A Thought

Posted by SaltyDog 8 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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With the recent hoopla over Comfederate flags, a thought occurred to me. Some years ago, Mr. Obama didn't wear a U.S. Flag pin in his lapel. He explained the our flag was offensive and a symbol of oppression in some corners of the world. So I'm thinking that since we seem to have entered a new progressive era, why not outlaw ALL state, local and private organization flags? Make the only legal flag in the U.S. the national ensign! And in keeping with liberal sensibilities, we could change the flag to something more benign and non-threatening. How about no symbols at all? Why not just a big, white bedsheet? This would have the added bonus of being the ultimate symbol of the Left in this, our 21st century.

What do y'all think?

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  • Posted by woodlema 8 years, 11 months ago
    First Obama is NOT a Christian, NOR is Obama a patriot in any way. Obama is clearly a Muslim, and in favor of ISIS, and Islam, which can be seen in his actions, because when his lips are moving he is lying.

    Obama's even in his own book implies he wanted to take down America and stop its "imperialism."

    One of my favorite lines in a movie is from one of the Batman Movies. It was said by the Alfred referring to the Joker, and I am 100% convinced Obama is the Joker..

    People do not understand, "Some people just want to watch the world burn....."

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  • Posted by waytodude 8 years, 11 months ago
    I was thinking close to the same. On how the American Flag has no meaning anymore. I love and care about my country but where is the meaning anymore. If you are a minority you rule the majority. If you are looter you rule the hard working. If you don't believe what others believe you are labeled a hater, sued, and jailed. If you don't like the way things are going you can riot and the POTUS gives his blessing. I'm glad my Gulch is setup and ready not sure if I make my own flag will it offend someone. I'm thinking a flag with a $ sign.
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  • Posted by smichael9 8 years, 11 months ago
    Salty Dog,
    A great comment on our apparent willingness to surrender at every turn. Since we're apparently surrendering to Iran, ISIS, China and Russia on a daily basis, it might be the appropriate change to our flag. OK, this is all in jest, since as a child I stood at attention each morning in school and pledged allegiance to that beautiful flag. One of us was selected each week to raise the flag in front of the school. I can still remember how much an honor it was to be chosen for that duty. No white flag for me, I'm still proud of what the stars and stripes once stood for.
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  • Posted by platinumwolf 8 years, 11 months ago
    Flag enthusiasts may not be very happy with that....

    Flags are not pieces of cloth that move in the breeze - they represent something to the people who choose to fly the flag. You could call it patriotism or respect. What matters is that the symbols on the flag represent something, it's just over time that a flag becomes a symbol itself.

    Removing the American flag won't make people in the world remotely happy - it's American actions against them that make the flag a symbol of oppression. Treat the cause, not the symptoms.

    As for making flags illegal, isn't that what oppressive governments do? Removing the freedom of states to display their own individualism isn't going to bring them together.

    As for the Confederate flag, people are not angry about the flag itself - which does have a pretty good design. It's the values behind the flag that make people angry namely slavery. That our states and cities would fly a flag that rallies together under a flag that represents slavery is morally unpalatable. So when they say " Bring down the Confederate flag!", they really mean "Stop disguising the enforcement of slavery as heritage."

    Banning the flag won't do much, a flag can be easily made. Making people realise what that flag stands for is much easier and much more effective at bringing that flag down for good.

    A little history - the reason why flags are so prevalent actually goes back to the time when flags needed to be seen over quite a distance. They were designed to be quite noticeable. We could have used buttons or relics as a banner people rally under - but flags were quite simple to make and very recognisable. Even kids can make them.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 years, 11 months ago
    Immediately after reading SaltyDog's introductory post a rather sarcastic image for a liberal American flag took form in Old Dino's mind.
    Thirteen lemmings follow a Pied Piper who looks like a cartoon Obama to the edge of a cliff.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 11 months ago
    I shutter to, [as you asked, think!] 'America' has never oppressed anyone other than those that oppress...maybe we should of let everyone be taken over and killed. Maybe we should not have fallen for the many false flags that got us involved and the many conspiracies plotted against us and humanity.
    I have a sign [image] I am working on [waiting on the copyrights] maybe it would serve as our new flag. It will be a depiction of a 'bow finger' in action and the words 'Our bow fingers are intact' in the shape of a bow. That should express our sentiments to the rest of the world and those that wish to take us down, very nicely I think.
    What do you'all think?
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    • Posted by Ellen_L 8 years, 11 months ago
      Unfortunately, that is not true. Slavery was allowed though it was opposed from the beginning - Jefferson, Adams and Franklin tried to put something in the Declaration about it but it was cut by the Southern Representatives. Later, a compromise was made to get the Constitution passed.

