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  • Posted by jrberts5 10 years, 5 months ago
    This article and video raises many more questions and concerns for everyone but does answer one question for me. I have been wondering about the actual requirements and workings of a real Galt's Gulch. How would a real capitalist society work? I have considered many issues form roads to courts. I had wondered, given that it would be a free society, about its citizens having contact with their past, families and friends, and basically any and everyone outside of the group. If they are free, this can't be restricted, but I see that freedom as a security risk. I firmly believe that the collectivist/mystic powers that be won't tolerate the existence of such a society of even such a small scale of 50 to 100 people. There is no contradiction here, nor is there a conflict of freedom vs security. If everyone rent's land from one individual, a Midas Mulligan if you will, the owner could simply exclude outside contact as part of his rental agreement. A multitude of owner's is where this issue arises to a greater degree. But I am drifting to far from my point. This video demonstrates that cell phones and computers, and quite possibly their components, can not be brought to Galt's Gulch because the NSA can and is spying on them. All parties involved would need to agree on this before undertaking the project.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 5 months ago
      Interesting thoughts. I think they had this prohibition in the Gulch in AS as well. No contact with anyone outside the Gulch so long as they were in the valley. Hiding even 50-100 people these days would require more though than the "illusion device" that shielded the gulch in the book.

      Just thinking aloud, I'm wondering if the best way is to hide "in plain sight" so to speak. Hugh Akston worked a diner. John Galt could disappear in the train depot at will. I am wondering if somebody could go "under the grid" so to speak. I have this idea that there are whole layers of potentially livable space under some of our cities. Ownership of course would be a problem. But my thought is that it would be pretty difficult to track cell phones and signals and gps under 50-100 feet of urban New York City for example.
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      • Posted by jrberts5 10 years, 5 months ago
        I find your thoughts interesting as well. I am also a fan of hiding in plain sight. Since I lack an illusion device, hiding in plain sight is what it would be even if the community is remote. Your underground suggestion is also something to consider. My first thought was what to do about sunlight for plants but every problem has a solution. Above or below ground scenarios present unique challenges that will need to be addressed to some extent.
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        • Posted by 10 years, 5 months ago
          Sunlamps would be easier than a cloaking device. :)

          Didn't Lex Luthor do that in the original Superman movie? The only question I have about the whole underground thing (ok so maybe not the ONLY question) is, would it be stealing? Presumably one could use magnetic coils to generate electricity in proximity to the underground hi voltage lines with probably very little chance of detection. And while I'm not an electrical engineer, I think technically you would just be using electricity that is otherwise wasted by those lines anyway (not sure though). There is obviously plenty of underground water. The real question to me is would it be a violation of moral principles to be essentially squatting. Let's say you found an abandoned train station 50 feet under ground from a subway 100 years ago that nobody has been in for decades. Technically somebody still owns that land.
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          • Posted by jrberts5 10 years, 5 months ago
            The moral question posed here is a good one but just as importantly points to a fact true in remote surface locations. The majority of anything under any city would most likely be viewed by the government as publicly held, property of public utilities and public transit, etc. Property of the government. Due to the efforts of environmentalists and conservationists, so is a significant portion of the land in the wild in this country. It is closed off to settlement and not just the Rockies. If caught living on it, there would not only be removal but likely imprisonment as well. I view publicly owned property as not really owned by anyone. If, or should I say when, civilization deteriorates enough, it will mostly be up for grabs. Once again, there are challenges but also solutions once one puts their mind to it. I don't advise anyone to steal anything from anyone--property or utilities. If it belongs to an individual, it is stealing and immoral. If it belongs to the government, you become a felon and just make that bulls eye on your back a lot bigger. Anything privately held, should have some price tag on it. We must limit the search to the private sector (or possible pubic property for sale) whatever limits may exist for it.
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