WebCraft Worldwide Initiative 2013 - Improving Income & Employment Opportunities Globally

Posted by WebCrafter 11 years, 5 months ago to Business
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The Internet is the NEW business playing field, WebCraft IS the new game and my mission is to empower the world by sharing the rules of the game.

I first became aware of the whole 'Independent Income' or 'Internet Marketing' industry about five years ago and as a newbie found there was so much to take in. In fact, what I experienced at the time was something often referred to in the industry as 'information overload' or 'information overwhelm'.

You see, like most IM newbies, I suffered from what I call, 'gold-blindness'. I was mesmerized by many of those so-called 'gurus' who convinced me to buy all their 'income solutions' without realizing these solutions were just a small part of a much larger puzzle. In essence, I was trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle without the 'box-lid' picture. I searched everywhere I could think of online but I could not find any 'full overview' information.

A New Skill For A New Century
So I decided to go about creating a 'newbie-friendly' introduction to this industry which would provide a complete overview of what is actually needed to make a web presence successful. I would follow the activities of the 'experts' of online income generation and simplify everything for the benefit of others.

In my mind, this 'introduction' to this industry had to be simple, easy-to-follow and as non-technical as possible. My aim was to provide an overview which would enable the reader to make more informed decisions regarding their acquisition of 'guru-recommended' products and services.

It has been quite a journey for me but I'm now in the process of compiling my research. My overall plan, with the help of others, is to create a book, a forum, a skills bank and a resource center.

The World Is Waiting For A Reprieve
I strongly feel the methods and tools used by experts in Internet Marketing would benefit millions of people the world over (especially during this current climate of global economic uncertainty) but the term Internet Marketing is in itself a barrier for many 'non-technically-minded' individuals who may view this term as either too technical or too high-brow.

I decided to re-brand the term, Internet Marketing, with something I feel captures the essence of all activity related to the purpose of creating income via the Internet but which is less technically intimidating. I call it, WebCraft.

WebCraft: Anyone Can Do This
I've broken down the topic of WebCraft into ten definitive disciplines (or principles) and created an acronym to assist others in remembering each of these disciplines. The acronym is... S.P.E.C.I.A.L.I.T.Y. Each intitial letter represents one of the ten essential areas of concern when attempting to build and maintain a successful and profitable web presence.

[S]etup: Establish a web presence.
[P]romote Widespread Awareness: Get in front of the 'right' crowd.
[E]ngage Your Audience: Create an immediate bond with your site visitors.
[C]onvert: Give visitors multiple reasons to buy - immediately.
[I]ncrease Long-Term Value of Customers: Give customers multiple reasons to buy - repeatedly.
[A]utomate Your Web Presence: Put your online activities on autopilot.
[L]everage Other People: Use the resources, effort, skill and time of others.
[[]Intelligence Gathering: Acquire specialized knowledge from reliable sources.
[T]imescape Mangement: Understand and control the 'metrics' of your web presence.
[Y]ou: Develop a WebCrafter mindset.

I go into each section in more depth. This is to be the structure for the book (WebCraft for Beginners), forum (WebCrafter Forum), skills bank (WebCrafter Network) and the resource center (WebCraft Resources) I intend to build.

Seeking A Goldmine Of Specialists
I have a number of exciting ideas for software both web-based and mobile (I've even attempted to have a prototype built of one of these unfortunately the developer stopped before completion) but because I'm a non-techie I'm currently seeking software developers, programmers, online business experts, authors of Internet business-related publications, etc, who would be willing to joint venture/collaborate with me.

My long-term goal is the share my 'WebCraft' concept. To inspire and empower individuals with little or no technical skills to learn how to use the web to independently increase their income without having to rely upon others.

I'm looking for collaborators who are not in this for the short haul but who are looking to develop a long-term profitable relationship which will benefit not only ourselves and our families but also benefit the millions of individuals desperately seeking financial independence and who are serious about learning new, effective ways of accomplishing this.

Dorian Tallbody
The WebCrafter

Additional: Dorian is not a professional writer but welcomes anyone who is a position to help him get his insights collated and published.

"One day WebCraft will be taught in every school on the planet" - Dorian Tallbody

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