      Worse was what was done to many native tribes. The one that comes first to mind was the Cherokee in Georgia, but there were others as well. This was the result of the grab for power by various leaders and was widely accepted. The Cherokee was especially bad since they went to courts, won and were still removed illegally by Andrew Jackson. Many died in one of the most shameful parts of our history.

      I know Miss Rand did not agree about the native tribes but perhaps she needed more information; no one knows everything.

      You might make the case that our government is oppressing all of us with taxes, regulation and bad non-objective laws.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
        Start looking in the history section for a series on how poltical party system was formed, explaining the definitions so they make sense, and a the timeline of the pro and anti slavery, segregation and civil rights movements. Posted for reference purposes and not all inclusive In a not shell Ellen L is correct and from there it gets worse. Also an upcoming piece on why blacks vote democrat the party of slavery and why Jew vote Democrat. The two big mysteries of politics.

        Look for 1776 to 2015 The Road to a Single Party System of Government and related as they are posted references. I can tell you it's a chore digging some of this out.l
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  • Posted by broskjold22 8 years, 11 months ago
    Offensive and a symbol of oppression in some corners of the world... That is 100% true! I can totally agree with that part!

    For example, (1) I am sure that ISIS finds our flag offensive. (2) Iran finds it offensive. (3) Soviet Russia found it offensive. (4) Nazi Germany found it offensive.

    But I can totally understand Obama's concern, given that he: (1) passed a trade federation bill that could lead to something similar to OPEC, (2) allows an inimical nation to pursue nuclear enrichment, (3a) established socialized medicine in his term, (3a) opened diplomatic relations with a communist state, (4a) used popular movements to promote an extremist agenda, and (4b) and believes himself to be a Robin Hood and a hero of the greatest stature for being brave enough to be a coward. Remember what Ayn Rand said about that?

    The truth is, Obama and the new left will loose, just as all who hold explicitly false principles do. He will go down in history as the president who sided against American individualism, and we all know that. His "moral sacrifice," or whatever terminology he may choose in attempting to legitimize or sanction his actions, will basically be remembered as, well, the sacrifice of morals themselves.

    To paraphrase Ayn Rand: There are those who are right, those who are wrong, and those who are evil. The right being right, the wrong being wrong, and the evil seeking the middle of the road moral compromise between the two.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago
    Flags serve to identify groups and locations as they move or change..The most successful units never allow their location nor their route of travel to be observed and are adept at using those of another side as hide in the open camouflage. camouflage depends on the locale. What is appropriate in woods or desert is out of place elsewhere just as are tuxedos in a fast food joint. Unless it's prom night. consider how well obeyme or hillarious would do if they weren't false flagged. The modern Republican Party is much the same way. False Flagged. just like their buddies on the other side of the aisle.
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 8 years, 11 months ago
    I found it odd that people jumped upon the "blame the flag" bandwagon when in fact it was a person (insane at that) who performed this horrible act.
    No piece of fabric, however designed, could possibly have anything to do with human actions.
    I found the need to use a flag as a scapegoat to be particularly bizarre.
    I view that strange action as utter dishonesty and a hallmark of the unraveling of our culture.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 8 years, 11 months ago
    I think all this attention to symbols and identity icons is very detrimental to individual freedom. Flags have their use and place, but I think we overdo it. People are still flying Vietnam POW/MIA flags after nearly 50 years.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 8 years, 11 months ago
    The white flag of surrender. It can be accompanied by; We humbly apologize for our misdeeds in leading civilization out of oppression and into prosperity. We now understand that every accomplishment was used to make a certain class of people rich while causing others to be not-so-rich. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 8 years, 11 months ago
    Lol. +1.

    For real, though, I agree with platinumwolf. Flags are symbols of what some particular group stands for. Those who wish to distance themselves from the flag of the United States of America are those who want to distance themselves from the values and heritage of this nation because they no longer seek to be represented by the values in that flag. And I encourage those who do not want to be proud of this nation, it's Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution to divest themselves of it.
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  • Posted by jimslag 8 years, 11 months ago
    No, they already surrendered and they did not need the white flag. Just look at TPP and the other one with Europe (I don't know that acronym). They are shipping our jobs and rights out the window. Is it to soon to kill them to right the ship? Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum (Latin - If you Want Peace, Prepare for War).
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  • Posted by radical 8 years, 11 months ago
    On July 4th I will fly my 3' by 5' Betsy Ross flag. Most will wonder what country it represents, revealing just how uninformed and stupid so many Americans are.
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