Doing Business - A Better Way? (2)

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 11 months ago to Business
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Business and Employers and Government follows a mold going back to the dark ages with little improvement. The old system retains both the adversarial role of employees and employers in some cases the remains of chattel slavery under other names.

Under the proposed structure all the employees from janitor too CEO and the local townspeople set up an Employees Association which also owns a separate corporation on their own. It was simply a matter of realizing that all of us are the means of production. Take away one part and it's a unworkable. Work together with due respect for everyone else it's an economic power house. The goal is pride of ownership each employee owning a piece of the pie and taking their annual or monthly slices in the form of wages, benefits, or dividends. To do that the Employer realizes happy employees with a stake in the game are harder workers who pay attention to things like safety in the work place.

This does not subtract from ownership nor make the employees owners unless it's a stock company.

At the same time employees are treated the same as businesses at least while we are saddled with a regressive confiscatory income tax. If a business can deduct cost of business so should an employee whose business is providing a service to the employers.

The employees Association includes everyone but supervisors, managers, and above are not allowed to become Association officers but are represented in meetings.

A very successful operation would offer at the least a First Care facility with ambulance service and if the size of General Motors or similar would have it's own hospitals and probably it's own health insurance.

The next step is including people in the location other than employees to become part of a citizens and employees association. First the support businesses from morning coffee shops to grocery stores and pharmacies and gas stations are a required part of the needs of the corporation. They would not share in the pie as do the employees but would serve to expand the population into a larger pool for health insurance purposes. Risk spreading. Another thread branches off...

The Association having it's own corporation can open up credit unions, fund small business startups, run scholarship funds.

Unlike unions associations tend to be more transparent and honest.


Having created Shangrila how do you keep the looters and moochers out. Like Oregons great medicaid plan which brought thousands of new moochers to the state.

Without tort reform and the ability to buy inexpensive medicines and other forms of government interference. A major roadblock.

A rule stating no funding no mandate needed to forestall government interference. Further the requirement for a hospital or clinic to provide medical or othere services regardless of ability to pay (the current system) or to provide to illegals made billable to or through the government level that promulgated the law. In the case of illegals government bills the home country or just subtracts the amount due as import duties or subtacts from foreign aid along with court costs, confinement costs, and any other costs. Which leads to another discussion entirely... a thread for later.

To do something like the above would require massive cultural changes.

Business owners that rate their employees high in value.

Second employees that reciprocate.

Third government interference minimized or done away with EXCEPT for protection of both the business and the employees against all enemies domestic and setting of standards in certain common areas. Weights, Measurements to intentional false advertising or other practices.

As for those who wish to be truly independent? No requirement to be a member. Nor for services to be provided without charge.

I suspect even with a change from income tax to end user consumption tax the idea will remain an idea - barring a massive cultural change in a nation with no culture.

The term means of production was used up front. The proper meaning is ALL who work to produce some goods or some service are the means of production. Without which no machinery can produce anything - including a hamburger.

(Much more to the explanation obviously but the restraints of space require bare bones.)

I can't remember where this came from but it was from a discussion on unfettered laissez faire nous capitalism if that ever came to pass. So far it hasn't. Ran across it again in an old file from probably the early nineties. Thought I would share without comment. Somebody must have run into this before so...

Yes, No, improvements, embellishments, bucket with holes, repairable holes?

Your turn.

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