving to buy her own bar. When she was about 11, I got into numismatics - what most people call "coin collecting" is the art and science that studies the forms and uses of money. A dealer I knew with two kids of his own called me up and asked if Selene was available to work a convention. The Michigan State Numismatic Society and the ANA both have strong Young Numismatist programs. In addition to book knowledge about coins and other forms of money, they encourage the kids to work as pages at conventions.

    Dealers do not like to leave their tables, even to eat. Also, the convention venue hotels do not allow outside food. So, the kids run orders to the restaurants - snacks, light foods, or whole dinners. The dealers are tuned in to the process of course. They have been doing this for years. If the kid does not strike a deal before she runs, she might not get paid at all. "Thanks," the dealer says, and turns away to eat: no money. So, they learn. They also learn that no two deals are the same.

    My daughter did that for five conventions. When she graduated from high school, she worked a year for a telemarketer, saved her money and moved to Miami, and never looked back. She tried college twice. It just held no lasting attraction. Right now, she is managing the reconstruction of a bar. They bought the neighboring space, got the permits, got the contractors, and the rest is in her lap.

    And I cannot take credit. It was all her. One time, I was sorting Mercury Dimes and on the 2x2 for a 21-D, I wrote, "1 million. Rare." She said, "Dad, nothing with a million known is rare."
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