Left Right Center Definitions That Work Part III

Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 8 years, 10 months ago to History
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Difference between Communists and Nazi's - Not much. Nazi's are national socialist labor party fascists who control directly through a modified but unworkable system of economics. Soviet Style Communists are international socialist labor party fascists who control directly through an unworkable system of economics.
Communists Chinese style are the worlds newest Capitalist success story trying to pay for their Mandarin version of Socialism by admitting that Capitalism is the best way to foot the bill.

All left wing as all are in favor of government over people.

The extremists of the right are Anarchists. Anarchists are at one end of the spectrum, Communists and Nazi's are at the other end. which makes Obeyme's professor buddy the ex Weatherman Terrorists claim to be a Marxist Anarchist suspicious unless he's a bipolar "schizophrenic.

**Left - Government Controls People - includes Republicans, Democrats and Sanders of New Hampshire AKA The Government Party

**Right - People Control Government - as the Source of Power includes Libertarians and a few other partys. A great many disenfranchised, politically homeless and abandoned and Independent voters. Excepting Sanders of New Hampshire

** Center (of the Left) - The point between Republicans the left's right wing and Democrats the left's left wing.

The Center - The Constitution - when it's not ignored.Provides guidance and a method for making legal changes including repeal and replacement of the 14th Amendment. Home of Consent of Governed.

Note: First thing very first thing you look for when any subject comes up - Is it Powers Granted or Not Granted and if Granted at what level of Government. Second thing is determine how many parts of th Constitution touch on the subject matter. For Second Amendment it's the amendment, Article 1 Section 9, and both the 9th and 10th Amendments. .
Political Position of the left and right. Claim to be the party of the people, promote a classless society, and promote civil rights. Minus the northern democrats although they provided some support were the party of slavery, segregation and anti civil right up until Clinton then after claiming to be the party of the people and Civil Rights (We've changed!) then voted for the Patriot Act and it's Bill of 'Rights nullification section.

The Republicans in a nutshell were the antislavery anti segregation party up until the end of the 19th Century then sort of forgot about it finding it's way again after FDR had enlisted the black vote. Had a greater percentage of congressonal member voting for 1965 Civil Rights Act and heavily supported ERA. Then after Reagan inexplicably moved to join the Democrats in forming a single party system and supporting the anti-civil rights Patriot Act.

Using these definitions it is easy to make sense of the nonsensical. The only questions left are whose really in charge and has Barbra finally left the country?

I've found it clears the air and makes the puzzle easy to finish.

*The second great idea was a people, country and government could protect it's neighbor with out conquering it's neighbor. Monroe Doctrine. It was just an idea.

**Left originally stood for the common people and a classless society then adopted the trappings of the monarchy with a ruling class, a bureaucratic or apparatchik class followed by the serfs as cannon fodder,factory fodder and baby factories. The left attacks opponents by looking in the mirror and describing themselves. It's called a Carvillism.

The left is simultaneously Liberal, Socialist using Fascist control methods, Their triumverate invented by Benito M. is Statist, Corporatist and Union Leaders

**The right and the center or the citizens assumed the role and the powers of the old divine right monarchists as the modern source of power (now are you secularists happy?" There position is simply this. Citizens - Country - Government as employees. They also occupy the Çenter.

Example of a left wing fascist. Benita Pelosillyni. Vote for it we'll it explain it later. Also a proponent of adding a tax on a tax through the use of the misnamed VAT value added tax which is a value subtracted tax on top of all the value subtracted taxes embedded along the way from tree chopping to finished cabinetry etc. AKA Wicked Witch of the Left Coast -second fiddling in new production of Wizard of Oz entitled Move Over Dorothy I Want To Kick Toto with - the Wicked Witch of the Left

I've had my fun just remember the most of this is reference material

Left - Government Controls People - AKA The Government Single Party System.

Center - The Constitution - The Handbook of Citizenship for those who gave their consent.

Right - People as The Source of Power Control Government as employees

(next up is finish political party development, The key points that shaped the Democrat and Republican party and which defines why African Americans vote Democratic when they used to vote Republican. I''m working on the same for members of the Jewish Culture and Latinos. All good reasons but in the end it's the same party.

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